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Everything posted by robin19
hej wonder who will be the lucky winners is time :)
ok a giveaway lets see if i win :)
as all pepole* know that in nuka world if you side with the raiders then you can later in the main quest(nuka world main quest) send raiders to help you clear out a settlement or to "make a outpost" what i would like if pepole can is to be able to do the same but for minutemen or some "special faction" but insted of clearing out a settlement the player will finish "defend a X(settlement name)" or "help X(settlement that need help like clearing out mutants and other things) and when they have help the settlement then they stay around for a waile* before they move one or if player want they join the settlement and "make a outpost" is just sending minutemen to set up a settlement at that location (they clear out bugs and other things first if they are any ) and player need to build stuff at that location but the settlers (the minutemen or "special faction" troops will be the first settlersor the only if you allso make a beacon or flag that works like the radio for normal settlers but will spawn minutemen or "special faction" troops) ofcouse like with the nuka world send raiders missions the player can(pehaps* they need to) join up with the troops send there to assist and a bonus request make it possible to send "troops" or forces (what ever we call it) to clear out places and perhaps* even get some loot from there (if you send them to quest area you need to be on that special quest to beable to send them there to help) i personly dont know about modding that much so i personly will probly not beable to do this that way i make a mod request and last iam sorry if i make is mod request wrong and iam sorry for any bad sentince or spellings
hi i would like a mod that makes it that does a cheat scipts(and the scipts is checking that the ships or stations is player faction) in player faction ( ships own by the player) are imortal (toggleable if possible) and have unlimit of missles and drones (drones only if possible) a cheat table works fine if it is made so that only player is effectet (player own ship included ) damm it not again mod remove is one my computer did have a hard time connecting with is site some it made 3 threads
hi i would like a mod that makes it that does a cheat scipts(and the scipts is checking that the ships or stations is player faction) in player faction ( ships own by the player) are imortal (toggleable if possible) and have unlimit of missles and drones (drones only if possible) a cheat table works fine if it is made so that only player is effectet (player own ship included )
hi i would like a mod that makes it that does a cheat scipts(and the scipts is checking that the ships or stations is player faction) in player faction ( ships own by the player) are imortal (toggleable if possible) and have unlimit of missles and drones (drones only if possible) a cheat table works fine if it is made so that only player is effectet (player own ship included ) mod remove is one my computer did have a hard time connecting with is site some it made 2 threads
hi pepole i just test issessential on her and it come out as 0 (killable) and as fare i know she is not ment to be killable sp it is good if anypepole kan help in pin down teh poblem maker of thease mods and for any pepole who whithaout ther doing have allso see her killable do is on the console setessential 0001326A 1 (user Jannifer advised me on it) here is my lord list GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esm=1 Update.esm=1 Dawnguard.esm=1 ApachiiHair.esm=1 ApachiiHairFemales.esm=1 ApachiiHairMales.esm=1 Sako Proudmane.esm=1 SummerWear.esm=1 BBLuxurySuite.esm=1 Dragonborn.esm=1 Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp=1 unofficial skyrim patch.esp=1 unofficial dawnguard patch.esp=1 Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp=1 HuntersDiscipline.esp=1 Immersive Battles.esp=1 Immersive Brigands.esp=1 Immersive Dawnguard.esp=1 Immersive Factions.esp=1 Immersive Mercenaries.esp=1 Immersive Patrols.esp=1 Immersive Travelers.esp=1 Immersive Werewolves.esp=1 SkyUI.esp=1 Immersive Events.esp=1 FA Guard Helmet.esp=1 mannequin_female_vyctoria.esp=1 NoRandomDragons.esp=0 Sexier Housecarls.esp=1 ElderOutfit.esp=1 crafting norequirements ingot.esp=1 digitalwinslowdisenchantingkit.esp=1 nowerewolfguardcomments.esp=1 norequirementssoulgems.esp=1 norequirementsarmortemper.esp=1 cookingnorequirements.esp=1 