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Everything posted by Weiser_Cain

  1. I'm trying to get Veronica to wear the thing. And while I'm at it I wondered if I could get the recon helmet to work as a underarmor of sorts with a combat helmet on top. But I'm rusty, so rusty. Anyone know if I can do this in the GECK?
  2. I remember there was a mod that let me make spells that are crazy high powered. So now I'm looking for something like it again. I need a mod that let's me make spells with all the sliders to max, provided I have the skills and magic to cast it in the first place.
  3. Has anybody made a built in arm cannon like what mega man or Samus from metroid has?
  4. I'd like to get bonus xp for stealth kills. is this possible to do without a perk?
  5. That may be true! Maybe I should make all sorts of wild claims about what I'm trying to accomplish, claim I have a team of modders that could go pro but don't because they're too hardcore to sell out?
  6. The dark elf alchemist in skingrad asks about necrophilia laws and comments that it isn't as bad as in morrowind.
  7. That should win a reward for worse response.
  8. How do I give the player two or more perks per level and is there a way to make a separate perk menu to pop up just for custom perks?
  9. Are there more futuristic weapons out there? Preferably with a scope.
  10. I'll gladly design it. Looking for someone that can pull off a weapon that can alt fire smaller bullets from a second barrel.
  11. Is there a mod that lets you make multiple and or more powerful enchanted items?
  12. There was a body replacement mod that let you pick breast and butt size, what was it's name?
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