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Posts posted by Tripp426


    I've never played any Dark Souls game but I've heard that they are rage games for the most part.


    They are!!!!! Dont play it if you value your sanity and life!!!


    Hmm, the same could be said for Five Nights At Freddy's.

  2. I'm not bothered by a lack of voice acting. To be honest, the thought never even crossed my mind for this mod to have any. Not to mention it would require lip-synching, which I'm sure is a difficult and/or time-consuming process.

  3. Sorry to hear about your other project going down in flames. The GECK really is evil sometimes. :/
    Anyhoo, I really like that Chrysalis pic and I hope you feel better. There's gotta be something you can do that can cheer you up, like turning on God mode in New Vegas and murdering everyone at Cottonwood Cove and the Fort. It's worth a try, right? :)

  4. Alright, fair enough. Although anything else that can be frenzied (ants and mantises I believe) are easy enough to kill anyway so they wouldn't pose too much of a problem. Personally, a 5% chance sounds a bit low, but maybe that's just me.

  5. First of all, Happy (late) Fourth of July! Heh, only you could make a picture with a Deathclaw look adorable, Kuro. It's alright that Luna's (or is it Woona's?) and Vinyl's faces are covered so they don't distract from teh cuteness. :P
    I'm definitely liking Trixie's perk. However, the thought of her summoning a frenzied Cazador in the middle of a firefight is horrifying. At least I deleted that incredibly annoying poison sound effect from my game files.
    Lastly, congrats on keeping all your fingers! :)

  6. @Kuro Wow! Between ponies, a rideable horse mod and merging Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you certainly have alot to keep you busy. I have to admit that I'm intrigued by the other two projects as much as the pony one. This is certainly an update that was worth the wait. "Need to make the player feel like a turd for getting all the ponies killed" Agreed.
    @WolfmasterM Heh, that is certainly a strong claim that ponies beat everything but I can't deny that so much of the other things I have interest in have been ponified in some way.

  7. Okay cool, I wouldn't mind seeing some Ursa Minor/Major Fallout action. I bought the Ultimate Edition so I would have no worries with anything DLC related. So I'm assuming the horse would be able to utilize the Rideable Creatures mod somehow or is it too early to tell? Heh, a pony riding a horse, now that's an image. That really sucks that some people are jerks (well they're a lot worse than that but I know I shouldn't use foul language). For what it's worth, I do appreciate all the hard work you're putting into this mod. Oh and didn't you have a tumblr too awhile back or do you not check that anymore?

  8. Right, good to always use the tray to its full potential. No worries, it's your mod so if you want to add in a unique creature then by all means, go ahead. Is it the quadrupedal horse you were working on previously? I remember you had a few issues with that side project. The changelog is coming along nicely I see. Also, I recall the offer for beta testers awhile back. Don't worry, I'm not asking to be one, just wondering how that turned out, like if it did more harm than good etc.

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