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Everything posted by x2cute2killx

  1. i guess so! one of the people from warhorse responded to my message this morning i guess and thanked me for advice and said they had alot fo the same ideas as well but they had a deadline for release so they released it early (as do alot of game companies because of demand) so it was a little rough around the edges at first but theyve been working on it as time progresses. currently they said so maybe an update or something. i dunno. as i said im not too trippin that its not in this game. i just hope its in the second one. P.S. i also told them it wouldnt be a bad idea to have some of the mod makers do freelance work for them so maybe they might look into it. i hope they do ^-^ just for the mod makers sake
  2. honestly, id rather see all this implemented in KCD2. i actually sent some messages to the KCD team offering them my ideas. these would all be amazing mods. no lie. but theyd be even better game mechanics. i give props to whoever is a G an wants to do this. but my true goal is that i hope Warhorse just hears me out. because this. is what we wanted from the game. at least i did and so far it seems like everyone does as well.
  3. Look, i dont know how to mod KCD. Messed around a little bit back in the day with the creation kit but nothing special. I know a small amount about how code works but again, nothing special. That aside. Most of the mods ive seen for KCD have been changes or fixes or small script changes or enable features, etc. Now i know this isnt the Fallout community or anything like that and i dont know what anyone here is capable of doing or even if this will be read. So im sorry that i cant assist you physically with this. But i can offer ideas. ALOT.... of ideas. Kingdom Come is a great game. And as most games ive played goes: when you mod it, it allows it to be an even greater game. BUT this game also lacks alot of what i feel could have been very well implemented into the game. With how many types of games we have today with the processing power of gods, the engines of fables, and graphics so real your mom thinks your watching a movie THIS GAME has way more potential than we can even imagine. As a gamer whos grew up from games like Morrowind, Oblivion, Two Worlds, Fable, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, i know a good RPG when i see one. and this game has the potential to be one of the greats. and with mods it just needs a little push. and who knows. maybe. theyll even implement it in the next game. So... here is my mod wish list of Kingdom Come: A Whole New Experience Im going to break this up into categories. Each one will be defined by a specific type of mod/mods that could be published. Categories will be bold and underlined whereas sub categories will be bullets and underlined. Alot of them are also named accordingly to things that they could be named. HORSES: Horse Care: Now if any of you have played Red Dead Redemption 2 a game in which i compare this game to drastically for very many similar or 'to be' similar features you know that in RDR2 you have a connection with your horse. For people like me who dont fast travel my horse and me spend ALOT of traveling time together. This means that we have formed a bond between each other. i care for my horse my horse cares for me. Now in RDR2 your horse will get scared of certain things or if you ride it too hard it wont want to run. RDR2 gives you the option then to get off of your horse and feed it an apple to calm it down, or pat it to let it know its okay, brush its hair and groom it to make it feel more like a horse. not just some steed that gets you from point A-B you have no care for and just leave out in the middle of nowhere to be eaten by wolves. Your horse means something to you. and therefore you can take care of it. Potential ideas for a mod like this could go: Having to feed your horse Being able to pat it to keep from running off far after bandits knocking you down off of it or being skittish during storms (if you took that perk) Grooming and bathing your horse and its Tack, it makes no sense that if you get dirty out in the wilds with blood, dirt, and sweat your horse is always just perfectly clean. What about that new Caparison you just bought? Is it just supposed to stay clean for eternity? i think not. Horse disposition: if you feed, bathe, groom your horse regularly then your horse will like you more which could give it a speed boost, or be less skittish in battles or a numerous amount of types of advantages, but if you neglect your horse and treat it as an old bike you dont care about your horse could learn to not like you and not listen to you sometimes throwing you off, or it could get sick if you dont feed it regularly and die then your out 3k groschen and you gotta go get a new bike you wont take care of unless you learn from the first time. renaming your horse. seems simple but can add alot of flavor and immersion to it. Active Horse Mounting: I love how they implemented the whistle system like in witcher and RDR2 but it makes me sad that you cant mount your horse while it runs past you like in RDR2. This would make fighting on horseback after getting thrown off way more immersive seeing as your horse will circle back around and come pick you up while you fend yourself off momentarily. And if you wanted to implement what i said above then only if you groomed and treated your horse correctly it may listen to you in a time of haste. (mod dependency?) Horse Trampling: Look man. Ive played enough games and watched enough movies and know enough common sense to know that horses do not just run directly into people and do NO DAMAGE. If you run full speed at someone with a large heavy beast they are going to get stomped on. thats just facts. It doesnt have