Hi, I have a mod, ScenicCarriages, that really could use the help of an animator! As everyone knows, the carriages are used as a "prissoner" wagon, and the animations show (they're even named PrisonerIdle, etc). If there's someone with animation experience that would be interested in creating new animations, the mod would love it, and me too! First, having animations that don't have the prisoner look - ie, head down, hands crossed, would be great. Second, if possible, maybe squish two more NPC's in the carriage. (Not a priority, just curious.) Hopefully the process of making the new animations will fix the collision mesh issue I have with followers. For whatever reason, and I do not know animations at all, the follower's collision mesh seems to stay at the carriage's (0,0,0) location, causing it to collide with the carriage, and occasionally, the follower will move from their seat, to this (0,0,0) position. If interested, either post on either mod forum or PM through Nexus. Of course, I'll give full credit on the mod description. Thanks!! -Rick (aka Sollar) http://steamcommunit...ls/?id=72443228 http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=15094