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Posts posted by Tripp426

  1. I like it. Dark and creepy atmosphere, losing the ability to attack at all, only running and hiding, emphasis on closing doors behind you, creepy monsters and some corpses on the floor. Sounds like you also got some inspiration from Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

    Oh wow. I'm really sorry to hear that. If you guys need a break, then by all means go ahead and enjoy some time off from working on the mod. The way I see it, you are all allowed to have a life just like everyone else.

    Thank you for letting us have nice things. c:

    No problem. I'm really not that much of a jerk I promise. :blush:

  3. The VA roles for more characters have been filled, including multiple Fallout: Equestria characters, Vinyl Scratch, and Chrysalis.


    Woo! More good news. =]



    "...and with the rarity scale logic I made..."

    No pun intended?

    This is why we can't have nice things. >:c

    Oh, sorry. I'll be careful to not take any more nice things away =/

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