to kill enemies i mean i understand that would be kinda OP and it is a video game. But knocking them down, or stun locking them, obviously taking a bit of their health and maybe yours if they swung at you. Mounted Combat: Alright. i love mounted combat in this game. its dope. its hard. and people on the ground can still hurt you. but i do feel its a bit clunky. Alot of the time when i want to shoot an arrow it only allows me to shoot my arrow from the front in like a cone shape. which i find highly inconvient if i want to shoot enemies behind me while running from them, so a fix would be nice. i understand you cannot turn your body in a 360 degree angle but more movement would be nice. i find the only time i really care for combat on horseback is when i use a bow. not being able to lock on to targets from horseback makes it extremely difficult to try and joust them to death with my polearm. or swing at them from the side with my sword or mace. i feel like being able to lock onto a specfic person when you want to go in for a run against them and maybe putting in a time window like the master strike or perfect block could determine if you hit them successfully or not. otherwise you miss. say if you get it in the green it hits but if you get it in the exact time you have a chance to knock them over or something. i also feel like it should work vice versa for someone fighting against you on horseback which i have not seen in my playthrough of the game yet other than in the ride from skalitz to thalmberg. If someone is charging at you, you should be able to lock on to them and have a window where you can perform a perfect block and have a chance to knock them off their horse or damage themMore Common Horses: Speaking of that, Enemies, Wandering knights, carriage drivers, farm owners they should all have or ride horses but i see none of that. It feels alone being the only horse rider who exists aside from radzig and other knights who we only use our horses to travel from point A-B. I mean heck even farmers had work horses. Why do i run into broken carriages on the road with bandits but never find the horses that came along. I mean wouldnt the bandits steal the horse as well? they are worth alot of money and a bandit gang on horses is alot more deadly than a gang on foot. Also i would really like to run into one of these carriage drivers on the road who seem get attacked so often. Maybe even prevent a raid upon them? Horse Racing: need i say more? INNS & Taverns: Immersive food and drink: I, personally think its more immersive to watch your character do things in real time rather than in the menus. Persay if i wanted to eat some food or have a beer at the tavern i wanna feel like im actually there doing it. Otherwise what is the point of sitting down at a table going in my menu and eating some dried food exiting that menu then just sitting there, waiting... for my existential death... NO! I wanna eat food and watch my person eat it. Even if its only while sitting down. sure i dont wanna be bothered with it while im riding somewhere and im annoyed with the fact i have to eat. but thats why theres always o p t i o n s. One of the biggest things that makes a good RPG isnt about all how awesome the game is in general, its all the meaningless stuff you can do to take up your time while your in a really awesome game. Its about options. and i feel the same way with modders. the more options you give the people the more they will like it. Ive had entire mods shy me away because of one thing that i cant configure. rest of the mod is great but i really dont like that 1 thing. and with no way to turn it off you end up not wanting to use it. so please. for the love of the gods dont forget the options. Stuff in a mod like this would include: whenever you eat a food (or several foods that way it doesnt show it each time you eat a new food {could just have all food and drink eaten trigger {x} camera effect whenever menu is exited) it shows your character eating it either in first or 3rd person (could be optional mod file) whenever you exit the menu. whenever you drink beer, wine, water, etc. shows Henry drinking from appropriate container soups and bowls could be eaten from bowl Optional file to be eaten only from sitting position optional file to show always eating from food pot even if not sitting optional file to show henry putting food (or poison) into food pot. - its the little things that makes these games great~ Bets n' Brawls: I love dice in this but it feels like there could have been so much more. Even the 'General Codex' In-Game states: Source: https://kingdomcomedeliverance.gamepedia.com/Entertainment_and_games Any additions of these games would be more than amazing. Even improved AI at dice that could add more variants of players, higher stakes, more chances of getting caught by using cheat dice. or you calling them out on it and starting a tavern brawl. Tournaments at these games. If you followed through with the Horse Combat hell there could even be Jousting tournaments alongside the regular tourneys. And im sure everyone would LOVE that. i know i would. Just more things to do. I feel like when i go to a tavern the only thing i do is ask for a bed or sell stuff then go to sleep. sometimes i play dice when i have the time but i feel thats the only option i have to interact. Games and features this mod could add are: Better AI at dice, More people with loaded dice. Nobles have more money and increase the groschen able to be bet. While as commoners may have less money but more loaded dice or even nobles would have better loaded dice. The more you beat someone the angrier they get prompting them to want to bet higher to win against you. More of a chance to get caught with loaded dice against someone who is not playing with loaded dice which at that point opposing