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Everything posted by NjordHalfhand

  1. That's the general idea. First and foremost easy recognition of whom you're speaking with, with some cool factor immersion for first and last names being touched up or redone.
  2. Yes it's a Mod request. Anyone interested feel free to utilize these concepts. I've been adding names and titles to my current game as I go to work out the concepts. I never realized all the last names and titles mentioned in the bios via Encyclopedia. I got tired of bumping into some seemingly random nobody only to discover they're a Chiefton, wife of a King, or a Prince in line to a throne. It really helps when bumping into those random parties and seeing if they're just a Thane or "Sir"(knight) or if they're a chiefton, jarl, or Prince. All by simply seeing their name and not having to delve into the encyclopedia with every encounter. If anyone picks up this proposal just mention me in the notes! If I could make a mod I would but I have no knowledge how to start. If anyone that can do the modding part is interested in a collaboration I've already done all of the Vlandian and Sturgian names in my current game and can do most of the footwork as far as researching names and making name changes, where applicable, in game. We'd just need to sort out how to tackle each faction and we'd need to decide on simplistic hierarchy for each faction as far as titles in addition to researching and deciding upon how to tackle Aserai and Khuzaits.
  3. An extensive and immersive naming overhaul for the shakers and movers of Calradia, to include mid to low tier NPCs. Some names just don't fit their Kingdom or culture IMO and a few tweaks to some House Names would be nice. I know it's fantasy but you can't help but want some Kingdoms to better reflect their historic roots. i.e Vlandia and the Franks, Sturgia and the Jomsvikings, Varangians and Kievan Russ. Goals: - Create and utilize Kingdom specific first and last names, with historical consistency, where applicable. - Place last names from the character's bio in their full name where applicable. - Place NPCs titles(listed in thier bio) in their full name where applicable and/or create a proper title for the NPC according to their place in the world. - Replace many NPC first names and last names with medieval and/or traditional Frankish, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Welsh, Scandinavian, Germanic, Slavic, Kievan Rus, Mongolian, West Asian, Persian and/or Arabic. Impact on game play: Not only is this a cool role play element added to the game, more importantly full names and titles for all notable NPCs would give the player a vastly improved sense of exactly who they're interacting with and who they're seeing nearby on the map without having to open the Encyclopedia every time they come across a notable. Last names and titles will immediately clue the player into an NPC's power status, clan, father and/or family association. The concepts below are by no means historically or linguistically correct. The naming process is simplified to keep names as short as possible while attempting to add information pertinent to each NPCs status and place in the game world. 1. Vlandia with French Noble theme. Last name of all nobles and their children being their house/clan name. King > Earl > Baron/Duke > Sir/Lady(Knights) - Derthert of clan "dey Meroc" becomes King Derthert dey Meroc - Derthert's kids become Prince/Princess xxx dey Meroc - Derthert's wife becomes Queen Philenora dey Meroc Dethert's Earls and leading famlies become: - Earl xxx dey Cortain - Earl xxx and Lady yyy dey Lothbrok Baron Aldric(according to his bio he's a Baron) of house "dey Thir" and his family become: - Baron Aldric dey Thir - Baroness Madeleine dey Thir - Sir Charles dey Thir(fighting age son of Aldric) - Lady Liena dey Thir(fighting age daughter of Aldric) Vlandian nobles/knights that aren't heads of a clan or that aren't a head of family would be titled Sir or Lady. Alternatives: Duke/DuchessMarquees/MarchionessEarl/CountessViscount/ViscountessBaron/BaronessBaronetsSir(knight)/DameGentlemen/Lady 2. Sturgia is a mix of Nordic and Slavic fist names and family names. King > Jarl > Hersir > Huskarl > Thegn Last names would mostly be derived from the father's name for both Scandinavia(Varangian) and Kievan Russ type NPCs where the last name is not listed in the bios. Raganvald and family becomes -King Raganvad Ragnarsson(or whatever his father's name is) -Queen Asta Haraldssdotter(or whatever her father's name is) -Jarl Vikar Raganvadsson -Valla Raganvadsdotter Raganvald's Jarls, Huskarls, Hersirs and Chieftons are a mix of Slavs and Varangians/Varyg(Scandinavian) names. Vyldur, who's listed as a Chiefton in his bio becomes: - Jarl Vyldur Borisslev"(slev = Boris's son). Lesser known players in Sturgian Kingdom (Jarl, Hersir, Huskarl, Thegn) again are a mix of Varangian/Northmen and Kievan Slavs. - Jarl Ivar Thorkellsson - Hersir Vladimyr Yanislev - Huskarl Isvan Borislev - Thegn Guthrum Haraldsson 3. Empire Empress/Imperator/Princeps > Legate > Tribune > Eques The hierarchy listed above surely is not 100% correct historically but remember the need for brevity and keeping things simple in order to give the player a rough idea of the NPC's social and/or military status at a glance. Use the in game names as a family name or as a first name. Either or a first name or family name will have to be generated for the mod. i.e. Caesar of the Julii clan was