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  1. I asked for this awhile back, got nothing *shrug*
  2. I think we'll see this eventually but two things might have to happen first. 1. Bethesda fixes the CK to be as expansive as the one from oblivion or 1, People hack the CK and do the same thing anyway and 2. Time. Lots of time.
  3. Would like to see this as well between husband and wife NPCs. As it is they're like the perfect soon-to-be-divorced couples. All they do is sleep in the same bed. Maybe even dancing together would be neat.
  4. Interesting. I hadn't tried that, no, but I do need it to make cleansaves too and I assume that would go along with resetting spawn timers too so not too helpful with what I'm trying to do but handy information nonetheless!
  5. Wars in skyrim updates are killing me, having to wait all these days. Anybody had any luck or insight on this?
  6. Yeah I have that one, Still have high hopes though :P
  7. So I now have several mods that want me to wait in excess of several days so their mods can work (WiS being the main one). Even before that I noticed that waiting was beyond painfully slow. I'd be tickled with any number of these 1. Longer wait options (I could at least go and grab a drink if there was an option to wait ten days at a time) 2. Faster hour ticking 3. Instant waiting (or instant waiting for anything a full day and over if number 1 is possible too)
  8. Bump. Good point on the children but I don't know if they have some kind of special thing because they also don't attack either.
  9. So I'm a pretty follower oriented person. I love commanding my armies and such but I love being in the fray with them as well in large battles.... but I'm seriously tired of watching my character perform kill moves on my own followers (and them actually die because apparently I bypass the "essential" setting of my own companions... but yet I can't stab Tulius in the face like the *censored* he is and kill him). Anyway, here's my request. Remove friendly fire. OR Make followers TRULY essential so I can't kill them cause of slow animations and bad targetting system
  10. You know, I like this idea. Never even occurred to me.
  11. The current consensus is that it isn't yet currently possible to create new animations for NPCs, only overwrite existing ones. Beast races are the exception to this rule, which could end up being a workaround until Bethesda gets their heads out of their asses and patches the creation kits bugs/shortcomings. In other words, see this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/563743-sex-mods-will-not-be-happening/ It'll happen eventually, it's just probably going to take a long while to have something as extensive as Sexlivion (never used it myself but I have enough knowledge to know it had a bit of depth)
  12. You want the mod request forum, about 2 under this forum on the skyrim page.
  13. That third pic does it the most justice IMO. I'd love to throw it on one of my rogue-ey companions.
  14. Updating and dropping this here again http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1345602-wiprel-multiple-followers/ Used it for several hours last night. Never once had to use console or a bat file while playing with vanilla and post CK companions. Could change armor of all of them like normal. They all followed me perfectly all night (with the occasional exception of not coming in the door to inns for a little bit.... cause I had 5 followers >.>). This guy's got something special.
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