player will accuse you and if you fail to lie will prompt to brawl you. you may choose to accuse someone of using loaded dice which can either be resolved with violence or words. Additions of other games stated in the quote above like: Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Cards, etc. (highly reccomend that you read over the link provided to know where placement of games could be) Tavern Brawls: either singular between you and (x) person where it can be settled between both of you or could go in all out brawl in a tavern in either case will go on until the guard has to come and break it up (unless you knock the person out before the guard does in a singular case.) At which point you can attempt to persuade or bribe them not to put you in jail for the night. The Burgher and the Bandit: I dont see many different types of folks in taverns at all. just peasants and occasionally nobles. ive seen traveling wayfarers In-Game, mercenaries, Traders, all sorts of people. Why dont they stop in at the tavern? Or travel around the city? Even ex-bandits could come through trying to make a new life. Who knows. all i know is that id like to see more of them. Even having more options for traders as well seeing as theres alot of traveling ones. Maybe they could tell you stories of times they had, Or rumors, folktales, anything. could challenge to a brawl, could do a number of things. Maybe you might meet a thief and they ask you to join them in a quest, or you can sell them stolen stuff. As i said before. the more options the more open it feels. things this mod could add are: More variant types of NPCs at taverns and in towns including: Mercenaries, Merchants, Shopkeepers, Traders, Wayfarers. traveling men of god, thieves (disguised), ex-bandits, bandits (disguised), Traveling Knights, etc. Talk to them about various topics (e.g. adventures, rumors, folk tales, etc.) Talking with thieves allows them to access special dialogues and job options as well as selling stolen goods Talking with ex-bandits allows them to reveal hidden bandit camps, brawling, and job options talking with mercenaries allows special dialogue options, duels, special job options Talking with Knights allows special dialogue options (dependent on where Henry is in the story line and what status he is the knights may or may not even speak with him), dueling, archery contests, Horse racing, Jousting. Talking with bandits could allow (with the right amount of persuasion *wink wink*) them to tell you some hidden treasure caches or caves talking with merchants, traders, or shopkeepers allows special dialogue in which you can go and retrieve lost items or have you keep a lookout for valuable items in which they will pay you and you have a higher disposition with them allowing you to get better prices. talking with wayfarers will let them tell you about sites theyve seen and mark things like "interesting sites" or "nests" or "caves" etc. on your map as a way point you can go to then discover More Interesting NPCs: Could easily work with the mod idea above. Just want more to talk about. Listen to peoples stories, Hear their experiences. Even if it is on a farm or something boring. it adds life. flavor. More dialogue. Things of this mod could include: Talking with NPCs dependent on their status them telling you about their daily lives Rumors Folk Tales Buy them drinks or them buying you drinks if they like you Merchants, Shopkeepers and Traders at Taverns you meet and get to know more might give you discounts on items you buy or buy items for more from you. ARMOR & WEAPONS: ohhhhhhhhh you already know i had to go here. Honestly its not that bad. Combat for the most part is effective until late game but theres already alot of mods that cover the difficulty of combat making it alot more fun and stay difficult so i wont hate on it too much. i had other things in mind..... Son Of A Blacksmith: Alright. Henry is the son of a blacksmith. why the hell doesnt he know a ton of blacksmith stuff. He seemed quite confident helping his father in the beginning of the game. nonetheless this isnt about that as much. this more aims towards what the developers could have done with the blacksmithing mechanic. I really like how they implemented the sharpening of your blade. its very immersive and its a wonderful way to not have to pay to get your sword sharpened. Alas, thats all you can do. I would love a minigame where you would temper your armor by hitting it with a hammer at the correct moment kind of like how they did in Fable 3. I would personally rather smith and work on my own armor than pay thousands to the blacksmith to do it for me. you get way more benefits and perks because of it. its gives you way more reasons to go back to towns to fully repair your armor whereas small and regular blacksmith kits will only repair them so much. you can do it for free. or maybe you can pay the blacksmith (x) amount of money to use their equipment or something. Everything costs you know. Features of this mod would include: Tempering your own armor mini game, maybe shows Henry doing different things per piece of equipment but still the same game. Go to the tanner and make a minigame for fixing leather Tailor mini game where you sew things back together Huntsman mini game where you have to put a new string on the bow maybe by pressing (mapped button) a ton of times. Using a whetstone or grindstone minigame for axes, maces, or polearms (if using the polearm mod) go to the stables and use stable hand equipment mini game to fix horse items Use Hides and skins to create leather from the tanner Iron & Stone: a mod that implements crafting into the game (i.e. armors, weapons, arrows, etc.) As the son of a blacksmith working around a forge your entire life you should know how armors and weapons work and see how they are made. Maybe in the