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Everything posted by JetpackAngel

  1. After playing Fallout 4 for a long while, a friend of mine getting Skyrim Remastered made me want to play it again myself. (Ah, such a nice stroll across the plains of Whiterun without worring about freezing to death or being eaten by lions.) But since FO4 spoiled me with having gameplay and house-building in the same .exe, I decided to go back and touch up some of my old mods as well as the personal patches I've made to other people's mods, mostly just adding General Stores activators everywhere. It's taken me a bit to get back into the groove because man, I'm rusty, and still a bit in FO4 mode. (No, I do not need to make a recipe to turn old Nordic burial urns into Ceramic.) One of those patches, I needed to add a bunch of stuff to a FormID list, and since that takes forever in xEdit, I loaded it in the CK just long enough to drag-and-drop it. Lo and behold, however, when I reloaded the patch in xEdit to make it play nice with the Merged Patch, somehow it had dropped that master and left me with a bunch of < Error: Could not be resolved. > Not all the masters, though, just the ones involving the content I messed with, because of course it did. I knew just straight-up adding the master back wouldn't fix it but I felt the need to try. This isn't the first time it's done this, and the CK isn't always involved: I have a patch that changes a bunch of the names of enchantments in various mods to make them organized (Attribute: HMS: Gauldur), but there are some mods that no matter how many times I add them as a master to a patch, it won't keep them, and closing and reloading the patch is all it takes to rip the master off. It doesn't do this with all the mods, just some of them, and I have no idea why. So, is there a script command to force it to aim all those unresolved references back at the master so I don't have to do it manually? And did I forget to do something incredibly basic, which one of you can tell me so it doesn't happen again?
  2. Or I could create a patch in xEdit and set a bunch of my crafting mods as masters, and my patch will alter their workshop keywords to make the recipes appear in different spots. That, I understand. I'm just not sure how to move categories. Like, I want to move (or create an additional category so the same recipes will be in two different places) Do It Yourshelf because Renovated Furniture is DIY compatible, and I've been recategorizing a lot of recipes using SKE's massive keywords list, and moving back and forth between SKE Furniture and vanilla Furniture is literally a pain. I can move individual object recipes, but how do I relocate the DIY submenu?
  3. I'm working on updating all of my mods, but so far I still have the crashies every time I try to work on Bunker Hill. Checking my Papyrus on a new save, pretty much everything in it is Nuka World related. Short version, over 3000 lines in four hours of gameplay--which seems amazingly tame now that I think about it--and nearly all of it is the game freaking out because the Nuka World MQ hasn't started / the radio station isn't playing. (I haven't left Sanctuary yet, I got mad and spawned a lot of building materials to try to get it back to what it was on my previous save.) So I don't know what crawled up Nuka World's keister but apparently it hates me. stack: [DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ? [04/04/2017 - 02:16:34AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2" stack: [DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ? [04/04/2017 - 02:16:34AM] error: Cannot call GetStageDone() on a None object, aborting function call
  4. So... I copy the quest to my plugin. I open the tutorial plugin and my plugin in the CK, and fill the properties in the... quest? I create a new, renamed copy of the script in my data files after I modify it in the CK? Forgive me, I think my last tissue included some brain cells.
  5. Home sick, and when I'm not passed out on some vaguely horizontal surface, I want to build in-game but with my bad shoulder, getting to the end of some of my menus (like chairs, or wooden walls) is becoming physically painful. With all of the "extra building stuff" mods, at this point if I want to get to the shack pieces I alternate hammering on my right arrow key with both hands. I keep looking at tutorials and stuff but none of it is making sense and most of my brainpower is focused on breathing through half of one nostril. At least I know better than to directly modify vanilla things, but I don't know what I need to do. In plain English, I want to sub-categorize the crap out of my workshops, for less mouse-to-keyboard-to-mouse movement. I want to expand on the SKE categorizing and make it like Structures-Wood-Walls-Shack, Furniture-Seats-Couches-Prewar, Furniture-Seats-Chairs-ExtraCopiesIHaveOfSameDangThing, Furniture-Shelves-Filled, Decorations-Misc-PottedPlants. I can make my own plugin for this but I just open it and stare at it and my brain is mush. Help?
  6. Pretty much ever since I got Nuka-World, whether I had just one or two mods running or the roughly 70 I've got going now, if I my game crashed it would be for one of two reasons: 1, infinite loading screen because I was out of memory, or 2, I CTD and look at Papyrus and see that the last full second of running game contains about ten to fifteen instances of: [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.PlayAnimationAndWait() - "<native>" Line ? [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.active.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ? [03/20/2017 - 11:40:35PM] error: (060379F8): model was not loaded when we tried to play an animation on it (most likely you're calling for animations in OnInit.). Does anybody know of a way to fix this? Is there something someone could tell me to do to the script (and also tell me what program I need to download to open said script)? Does the model need to be replaced? Could I do something in FO4Edit to disable the reference or remove the script or something? What is the issue here and how do I make it stop, because I haven't been to Nuka-World in in-game weeks; like, I've completely done Far Harbor since the last time I traveled there. I think Nuka-World is fun and I like all the stuff it adds, and I'd hate to have to remove it and all the mods dependent on it because my latest save will now CTD with this Papyrus-jamming message about five seconds after I load it, even if I'm just trying to improve Bunker Hill. Yes, I'm in the Commonwealth, I'm nowhere near Nuka-Galaxy so why is this even an issue right now? (Also, I paid money for it, so I'd like it to function.) I don't use NMM, just Wrye Bash and LOOT and WinRAR. I don't have any texture packs or weather packs or overhauls. I don't have any UI changes, aside from KeyNuker and that PA aspect ratio fix because my original PA HUD wouldn't let me see my health bar, and I couldn't pick locks at all because the lock, pin, and screwdriver never showed up on my screen. Basically all the mods I have add more weapons or armor, more stuff to build, let me do more stuff with robots, or give me more/improved settlers. I don't have a single thing that touches either this script, or the model in question (Meshes\DLC04\Architecture\GalacticZone\Custom\GalNukaGalaxyRocketProp\GalNukaGalaxyRocketProp01.nif, there's also a [all that].hkx and I have no idea what that even is.) I'm not sure if it's significant but I've noticed that I can't get near any exterior cell touched by Nuka-World unless I'm in PA. Interior cells are fine, but if I exit my PA in the Nuka worldspace, or anywhere near the transit center (or Reynold's Refuge added by Recruitable Settlers, which is set in the Commonwealth but has some Nuka resources, although apparently Lockjaw's Shack was fine), I CTD instantly.
