Hello everybody I've never tried modding and scripting. My first try is to make a weapon that reacts to the events ( congratulates on killing a Deathclaw , mocks for a miss, start a chime when killing a legendary enemy ; this kind of thing) First thing I created a new weapon making a copy of the 10mm and placed one outside the vault 111. On the weapon panel I added a new script whit these lines Scriptname prova:pistolaProva3 extends Actor Const Int Property NewProperty Auto Const Event OnKill (Actor akVictim) if (akVictim != Game.GetPlayer()) Debug.MessageBox("They had a family, you know?") endIf endEvent (Basically I just copied and pasted from the CK wiki , cause I don't know what I'm doing) Compiled OK and saved. Obviously it doesn't work ; the gun is there, but it does nothing when killing. Am I getting something right? Is this the correct workflow? Thanks very much to anyone who wants to teach me something.