beginning you wont know much but as time progresses and you forge more and more you should be able to decipher new techniques and accumulate styles and designs you see from other armors that you pick up and even some of your own design. You could find blueprints for new recipes along your travels for designs you havent made before. Find some in caves and hidden places. Special armor set you can only find through blueprints i mean theres so many possibilities here. Features of this mod would include: Using the blacksmith forge to forge weapons and armor as well as a minigame to make sure you make the armor correctly after aquiring the right types of materials to make said armor or weapon add a wood cutting minigame that allowed you to cut from raw wood and size it correctly to match weapon type then sand down the wood with the grindstone or possibly a sandstone or sandpaper of some sorts so you can create hilts for your weapons or wood for a bow. other weapons and armors can be smelted down for material use. use huntsman minigame (from above) to string your bow therefore finishing the crafting go to tanner and play minigame to add leather (if required) to armor or other needs go to the huntsman and use wood from woodcutting game, feathers that youll be able to buy from huntsman (or find in nests or chicken coops), and a small amount of metal or bone to make arrows with an arrow making minigame blueprints and recipes forging of own custom armor that can grant better abilities add more perks to maintenance skill as well as a new blacksmith skill add decorations and engravings (for later on as your blacksmith skill progresses) allowing you to sell for more money (OPTIONAL) armor dye? For forging armor it doesnt necessarily have to be incredibly hard just fun and another type of way to do it. i can only suggest that trying to make these workbenches id use maybe the alchemy table as a template and work from there seeing as it already has the functionality to heat the fire and a book for recipes as well as being able to put materials from the inventory onto a shelf for use in a recipe. i feel like that could make things way easier. as for other things though i guess you could just skyrim it and use a character working at a table or something and then just make it a menu where you can just make stuff like the tanner and the workbench on skyrim. that would for sure be easier than making an entire minigame out of it but still i like the idea of a minigame alot more. Horse Armor: i know a few mods have already been made but i think it can expand way more. there should be sets of horse armors, player armor sets, and caparisons that all correspond with each other. One for each city obviously and one for all the different types of hoods and such. i honestly want more caparisons. and different saddles with different coiors. or for you to be able to make caparisons with colors you choose. i just want matching things when i stroll into town. ACTIVITIES: Fishing: fishing would be an awesome way to pass the time and a great way to get some food and maybe some money. i saw someone fishing once near uhzhitz. maybe take a mechanic from there or two. it would be awesome to have a little minigame. Guilds: weve already seen a little bit of fight club type stuff in this game so maybe why not make it a real fight club, or a mercenary guild, knights, blacksmiths, traders, alchemists, scribes, etc. you could enroll to be with one and do jobs for them as an apprentice and maybe move up in rank. then as a bonus get a passive ability corresponding with that guild. But to not make you so OP you could limit the guilds your allowed to be in by like 1-3 or something. that way youd choose carefully of who to side with. it even states in the Codex: Source: https://kingdomcomedeliverance.gamepedia.com/Guilds_and_crafts Bards: Real bards. not barding like the mod. Wayfarers who travel across the land reading poems, singing tunes of old and playing the oh famous lute. How i would love to see such awesomeness in kingdom come. to learn to play a lute. sing songs for money, increase disposition overall. play with other bards you meet. tell stories. the wonders would be marvelous. I figured since you had to ride far to learn how to read you could do the same with learning how to play the lute at something like a university for bards. which brings me to the next topic Universities and Schools: I think a school to learn places would be so cool. there could be a library there where you could read books. You could learn advanced alchemy, bard, art, etc. And as it says in the codex there were several universities around. The one in Prague was just the most known Source: https://kingdomcomedeliverance.gamepedia.com/Schools Hunting: You could go and hunt and return hides, meat, etc. back to the huntsman and receive good money for it. Maybe even go on quests to hunt specific rare animals. More areas: Specifically, Prague. Though i wouldnt mind more caves, dungeon like things, mines, expansion areas, etc. A forum i read explains the idea of Prague the same way i would view it. Except they wanted to see it as a DLC, which i wouldnt mind either but i feel like were past that point. Source: https://forum.kingdomcomerpg.com/t/prague-dlc/46288 MISC: Wild Animals: Things like, birds, boars, Elk, Moose, Bears, Wolves things like that could extremely add to the immersiveness of the game. I mean im pretty sure the only thing in the woods werent just bandits. Itd be nice to hunt them too and get hides and meat to use for other mods i listed above -thanks to Simonus18 for this idea Hired Mercenaries: You could prompt to hire mercenaries to help you in your battles for (x) amount of time and (x) amount of groschen. I would say it could be good to add optional limit amount for the mod. To me i dont think running in 20 mercs