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About iamironman956

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  1. I have done all of that, except he just didnt have any dialogue actions at all
  2. Hey all i decided i wanted to create my own follower to follow me aroound based off of LoL Olaf, a crazy nord running around lightly armoured and dual wielding axes, i only have one problem so far and that is i cant actually get him to follow me, i was wondering how this was done.
  3. Ever wandered into some ones house at 3 in the morning and had the whole family still up chatting away? f*#@ing annoying if you're trying to rob them, as so many quests require you too. So I was wondering if anyone would take the massive amount of time and effort to make people actually sleep at night, I am aware some people already do, but there is still a vast majority that do not, with many of them the targets of quests. This wouldnt have to be done in one hit, maybe just a few important people first such as all of the Jarls and their house guests. Thank you very much to anyone inadvance for even just taking the time to read this.
  4. Thanks for the support, I've nearly got a Spriggan Matron and a Restless Draugr complete now, more to come
  5. I recently made a Draugr Death Lord companion for myself and decided to upload to the nexus, this made me want to add other unusual companions to follow me around in skyrim, post your thoughts and suggestions here! My original mod link Here
  6. I have seen a lot of mods which have an alternate animation set for great-swords that they have added, that makes them act like a battle axe or warhammer, im wondering if this can be done for the vanilla weapons or if it has already been done?
  7. Could someone please help me to add items to a vendors list, im trying to add some new spells to a mod, and i cant find out how to add them to a merchant so they can be brought
  8. ideas for the smuggling ring, you could make it similar to the quest where you have to uproot the skooma dealer in riften, have them operating through a brewery/meadery with a warehouse housing the imported skooma obtained from a caravan that visits a den out side of any major city, you could also incorporate other 'illegal' ideas into the business as well, such as a fight pit, similar to the arena in oblivion, and maybe a tavern as well
  9. Never thought of that to tell you the truth, I might just do that myself then, thank you for the idea.
  10. Hello all and thanks for taking a look. I have just started a new character and thought I would go a big heavy armoured 2 handed monstrosity, however i started to miss my little summoned minions i had on my mage character. So i was wondering if it was possible to create a mod to have a similar casting style to Oblivion where i can have my one spell (Reanimate the dead) that i could cast while not having to swap to and from my 2 hander.
  11. hereis the actual sword that goes with the armour in the game its from 1 h ans 2 h variants
  12. i think variant styles would be easy to manage in game wouldnt they?
  13. and it made into the hot files well done http://imgur.com/a/e83Rl#v5F3M
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