I'm perplexed, I just put steam onto my home pc and started trying to play Skyrim special edition on it. The voice doesn't match the mouth and the voice usually finishes before the mouth stops moving. I'm also unable to control the character movements. I point the character in a certain direction and he goes way too fast and in a different direction. I tried slowing him down with console commands to no avail. The fps is bouncing from 3-43 fps. I've done everything that I know to do and even tried setting it up like I have it on my laptop. The desktop is a msi a55m-p33 fm1 motherboard, a4 dual-core, with a xfx1-dlx2 video card, and 4gb ram. I'm running windows 7 ultimate on my desktop. Windows 10 on the laptop. Anything that I'm missing or suggestions for improving performance?