and you deep is very immersive but people will have their fun. -thanks to LuciusConfucius for this idea Growable Hair: I really like how Witcher 3 implemented this. This was also introduced into RDR2 and i feel like it would be a great addition to this game as well. When you play as Arthur in RDR2 you feel like your character is growing with you as you play because you can tell how long its been since you shaved and how long your hair is growing out. And when you go to get it cut you can shave around and make it look to your style. I dont mind the fact that you play as Henry. i think its important in some games for the hero to have a name. I just wanna feel like its more the Henry i would envision to keep that individuality to it. These are my ideas to make Kingdom Come a better more alive experience. If i have any more ill add to the post. I would really like to see what other people think of these as well as any i should add to the list. Im not an experienced modder. i wouldnt know how hard it would be to add all of these things but if someone was willing to teach me i would have no problem helping. I mainly work with audio so if youd need help with that i have more than enough experience working with that. i also know a few people who know 3D editing a little bit. other than that i dont know what else i have to offer other than that. id love to see someone do something with these. Contact me if anyone decides to do something or they need help. Thank you for reading and i hope you have a nice day.
  4. oh my god thats what ETaC is, is expanded towns and citites i was looking at that earlier as well and was wondering what it was for. i dont have the mod installed i must have added the patch not realizing thats what it was. yeah i didnt really want all the lighting and weather mods but one of my mods i dont remember which said i should install an ENB because it might cause my game to crash with using the mod so i installed RealVision because it seemed to be less on the performance side but in turn required all these other mods unless thats just ENBs in general which really sucks. alright ill look into the patch for ordinator and elemental destruction and okay then the all the spawn creature mods i have may be doing it. that makes sense. i might have to get rid of one or two and see how it runs after that. cool cool thanks see i had no idea for any of this so this helped a lot awesome (:
  5. dank thats awesome thank you so much. i was really hoping i wouldnt have to redownload. its way longer of a process that way as ive already had to experience a few times now. i used to have MO but my old skyrim wouldnt load so i got mad and deleted everything but now ive given skyrim another chance. im really trying to get rid of some mods though because my FPS is dropping substantially and its not even worth it sometimes to play because i have such bad stutter i can hardly move do you think you could take alook at my modlist and see what i could get rid of maybe mods that do the same thing or some that are unneccassary or maybe incompatible?? modlist:
  6. is it possible to transfer all of my mods from NMM to MO without having to redownload every file because if it is i kind of would rather try and use MO but if not i really dont wanna redownload everything it literally took me like an entire 24 hours to get all my mods and it was very annoying. if i have to reinstall all the mods to MO from all the mod files i already have thats fine thats less time consuming but i just want to know if its possible
  7. hmm.. didnt even know that. so i should uninstall some mods then?? im running on low honestly and its still pretty bad./:
  8. yes!! this is nice! its not compatible with what i have but its the right direction. plus theres a list of other khajiit mods on the page awesome thank you
  9. i almost ALWAYS play as a khajiit in skyrim (and a male just so you know -.-) and i know quite a few people who do as well and i literally see like a small modlist for khajiit and argonian mods. Its kind of messed up. Im not a super huge slooty mod fan but i mean id even expect some more for female khajiits and argonians like.... i dont understand. is the modding community racist towards beasts?? i mean khajiit might steal your wears and argonians might assassinate you from underwater but how can you resist that cute cat face?? (cant really say the same for argonians v.v). Like for one there are little to no hair mods for beast races. theres thousands of hairs available for every race (Kijiko Hair, KS Hairdos for example) but they convieniently dont have support for khajiit and argonian (well... argonians dont really have hair but Khajiits do!) and i think thats not cool. i mean if every other race gets special treament but the beasts get tossed out on the curb like they already are in the world of skyrim thats not fair to the other players who want to play as those characters. Body meshes dont fit beast races, armors dont, theres little amount of good khajiit followers. heck theres no option to marry a khajiit in the base game! even though theres a fully functional khajiit caravan and we all know one of them wouldnt mind settling down in a house rather than living in the cold snow of skyrim. i personally think it just takes away from immersion. the khajiits and argonians are both very proud races and well known through the tamrielic lore. so stooping them down to this level is just sad... i would even make the mods myself if i knew a little more about the creation kit (i have alot of basics down and me and someone else are down to work on it if you like this idea just PM me and we can make a team to make this happen) but i dont, and honestly i thought more people would have done it by now. Anyway i think More beast race mods would be ideal and super awesome. just my reccomendation.
