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About BolognaSandwitch

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    United States

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  1. ok, 1st of all I'm rarely on the forums so I apologize if this is in the wrong place, much has changed since I was last here and I found it very confusing. I WAS searching the bg3 forum for help. ANYWAY, I got bg3 for Christmas & was modding it, vortex said I needed a few things, ok thats fine. 1 thing I had to get was the divine tool (again no issue) the ISSUE is vortex started screaming at me that I needed 2 extra files from a website (blue pop-up) [ https://github.com/Norbyte/lslib ] so I downloaded the files at the bottom & all I'm told is (for 1 of them) extract it to the {External\gplex\ directory } WTH IS External\gplex? & do I even need it & its friend? unless I want to create mods. (I don't intend to) so I searched my PC for every relevant word/combination I could think of (bg3 and Larian too) so I turned to Google & all I found were more people confused & no answers. so I turn to you guys, please help me. do I even need these 2 files? Every YouTube video I watch that downloads the divine tool doesn't even MENTION these files. if not that would be awesome & I may do a happy dance lol
  2. is there a mod that tracks the bugs in jars? if so i cant seem to find it. after ae released my ocd has compelled me to collect everything available to my new house, including the jars & using a youtube vid is mildly annoying :tongue:
  3. skyrim keeps corrupting all my saves, but when i restart skyrim everything is fine again. the biggest issues that my tiny brain can see are i cant load in game, its annoying to restart skyrim & very confusing. Anyone know wtf is going on? or at least a wild stab in the dark? lol. btw if it matters im using skyrim skyrim se + ae/downgrade. it was doing it before downgrade though. also, it doesn't do it often enough to be able to test which mod might me causing it. Edit: ive noticed it happening alot more often after the downgrade now that i think of it
  4. im trying to find (& failing) a mod that displays what skills a race is good at at character creation. i cant seem to find one. does anyone know of one? or am i SOL?
  5. now that i think of it, it DID all start (i think) around the time i got a new pc a few years ago, put everything on external hard drive, & started using vortex all at once. just never made the connection i guess. if i have to move skyrim back to c drive i will just live with it lol, i BARELY figured out vortex & theres alot ive forgotten in the setup part & dont want to deal with the mod stuff (old man syndrome :tongue: ) ty vm for the help & sorry to have wasted your time. :sad:
  6. didnt know how to do ANY of that, also i verified integrity on skyrim, it found 4. but nothing has changed. & remember on my moddless profile i get shout sound but no words ... still. Edit: BTW, i installed fus ro D'oh thinking (vague memory) it was needed for 1 of my mods & i forgot to get it, if that WAS the case it didnt work.
  7. ive been dealing with a strange issue for so long i cant remember what vanilla is like with my issue, let me explain. for quite some time now when i shout i get LITERLLY no sound. i downloaded the mod Dragonborn Shouts Revoiced cuz i liked it but in part cuz i half hoped i would get a conflict with w/e was silencing me, no such luck. in fact the mod doesnt even work lol. so i booted up my moddless profile on vortex to attempt to track it down & started with alternate start live another life, its requirements & the top 3 mods on my list (cant remember them) so i wouldnt have to go through helgen while testing. long story short alternate start was causing it ( dont make any since to me but w/e) only now im getting the shout sound but not the words (btw i added fus ro dah with console commands after starting) at this point i turn off all mods again & start a new game & go through helgen after alduen flys to riverwood i add fus ro dah agan & same thing. no words. is the words supposed to be in vanilla skyrim? i thought is was? btw at this point the Dragonborn Shouts Revoiced mod i mentioned before STILL doesnt work, so i dont know WTF is going on. sorry so long :sad:
  8. close enough then lol, would you happen to recall the name of it?
  9. is there a mod that displays the required speechcraft number on a given speech check? (EX: Persuasion - 25). I've searched nexus & google but came up empty. Am i missing it? or am i SOL?
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