  7. Pretty much ever since I got Nuka-World, whether I had just one or two mods running or the roughly 70 I've got going now, if I my game crashed it would be for one of two reasons: 1, infinite loading screen because I was out of memory, or 2, I CTD and look at Papyrus and see that the last full second of running game contains about ten to fifteen instances of: [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.PlayAnimationAndWait() - "<native>" Line ? [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.active.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ? [03/20/2017 - 11:40:35PM] error: (060379F8): model was not loaded when we tried to play an animation on it (most likely you're calling for animations in OnInit.). Does anybody know of a way to fix this? I think Nuka-World is fun and I like all the stuff it adds, and I'd hate to have to remove it because my latest save will now CTD with this Papyrus-jamming message about five seconds after I load it. (Also, I paid money for it.) I don't use NMM, just Wrye Bash and LOOT and WinRAR. I don't have any texture packs or weather packs or overhauls. I don't have any UI changes, aside from KeyNuker and that PA aspect ratio fix because my original PA HUD wouldn't let me see my health bar, and I couldn't pick locks at all because the lock, pin, and screwdriver never showed up on my screen. Basically all the mods I have add more weapons or armor, more stuff to build, let me do more stuff with robots, or give me more/improved settlers. I'm not sure if it's significant but I've noticed that I can't get near any exterior cell touched by Nuka-World unless I'm in PA. Interior cells are fine, but if I exit my PA in the Nuka worldspace, or anywhere near the transit center (or Reynold's Refuge added by Recruitable Settlers, which is set in the Commonwealth but has some Nuka resources), I CTD instantly.
  8. Trying to start up the game makes me sit there, stare at the background pic as I wait for the menu to load, but instead of loading all the buttons, it dives straight into creating a new save (because I get a few one-off new-save popups from various mods) and then I get a CTD. Yes, I've tried disabling all my mods, and that just made the New Save start so fast that I didn't even see the Bethesda and Obsidian logos. It worked fine one night, and then I had to disable that Steam overlay and restart my computer, and now it's doing... this. I've got nothin'. I mean, normally when something breaks, it's usually because I did something stupid and then I got to learn from my mistake. I've decided I'm downloading no more mods, and I'm only editing the ones I've got if I really need to, and I'm going to try to hope it holds together because I want to beat the main quest once. JUST ONCE. However, the stability of New Vegas is seriously testing this want, and my memories of Skyrim grow fonder and fonder every day. Basically it's just sheer stubbornness that's keeping me going at this point. (That, and Old World Blues is the greatest thing ever.) Heck, I even want to try to play Dead Money again, even though I spent most of the first time screaming furious obscenities into a couch cushion so I didn't wake my family. So. Anybody got any ideas?
  9. Well, the Med-X and Stimpacks bit isn't the functionality that's the problem. I'm mostly concerned with the voice. I made my own armor that occupied the headband slot and didn't have a nif, modified the stealth suit script to add a perk when the headband was worn, and went through and changed all the dialogue so that it was dependent on having that perk instead of wearing the stealth suit. And it still wouldn't talk unless I was wearing the actual stealth suit (with the exception of taking the headband off, at which point it would say one of the dialogue lines that always make me feel bad for removing it). So lately I've just changed the stealth suit itself to have no nif, changed it to the headband slot, and made it a quest item. It's not what I was going for but it's a decent solution until I or someone else can make the implant work.
  10. Holy crap, I've been trying to figure out how to make it an implant! I tried modifying the quest dialogue so that it would use its dialogue if I had a certain invisible perk, which would be added by a modded armor with a modified stealth suit script, but it would still only talk if I was wearing the actual stealth suit. I want it to be an implant so I have a little buddy with me who can't be taken away from me. He will be my best friend ever. Of all time.
  11. Would it be at all possible for someone to chop the floors and ceilings off the fireplace piece and a doorway piece, so they could be used like a wallplane? Pretty please? That's seriously all I want.
  12. That's seriously all I want. No fancy remodeling, no bells or whistles, I just want a doorway that doesn't have to be in a corner. (On a side note, I would also GLADLY accept a double-exit corner piece.)
  13. Could this bug also be what's causing my Alteration to go down to a constantly-fluctuating negative number? Example: my base is 64, but on my skills menu there's a big red -246, so I use the console to set it to 247 and it says it's now at -4, so I add 4 more and it's -8, so I get mad and subtract 4 and it turns into a totally random (still negative) number. But I've noticed, whenever this item bug value hits, if I check my skills then my Alteration's guaranteed to be -200-something. EDIT: I have no visible active effects telling me that something's hurting my Alteration, it still does it even when completely naked, and praying at a shrine does nothing to make this go away. SECOND EDIT: Never mind, I know what I did and I've fixed it.
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