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  1. Hi There! This mod looks amazing but when I go to a forge the only robes that are in the Misc. section are the non-armor ones. The light and heavy armor versions aren't there! Does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Hi There! I've been using Jaysus Swords v12 for a while now but when I downloaded v13c the only things in the folder were the bsa, esm and readme files. There were no mesh and texture folders but the readme says to delete all the textures and meshes from v12. What am I missing?
  3. Wow! Mad Dwarf is pretty good!!!
  4. Hi There! If you've never heard of Jake Powning you should check out his website at http://www.powning.com/jake/home/j_homepg.shtml . I was his last customer before he stopped taking on commissions but he made me this incredibly beautiful leafblade sword "Mara". Jaysus modeled it for Oblivion but he doesn't seem to have time to do it for Skyrim so I'm looking for someone who's really good at making weapon mods for Skyrim to make the model and make a mod out of it. Can anyone suggest a modder who may be interested?
  5. Hi There! I've done the main Markarth quest but unlike many people I fought off the guards sent to arrest me in the temple of Talos. From there I desided to storm the Markarth jail but after I got in, killed the guards and taken the jail key, what looks like the main jail door doesn't open. In fact, it doesn't even register as a door in the game. It's like clicking on a wall. Has anyone else had this glitch and do you know how to fix it? I'm assuming it's a bug that can happen to any door, not just this one. I sometimes had the same problem in Oblivion.
  6. Hi There! I'm not a programmer and don't really understand how these scripts work. I'm supposed to be using script dragon in order to use an extra hotkeys mod but script dragon has these "Trainer" buttons which give you a whole bunch of stuff including all the voice words if you hit the number pad keys. I use the number pad to move around with though so I can't have those keys being used for script dragon. How can I disable or move the script dragon preset keys?
  7. Hi There! I just updated all my mods through NMM. One of them was Jaysus's Swords mod but now the swords are gone from the game. I loaded the game and drew my sword but, while my character drew the sword there was no noise and no sword. They also disappeared from my inventory! I think I might have loaded it wrong... first I downloaded the new version of the mod, then I unistalled the old version and only after that installed the new version. When I saw that the swords were missing I manually opened the new version and noticed there were no mesh or texture folders in the download so I pasted the mesh and texture folders from the pevious version but they still don't show up in-game. How do I fix this, and am I doing the steps to update mods out of order?
  8. I understand that but I am starting at the bottom (Novice Destruction is the one I'm trying to get the most).
  9. Hi There! For some reason some of the hard-coded buttons don't work while playing Skyrim, including the R button used to put things in containers or trade with a companion and the E button used to take books. I am using Skyrim Key Helper and but I don't think that's the problem. I've also tried replacing the new TESV.exe, Skyrim - Inerface.bsa and Update.esm with the older ones as instructed in other threads but when I do this and try playing the game a message pops up that says I need to update to the latest version of Skyrim (I am using SKSE to start the game). Has anyone else had this issue?
  10. Hi There! I've just started playing Skyrim and after I level up I can't seem to select perks. It worked twice on specific perks but when I click on most of them it just bounces to another perk or zooms in or something. Am I missing something obvious?
  11. Hi There! Can anyone tell me why Oblivion Face Exchanger Light keeps freezing on me when I try pasting a face onto a new save (or even when I try editing a save to change the hairstyle or something)? I'm running a Dell XPS 9100 so there shouldn't be any performance problems.
  12. Hi There! So there I was, starting a new Oblivion game after almost three years without playing a game (full full full time job) and all of a sudden an Imperial guard walks by without a torso! I guess that means there's a missing texture somewhere. How do I fix it? (I have a few mods that might have overwritten the textures, such as OOO, but I'm not a modder and don't really know how that works.)
  13. I disabled the Head 06 mod and then the hair and eyes mod worked so that was the conflict. I loaded the hair mod before and after Head 06 and it didn't make a difference though. I know that Head 06 used to work with at least one of my hair mods. Does anyone know how I get it to work again?
  14. Hi There! For some reason, no matter what hair mod I use the hair doesn't show up in the character creation menu. Right now I'm using Comprehensive Style Collection - V1.5 and the hair isn't showing up. In addition, The eyes that this mod comes with have messed up the eye selection so that no matter what eye I pick it shows the eye looking in different directions with a second iris and pupil showing somewhere else on the same eyeball! I'm using Head 06 but I don't think that should make any difference. Help?
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