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Posts posted by freedom190

  1. 19,620,590 x $1 = just short of 20 MILLION DOLLARS. If everyone who downloaded the highest downloaded file I found on nexus for Skyrim donated $1 to the modder, that modder would be rich. Go down the list a few dozen spots and you're still at well over a million downloads. $1 per download and we're still making millionaires dozens of authors into the list.


    If there is someone in this world I'd like to see get rich, it's someone who gave me something I love and didn't ask for anything in return.


    How would you like it if something you did that helped out a large community made you a millionaire? It would be pretty cool. If would be life-changing. It would seem...right. Some of these people may be currently looking for a job and having a hard time with bills. Some may have relatives with substantial medical obligations that they are helping out with. Some may have just found out they're pregnant with triplets. The fact is, I doubt more than a handful of them are millionaires. Most everyone would love a windfall.


    And if we're being honest, are they not deserving of this windfall? Have they not added at least $1 of enrichment into your life?


    Most of us dropped $40+ to Bethesda to buy the re-release. A soft drink is almost $2 and lasts ten minutes and isn't healthy, lol.


    All I want to make clear is that it literally takes 2 minutes to click donate, set up a paypal account if you don't have one, and send an author $1 from your card. I'd encourage you during the process to consider how much you truly appreciate their mod and increase the donation accordingly. As an additional bonus, you will see more than $1 in benefit simply from finally signing up for paypal and being able to use it moving forward.


    The size of this community just grew by leaps and bounds with mod expansion to consoles. The amount of power you hold in your hand by skipping the diet-super-big-swig today is quite significant.


    I am not yet a modder, I don't know any modders, I was not solicited to comment as I have above in any way by any modder. Also don't work for paypal.


    Just a guy who's thinks the fact something doesn't cost anything doesn't exclude us from showing our appreciation in a monetary, i.e. universal way.


    Everyone's got a dollar. Don't be too busy playing someone's mod to take the time to thank them for it.




  2. Keep in mind we are super early into this release as well. I fell for all the houses that came over shortly after SE hit, and wasted a lot of time checking them out. It seems like the better modders knew to hold off while early bugs were worked out. The stuff that is coming out now is light years ahead of the early stuff, but nothe nearly as good as what is coming. And SKYSE hasn't even hit yet... Check out all the home mods from original Skyrim. In the near future, there will be hundreds of homes all over the map. They just aren't ready to port yet, or more accurately, the game isn't ready for them yet. Most of what you are seeing in SE isn't new, it's simply the more basic stuff from the original that could be quickly updated into SE. So pleading for people not to build in this area is maybe a couple years too late :) But don't worry. Most every really nice spot on the map will have a really well modded player house within the next 6 months as the game patches and script extenders bring it to where the original was in terms of functionality options. Just go download Leveler's Tower in the meantime and forget about all the other house mods you've seen so far...
  3. The Skyrim SE release has been funny. I've gotten maybe twenty quests in on ten new characters because mods keep getting released that change my entire narrative/role-play. Like, Rendspire just got released, and you're telling me I can start the game as pretty much the richest person in Skyrim, with the most insane castle you can possibly think of? Or, Alternate start just released and I can stall the main storyline while I set up my player's backstory the way I want it? Or Adventurer's Basement means I didn't have to go out and individually load out my twenty houses with ingots and food because there is now an insanely awesome auto-storage/display space that can connect to my other houses?!?


    I was an XBOX-ONLY player a week ago. The more I heard, can't do this, can't do that, I got tired of being on the outside, so I got the PC version, then fired up Creation Kit and started playing. The absolute coolest gaming experience I have ever had was downloading Alternate Start, firing up Skyrim SE, choosing the left for dead option, vision clears, hit tilde, type COC 0tgscrafterssecret, hit enter, and teleport inside my custom mod player home 3 seconds into the game. Fricken awesome!!!


    So yeah, a big thanks to the modders and Bethesda for opening up a limitless new world. My imagination has somewhere to play again. The tutorials and overall support makes it possible for absolute newbies like me to go from FOTB to adding a space I would actually call home to my game within a couple of days. I can't wait to keep exploring.



  4. I used the large barge mod and built a 30 story resort hotel/base. That mod enables you to send followers there. If you are not much of a builder and want to use an existing mod home, you could ask the modder to add that functionality. They should want to have it anyway...

  5. Hello all :)


    Going through the player home mods, it seems like it's very rare for one modder to have all the skills to put together the ideal house. There are a couple out there that hit all the notes, but 95% of the homes I see are always jaded to either the artistic side, or the practical side, without the right balance.


    I know if I publish player homes, they are going to be jaded to the practical side. I probably don't have the enthusiasm, nor the patience to properly decorate. However, the architecture is pretty fascinating, and I can sit around and come up with some pretty unique floorplans all day long.


    So I wanted to see if there is a match in this community - someone who doesn't have the patience to make sure all the corners are lined up correctly for the secret room hidden behind the throne, but brings an enthusiasm and skill to cluttering up your home. Making it unique, beautiful, and fully immersive.


    I'd like to jointly crank out some player home mods that are the perfect mix of improving actual gameplay, adding immersion, and actually work, glitch-free.


    Maybe it takes more than two modders? Maybe a scripter, nav-mesher, etc... need to join up?


    If there are people out there who know they have a lot to bring to player home modding, but don't have all the skills/interest themselves, let's work together. I'm sure we can find all the pieces.


    Any thoughts on this topic are welcome and encouraged.



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