named Julius Caesar. - Rhagaea becomes "Empress Portia Rhagaea" - Lucon becomes "Senator Julius Lucon"(listed as a Senator in his bio) - Garios becomes "Imperator Tiberius Garios" - Legate Lucious Vorenus. - Tribune Titus Pullo. - Eques Scipio Africanus Alternatives: Imperator/Caeser (Emperor)Rex/Regina (King/Queen)Magnus Dux/Magna Ducissa (Grand Duke/Grand Duchess)Archidux/Archiducissa (Archduke/Archduchess)Dux/Ducissa (Duke/Duchess)Princeps/Principissa (Prince/Princess, literally meaning “leading citizen”)Prorex/Proregina (Viceroy/Vicereine)Marchio/Marchionissa (Marquees/Marchioness)Comes/Comitissa (Earl/Countess)supplementVicecomes/Vicecomitissa (Viscount/Viscountess)Baro/Baronissa (Baron/Baroness)Eques (Knight/Dame)Nobilis Homo (N.H.) (Gentleman/Lady)If you want to get into Patricians having a middle name reflective of their occupation(silversmith, brewer, ironmonger) with Latin translations have at it that's beyond my scope. To be continued/WIP 4. Batannia High King > Chiefton > Aeldorman > Thane Perhaps the easiest solution for Battania is to just add a title, then first name, then clan. King Caladog fen Gruffendoc would be the simplest. He's obviously the King "fen Gruffendoc" clan Keeping it simple for non combatant wives, daughters and sons of King Caladog fen Gruffendoc Mengus fen Gruffendoc(child) Corein fen Gruffendoc(child) Battanian rank structure/titles(fighting age males/females): Chiefton > Aeldorman > Thane Prince/Princess/Queen for the King's family - Chiefton Melidir fen Uvain. Melidir - Chiefton, head of the clan "fen Uvain". - Aeldorman Culharn fen Uvain. Culharn - senior clan member serving under Melidir of the clan Uvain. - Thane Bestein fen Uvain. Bestien youth of fighting age or lower ranked warrior of the clan Uvain. 5. Aserai TBD 6. Khuzait TBD
  4. Obviously I'm referring to 1.2 vs 1.3 and the last several weeks and how many modders had abandoned 1.2, the main/retail version of the game. So in the upcoming weeks this post will be referring to modders supporting 1.3 the MAIN/retail version of the game. As modders figure out how to get their mods onto 1.4, more modders will stop supporting 1.3 like they did with 1.2. The cycle will continue with each major patch. It needs to stop. I'd ask that our amazing modding community please support the MAIN/retail version of the game first and foremost because that's where a majority of players are playing.
  5. I've been enjoying great mods since Rome: Total War back in early 2000's. SPQR mod FTW! In fact the modding communities are the main reason games like Rome and many other games have had such a long life span and so much "replay'ability". So I appreciate and fully comprehend what modders do for a game and a gaming community. With that said I find it rather odd the trend of many modders only supporting the Beta branch of Bannerlord. FYI a majority of players are playing the retail version of the game. Personally I don't want to have to move to Beta only to experience the ups and downs of Beta which may or may not destroy my save game on any given day depending on the latest experimental Beta patch, so I play the main/retail version like many others. It's a real bummer discovering a new mod, or a mod that's been out a while that I just missed somehow, only to discover it's only available if we are playing on the Beta branch.
  6. Taking inspiration from the SPQR total overhaul mod from Rome: Total War. A war horn sounds when each enemy or friendly unit charges on the battle map. - Specific sounding horns for each faction. Metal bugles, animal horns(ram, bull) etc. - Horns que special events during siege. Specific horn sound for walls being breached from the tower or ladders where breach occurs - Specific/unique sounding horn or bells sounding alarm when the main gate goes down. Examples taken from Tokien's fantasy universe. While the horns in the link below are fantasy, the inspiration is derived from reality and ancient warfare. Lord of the Rings Warhorns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEClzllDVJo
  7. Under the Khuzait Elite - "Noble's Son" upgrade line, the final upgrade is the Khuzait Khan's guard. This unit is a horse archer unit and has only one quiver of arrows where as most, if not all upgraded mounted archers, have 2 quivers. The Khuzait Kheshig has two quivers and is a tier below the Khan's Guard. Basically the Khan's guard has an empty equipment slot. Just need a mod to add the missing quiver.
  8. Concept: better music in game that switches themes according to which region or opponents the player encounters. Also various music themes for battle, bandit hideouts, taverns and exploring. I threw a few things together using instrumental folk music from around the world to listen to for myself. I switch up the playlist according to which area I enter occasionally so I'm not hearing music from the steppes when I'm up in wiking country :laugh: . https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcmz4jzSkjHaYaaYMqsryz91HD4rVMtoz
  9. Concept: Banner main background color is persistent even if we join a faction and all wool/cloth/ items for main character, recruits and companions will match the banner. - clan main banner background color automatically applied to all/most cloth items on main character and companion outfits. - clan colors persist during tournaments - banner color persists if player joins a faction. I know this mod already exists but not sure if it would be compatible.
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