  10. so first off i have about 235 mods installed so im not ruling out that it might be a specific mod and i run fine without them all. BUT my modlist works together only for the fact that i have huge stuttering in areas that involve any amount of NPCs. like when im by myself. even with my horsei seem to be fine. runs smooth and flawless. then i run into like 1 bandit and i can hardly even move without it completely stuttering out of control then i die and have restart at my last save because i couldnt even hit the guy i was stuttering so bad. ive tried to install a couple mods to help with FPS but i dont think its fixing the issue just making me have better framerate when not stuttering. i have BethIni and i set it to "poor" which is lower than low and i set my resolution lower and set everything on the skyrim launcher to as low as possible. i dont know why but it seems that every time i launch my game i get really good FPS for like a minute then it all goes downhill. sometimes when i interact with someone or even when i reload the from my last save. so i wonder if me doing something is triggering th FPS drop but i have no clue. i have RealVision ENB (performance) and i have also set up the enblocal.ini with enb boost. my specs are as follows... i have a dual GPU setup so im going to list both but i mainly try and use my NVIDIA AlienWare Intel® Core i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz 64 bit GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M Memory Type: GDDR5 (hynix) Memory Size: 2048MB GPU2: Intel® HD Graphics 4000 Memory Type DDR3 Memory Size: N/A im wondering if it would be better to run skyrim with my other GPU. Ive heard skyrim only utilizes dual core or something like that ive heard having quad core shouldnt matter but ive heard adding an ini line to make it think its using dual core helps stop crashing and boosts FPS. also from what ive looked at so far im wondering if my VRAM is bursting and what i can do to fix that if thats the case. i didnt think skyrim was so demanding and i figured an NVIDIA could handle it. it runs all my other games flawlessly. i dont know maybe im just not doing something right. Any help would be much appreciated and thank you all for being awesome ^-^ Here is also a list of my mods in case you were interested...
  11. thallassa thank you im going to look into this and see if it works
  12. kroeker. no i havent been to soul cairn ive been estarting every time oi play now cuz ove been trying to take out some mods and replace them with moe stable ones but im still getting CTD. i havent really been able to play the game more than an hour without CTD. alternate start is being wierd too it wont let use the "i came to skyrim on a boat" option. i used to crash now it just stays on a black screen. from what i know alternate start doesnt have a lot of compatibility issues but still now too sure because i can start almost any other option and have no problem running the game but then i still only get to play for so long before it crashes randomly. its just really annoying and i dont know where to pinpoint it at.
