tried agathas station and it is affected too, i did try rencodine the music files to a lower bitrate and that did help but didnt cure it, its annoying becouse i didnt have this problem to start with, it just started happening, i tried uninstalling the mods i been using, none of them afftect the radio but to be honset im kinda out of ideas as to what caused it to suddenly start stuttering. i also checked the music files outside of the gamejust to check they were ok and my installed codecs wernt buggered (personally i use ogg vorbis for my music, with the exception of a odd few tracks, so i wouldnt nesecarily notice if my mp3 codec was buggered) but they are fine, ill try disabling all but the essentials like you suggest, i hope if does fix it, doesnt change how annoying this is though, increasing the audio buffer to 32mb doesnt help either........ im fact im getting distortoin and artifacts now.... i think ill uninstall fallout AND all my codecs and do a clean install, i have a feeling something has become corrupted somewhere