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Posts posted by bongalak

  1. In the imperious race mod, the orc race is given a racial ability called Earthquake where your character jumps and upon landing knocks back all nearby enemies. And I'd love it if someone could make a standalone mod for that. I think it would be a really cool way to roleplay a warrior/barbarian character.

  2. Not exactly a mod idea, but a request nonetheless; would anyone be able/willing to port this oldrim follower for SSE users?






    The mod name is Liella Follower. She comes equipped with custom water-based destruction magic from another oldrim mod, but the port doesn't need to include that. The modder has already given his permission on his profile, so the way's open. So anyways, thx in advance dogooder!

  3. I searched and didn't find any other posts like this, so here it is: what if the Whirlwind Sprint shout caused knockdown or knockback on hit? Would something like this be possible?


    I personally would like for the first word to cause stagger, the second to cause knock down, and the third to cause whirlwind cloak-like knock back. The damage should probably be minimal for balance sake of course. But perhaps there could be an optional OP version that lets you basically one-hit any npc, so you'd be like one of those old film samurai warrior that simply dashes past enemies and they all fall over dead? That'd be a cool way to roleplay swordsman characters.

  4. Basically what the title says. The Become Ethereal Shout would let you walk through doors and npc, like a real ethereal body would. So it's kinda like no clip console code, except you'd still be subject to gravity so no running on air or anything like that.


    And as a added bonus maybe make the ethereal form give you muffle effect as well, so your footsteps won't make a sound. So what do you guys think?

  5. Have you ever looked at an ebony dagger and thought it looked a little too wavy and impractical? Well I figure that if we'd just clip off the tip of the blade, the end part that curves upward, then it might actually look like a proper dagger. What do you guys think?
  6. Don't apologize dude, your english is fine ^^


    But yea I'm in total agreement with this idea. Lot of people seems to ask for climb mod with new animations and physics and all that jazz without understanding what an immense undertaking that would be.


    No, it would be much easier and practical to just work with what's in the game, and we know it's possible to increase the degrees to which actors can move on vertical surfaces. Like the OP said, the horse is a perfect example.

  7. Turns out that dwarven centurions' power attacks don't cause stagger either. So add that to the list I guess.


    It seems that power attacks of every non-human npc (with the exception of giants) don't stagger. If it's a design choice by Bethesda then I think it's a rather weird one.

  8. Thanks wolfrevan, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something more fluid and natural-like; just being able to move against an actor and have it simply slide over to the side without interrupting my walking pace.


    Failing that I'd settle for a mod that makes my character just as immovable, so that a single butterfly won't be able to move me about.

  9. Humanoid enemies wielding weapons can stagger me with their power attack, but when animals use power attack on me nothing happens. And I think that's silly and unrealistic.


    I want to see the following animals' power attacks changed so that they cause stagger on hit:



    sabre cat




    giant frostbite spider

    chaurus reaper

    mammoth (maybe make its regular attacks stagger as well, it's a mammoth after all)

    dragon's bite attack (maybe make it optional file, some people may not like this)

  10. I get annoyed by how lowly npc's walking around the town can push me around willy-nilly, but when I run and rub against them they are virtually immovable. It's silly and unfair.


    Is there a way to make my character "heavier", so to speak, so I can push them out of my way when I walk/run into them? But not so heavy that I'd be shoving dragons and mammoths about too.

  11. I'm trying to disable the recoil animation that plays when the player's weapon bounces off against enemy's shield; I want to be able to swing my massive battleaxe around without seeing it bouncing off a silly little wooden shield.


    So I went to the player actor file in CK and found the animation tab that contained all the animations available to the player character. But I can't find any option that lets me edit or disable them in any way. Am I looking in the wrong part of the CK? Or is CK just that limited (it can't be that, right)?

  12. My search in CK continues, and I think I may have found something. I went into the player actor and there was an animation tab that showed all the animations available to the player character. And there were several recoil animations in there. Perhaps what I need to do is remove them or replace them with regular attack animations? But I haven't been able to find anything that lets me do something like that.


    But there must be another way right? The recoil animation must be triggered by something, and if I can just disable that trigger then it should be gone for good. But that'd probably have something to do with scripting and I know zip nada about those.


    I know many modders are busy with life and work and I understand that they may not have the time to make this mod for me. But could someone at least point me in the right direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  13. How about a mod that changes the Whirlwind Sprint in some interesting ways? To make it more suitable in combat situations.


    1. Decrease cooldown so you can use it more frequently.


    2. Shorten the range, at least by 1/2 or 2/3, so you don't always overshoot your enemies.


    3. Have it affect enemies on contact. Stagger, knockback, damage, elemental damage, etc. Get creative!

  14. To clarify, it was a mod that gave each word of the fire breath shout a different attack property. They are as follows:


    Yol - Standard firebreath, 100 damage


    To - Dragon fireball, 200 damage


    Shul - Dragon firebreath, 300 damage

  15. What happened to this mod? It was a mod on nexus that changed the player's fire and frost breath shouts to resemble those of dragon's breath attacks. I wanted to download it again, but it can no longer be found on the nexus. Did the modder remove it from the site for some reason?


    Does anyone have a copy of this mod? And if so, could you please upload it here? It'd be much appreciated.

  16. Pretty self explanatory; make the shield charge knock back enemies immediately upon contact. As it is you sometimes have to rub against enemy npc for like half a second before the knockback effect finally kicks in, and I think that just looks silly.
  17. Sorry for the double post, but how would one actually go about making this mod? What values do you have to change in the creation kit? I've been rummaging around the object menu of CK a bit, and as lost as I am, I get the feeling that there must be some sort of value that I just gotta check off or something.
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