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Everything posted by lorg8472

  1. SOLVED The problems were caused by Steam not having admin rights. Wich is wierd, because it installed FO4 and other games without problems. However I uninstalled CK Fallout and Steam , run steamsetup.exe as admin then went on steam.exe property/compatibilty tab and set it to run as admin. Then reinstalled everything. Now it works as it used to.
  2. I just made a clean installation of win10 + steam + Fallout4 + CreationKit. Apparently it all went correctly, but when I launch CK a small window pops up asking for admin privileges to "register flowchart control". This happen when CK is in the "initializing FaceGen" moment. If I say yes Steam launches a second instance of CK with the option "-instal"; then CK attemps to start again and crashes during "initialize FaceGen". I launched cmd.exe as admin and used regsvr32 to register flowchartx64.dll. I just got rid of the popup window and now it goes straight to crashing , so I think that there were two separate problems. I used to install CK from Bethesda and I never had this problem, only now with the steam version. Can someone help me please
  3. That's just what was happening, checked those two boxes and now it's working. thank you very much
  4. DieFem thank you very much. GetName() worked at first try. I'm still struggling a bit with the alias. But I'm confident I'll learn to use that as well
  5. Problem half solved. I didn't set the property accordingly in creation kit. Now the if statement works. I still don't have the actual race in the notification though.
  6. I'm trying to make a weapon that starts different events depending on the race of the target. I added an explosion to the projectile and its magic effect with this simple script, but it doesn't work Scriptname prova extends activemagiceffect race property humanrace auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster ) race targetRace = akTarget.getrace() debug.notification("target is" + targetrace) debug.trace(targetrace) if targetRace == humanrace debug.trace("is human") debug.notification("IS HUMAN") else debug.trace("NONE") debug.notification("NONE") endif endevent The problems are : debug.notification ("target is " + targetrace) outputs "Race" instead of the actual race. the if statement always outouts "none" , even when I'm shooting humans Can anyone explain me where I'm wrong? Thanks
  7. Thank you all for the answers. I see that I'm aiming too high for now, so I'll try with something more basic. I can't find any Papyrus tutorial in my language ; but I have a "C# for beginning dummies" manual somewhere , I'll build some foundations with that and then back to payrus. Thanks again and see you soon
  8. Hello everybody I've never tried modding and scripting. My first try is to make a weapon that reacts to the events ( congratulates on killing a Deathclaw , mocks for a miss, start a chime when killing a legendary enemy ; this kind of thing) First thing I created a new weapon making a copy of the 10mm and placed one outside the vault 111. On the weapon panel I added a new script whit these lines Scriptname prova:pistolaProva3 extends Actor Const Int Property NewProperty Auto Const Event OnKill (Actor akVictim) if (akVictim != Game.GetPlayer()) Debug.MessageBox("They had a family, you know?") endIf endEvent (Basically I just copied and pasted from the CK wiki , cause I don't know what I'm doing) Compiled OK and saved. Obviously it doesn't work ; the gun is there, but it does nothing when killing. Am I getting something right? Is this the correct workflow? Thanks very much to anyone who wants to teach me something.
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