Ah this is pretty simple then. You can use similar methods to switch out other models. When you load up the Creation Kit, be sure to select Skyrim, Update, and Dawnguard esm as your masters. The Ring of the Beast is DLC1nVampireBloodMagicRingBeast. The Bone Hawk ring is DLC1BoneHawkRing. It helps to have both open so you can see the file names you need to reference. We need to switch out two things. The first is the World Model that is shown while the Ring of the Beast is just lying around; you also see this as the inventory view. Click on the Ring of the Beast in the Object Window. In the new window, change the World Model to DLC1HawkClawRingGO.nif The second is the model that appears on the player. At the bottom section for Models, right click in the window and hit "new." In the filter box, begin typing DLC1HawkRingAA and select it when it appears. After that is done, there should be two models listed: the default model, and the new one you just added. Right click and delete the default model DLC1VampireRing01AA. Save your mod and you should be good to go. Be sure to try this with other things. It's a pretty fun simple mod if you want to do something like give Zephyr a unique model and other such things. (Weapons also need to have their 1st person model changed as well.) Do i need to extract anything? because it will only let me choose from models that seem to have been added from other mods Figured it out, thanks for the help :)