  13. theres a mod that requires me to use xEdit and Mxpf to apply a TES5edit script and turn it into an esp. it says i have to load my load order into TES5edit then when background loader is finished right click anywhere on the left pane and apply script. then go to the dropdown box until i see "Khajiit Ears Show" click on it. then it say to name the .esp but the thing is, is its a .pas file and there was nothing in the instructions on how to convert it or even where to go to name it can someone help please?? here is the link to the mod EDIT: Never mind i figured it out.. i feel dumb it was super simple
  14. okay so i have about 180 mods installed and i keep CTD randomly. theres nothing ive seen so far thats directly causing it except for when i first started playing but i had a 2k texture pack downoaded and then also had the high resolution packs on as well which i then realized probably isnt a good idea so then when i turned them off it stopped CTD whenever id leave a building. but now itll crash randomly and it kind of sucks cuz im paranoid and have to save constantly cuz i dont know when it will crash. nothing since i removed the texture packs seems to be the direct problem. it can happen at any time as well could be 5 minutes could be an hour. its happened after i talked to someone after i entered a building after i fought some bandits and looted them. ive used LOOT and TES5edit to clean my masters and all the files loot said had ITM's and ive used wrye bash to make a patch and that seemed to help me keep playing a little longer but its still unsettling not knowing what is directly causing this. i come to the forums with my issue and my mod list. hopefully i can get a helping hand and someone might know of either a patch or maybe which mod it is directly. i thought it was maybe because i had too many mods but ive heard of people running stable with up to 300 so i feel like im not going to insane. Any help would be appreciated thank you so much for being awesome nexus community always glad to have you guys to help out. (: I also have a Papyrus log of my most recent game. the link is in the spoiler becauseits too big to put onto this post...
  15. i dont know what to do anymore. i tried getting rd of mods i used wrye bash found all the missing esps used tes5edit cleaned all the masters verified game cache EVERYTHING. and every time i start up my game it just goes to the skyrim logo and then just stays there. i cant continue load save anything. if someone could leaee just hep me with this i literaly dont know what else to do
  16. im stuck on skyrim logo and i dont know what mods is causing it or what to do please help MOD LIST
  17. for one thank you for responding and two yes i mean i cant continue start a new game or load and what is SSE and LE. i have MO and running SKSE but it just wont work can i pur my load order and maybe you8 can help me
  18. my game is stuck on the skyrim logo and ive tried everything to fix it but i cant do i need help
  19. im literally about to give up. ive been at it for days trying to figure out whats wrong and ive done everything i can think of and my skyrim still doesnt work. i run SKSE through mod organizer and the skyrim logo shows upbut no menu just smoke and infinite waiting. ever since i switched from using nexus mod manager to mod organizer i havent even been abe to play skyrim at all. understandably i have a huge mod list and that can be compicated and i really like a lot of feature from mod organizer but it all seems useless if the stupid thing wont even work! i thought it may be one or two specific mods so i went through and tryed dibabling most of them to see if i could root out the problem and when i disabled al my mods skse loaded fine so i started reenabling them slowly and got it cornered to about 30 mods and then i tried it again and now its just not loading again. i just dont know what to do because TES5edit is loading my mod order fine without any stops so if it was a crash issue i would have seen it there. im also pretty new to TES5edit but i managed to clean my masters which i thought would work but didnt. i didnt wanna go too into cleaning every specific mod just in case i didnt know what i was doing and screwed something up along the line. i just need help im at my wits end ive tried this for several days looking up tons of youtube videos and tons of this and tons of that and everything i do isnt working and ive installed everything correctly to my knowledge and i cant figure it. i know your supposed to put in your BOSS or LOOT or something i dont know this is what TES5edit says wheni load al my mods: Heres my Load Order Heres my LOOT content
  20. Oh.. well i knew that i was just testing you aha ^_^ anyways okay ill upload that pretty soon here
  21. my game is heavily modded but i dotn really have any mods that are directly affecting the voice acting. i have khajit speak and the dialougue overhaul but this issue was happening before i installed those and they seem to work perfectly its just nobody wants to say anything. every time i walk into belethors goods though he says welcome and thats the only NPC that says anything but then when i try and talk to him he goes back to being silent im pretty sure ive checked that i have dialouge on but ill check again just to be sure. how do i get my mod list im not sure how cuz this works alot differently than fallout and when your using that you can just get your mod lkist from your custom.ini but skyrim doesnt have one of those from what ive seen so far
  22. All the NPCs are silent only subtitles show up and i dont know whats causing the issue if anyone can help me figure out how to troubleshoot this id be really appreciative. ive went to the ingame menu and all the voices seem fine in there i dont know where the option is so that i can turn it back on or is there a way to see whats causing this its really fstrating not knowing what anyones saying
  23. ve been playing it for awhile now and my game is very heavily modded but for some reason none of the voices are working. i try to spek to someone and the subtitles shwo up but the people are silent. this really makes my game really awkward help please???
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