norequirementsperks.esp=1 clothing norequirements.esp=1 weaponsnorequirement.esp=1 craftingnorequirements.esp=1 norequirementsdaedricartifacts.esp=1 norequirementsweptempering.esp=1 spell spam - no charging time.esp=1 dawnguardnorequirements.esp=1 norequirementsdawnguardarmortempering.esp=1 norequirementsdawnguardperks.esp=1 norequirementweapontempering.esp=1 Naked Potema.esp=1 KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp=0 pick100.esp=1 AncientNord.esp=1 Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0 Sako Proudmane.esp=1 Thieves Guild Requirements.esp=1 FZGuildOutpost_DLC01.esp=1 FZDBFalkreathResurrect.esp=1 FZGuildOutposts.esp=1 breezehomeshadowfix.esp=1 FionaOutfit.esp=1 Sekirei.esp=1 Demothris.esp=1 SummerWearSA.esp=1 SummerWearBBLS.esp=1 BBLSVisitors.esp=1 BBLSspouse.esp=1 BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp=1 BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp=1 YourMarketStall.esp=1 BBLS_PatioFurniture.esp=1 BBLuxurySuiteClassier.esp=1 ClassierTempleofMara.esp=1 BabetteReplacer.esp=1 Killmove Control.esp=1 Artillery_DFA.esp=1 BBLSapachii.esp=1 norequirementdbstaffcrafting.esp=1 norequirementsdbarmourcrafting.esp=1 norequirementsdbweaponcrafting.esp=1 norequirementsdragonbornshouting.esp=1 unofficial dragonborn patch.esp=1 UnlimitedBookshelves.esp=1 zzzEverlastingWeaponEnchant.esp=1 FlameAtronachArmor.esp=1 FullBootForKKSA.esp=1 BBB Scroll Rack.esp=1 SummonFollowers.esp=1 Black Books Begone.esp=1 Change Follower Outfits Redux -- Dawnguard.esp=1 Change Follower Outfits Redux -- Dragonborn.esp=1 Inconsequential NPCs.esp=1 TheChoiceIsYours.esp=1 TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp=1 Change Follower Outfits Redux.esp=1 AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp=1 Change Spouse Outfits.esp=1 CraftMiraakArmour.esp=1 unrelenting grip.esp=1 yield.esp=1 LocalizedGuildJobs.esp=1 Pushup-Bikini.esp=1 BBLS-BoM-DB.esp=1 BBLuxurySuiteClassierDisplayRoom.esp=1 Catwoman Suit.esp=1 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp=1
hi iam using Killer Keos armor replacer but is is a hole in it if you have gloves (Piijic gloves) and if you have without i is still a hole in one arm i can try to upload pics and link here from to them here is the link to one of two problem i have with it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/249731//? and here is teh second problem i have http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/249732/? if anyone can help me it would be great
have problem with scripts.txt file when trying to start warband is come up ERROR: Unexpected End of File while reading file: Modules\Empire Rise\scripts.txt so anyone that kan help obs ignore the name of the module it is just a renamed copy of native i made a copy becost i was going to mod "native" and did not whant to mod the only module i have obs 2 a admin or mod can remove is now becost i have got help and is fixingi it by complete start over
when i was looking in the cs i found is DarkLachanceNote for them who whant to find it search in items-books-cutter (i was looking is oblivion.esm) so my question is what is mean in development that he was mean to deliver a note to you (when you was asleep) and if you whant to join you should go to Fort Farragut and meet him there ? updated: t it seemed that what I thought was what they had thought it whould be here comes a link where others can find the answer if the is seeking it http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:A_Knife_in_the_Dark when you are in the links go down to the note section
i do that and thanks for helping me :)
it works now the parts download when i did not right klick and open as a new side just to add after you have download that file is they any more you need ? and if you know (not so that importen) do you know any mods it vill conflit with ? and thanks that you did take time to help me :)
hi fellow Nexus Furoms and oblivion members and player i have a problem that I can not download the file Main7dot0 with is a mulit-parts file but when i press on part 1 (they exist in parts from 1 to 5) the is only blue (links) in the premium lmembers server not in non premium members servers i come from and living in sweden if that will help in assisting me and allso is is my first time in this forums so give me pardon if is is in wrong part of forums and as your have all ready guess is iam from sweden so english is not my native langues so be with me on my wrong spellings /robin19 a Nexus Forum member and a Obliivon Player