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About allemannen

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  1. I have been searching the whole internet for solutions to my issue without success. However, now I have re-installed the whole game and is now on vanilla skyrim. At specific places where I would get constant CTD (Sky Haven Temple) with my modded lvl 45 Imperial, I no longer get the crash with a newly created character. I'm not a modder but in my experience the whole thing that created this mess was the patch conflicting with mods. This would make the save corrupt and the CTD:s not fixable. Unless you have an old save before you updated skyrim i'm afraid you will have to start over. Please tell me if i'm way over my head or I somewhat narrowed it down...
  2. UPDATE: Just uninstalled all my mods, did a clean save, and still crash...I am seriously considering uninstalling the whole game because this keeps happening without any reason at all....Can I get any help at all?:(
  3. Hello fellow skyrim-travellers. Recently I've been having this issue that my Skyrim crashes to desktop when walking too close to sky haven temple, (I must go there in order to continue the main story).. I have no idea why it does and i just did a clean save a couple hours ago to update mods and still didn't work. Here are my mods: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/6407/mods1.jpg http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3512/mods2h.jpg
  4. Yes my saved games are about 58mb... is there a thread about it here? ''file bloat issue''? EDIT: just searched the whole support forum and found that the issue really is Aventurers and Travelers. my savings is now 9mb and it doesnt take 10 seconds to quicksave anymore. Thank you for your help. :)
  5. Hi, my problem is that after i installed quite many mods my skyrim quests are running slow. For example: If a quest is to brawl with a person and i press that sentence in the dialogue. Then he won't start brawling with me. Another example: In the Dark brotherhood quests where you are in the coffin with the night mother when Astrid betrayed you and the sanctuary is in chaos. Before they opened the coffin i had to wait like 7-10 mins irl. All the quests are really slow.. However I don't want to deactivate all my mods for the quests to function. Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz RAM 4gb win7 64bit Nvidia GeForce GTS 240 MODS: AdventurersAndTravelers ApachiiHair arrowsstick ARTOFMAGIC AThievesTreasure Auto Unequip Arrows BarenziahQuestMarkers Cloaks Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version DeadlyDragons Deus Mons Extended Colors FS_AngelsInSkyrim FS_EveningStar Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo Headbomb's Better Sorting - XXXX Headbomb's Better Sorting - XXXX Headbomb's Better Sorting - XXXX Headbomb's Better Sorting - XXXX Hideout Killmove + NoHelmetAdeptHood NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX NoHelmetXXXXXXXX Occupy Skyrim Tytanis VariousGuardReplacer WARZONES - Civil Unrest viciousdawnbreaker WiS IV - Bash & Power Attack WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX WiS IV - XXXXXXXXX
  6. Yes, I've been searching for this kind of mod since I saw it on Bethesdas GameJam. Is there any on-going work on this matter? Or is it already out there? Would be truly epic.
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