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About Blazze69

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  1. I'll be honest here, the chances of that happening are practically zero. Not absolutely zero because new (anthro) races have been made before and are still being made, but due to the low interest in it and the lack of people with the required skill that is also willing to work on it, it's very unlikely. Having said that, and on the topic of new races that have been created already, there's an otter race you could be interested in. Not ferrets (at least closer to them that Khajiit or Argonians, I guess?) but that's all there is. Go to LL and search for "Cellan" if you want to check it out.
  2. The image links you posted only nead to the "Images" tab of the mod page, but not to any specific picture, so next time you may want to actually link to the image itself (Right Click -> Open Image in new tab -> Copy the image url from that new tab). In any case, I'm assuming you are talking about this image, right? If so, then yes, those belly and neck patters are from the "Anaconda" skin option in FAR. To answer your question, no, Female Dragonic and FAR are not compatible because they both replace the Argonian character textures so you can only have one mod active at a time. The user that posted those pics actually edited the texture files themselves to copy the markings from the FAR textures and paste them on the Dragonic ones. As for the blue skin tone, pretty much any mod that adds/edits vanilla skin tone options have been deprecated (including the one you linked) ever since since RaceMenu exists, because it includes its own RGB color selector tool that allows you to manually select whatever color you want in the menu itself without the need to edit race/skin tone records as those mods do.
  3. Glad to help, and nice to hear it worked out :laugh:! One question, though: did you manage to keep the .tri files and thus get the shells to morph alongside the head? If not, maybe I could help with that; I've got some experience on tweaking heads/headparts without breaking the .tris (my own shark race is such an example, since it uses Argonian heads as a base). Otherwise, about your list of things to do: Altering the head shape should be possible, I can guide you through the process if you want. Alternatively I think I've seen an earless human head somewhere already, probably for a similar "humanoid cat" race. Maybe in Nuska's custom race assets pack? Would have to check.If you want to create a brand new custom race (even if you use the Dagi-Rath assets as a base), I could help with that as well.Don't know how the nif is set up and would have to check it out, but I'd say as long as the BSLightingShaderProperties for the shells are set to the same values as the body (or head for the head shells), it should pick up the skin color/tint just fine. The most important step is probably to set the "Skyrim Shader Type" to "Skin Tint" if it isn't already.Body parts loading fine at 0 and 100 weight but being a mess anywhere in between means the _0 and _1 nifs are different and have different vertex order. You may need to rebuild them to fix it.No idea on the neck, would have to check it out ingame or see a screenshot before I do anything else.
  4. Head parts don't use equipment slots, they work on a completely different "system", so there shouldn't be any problem with the shells taking up slots from other mods. You can have as many meshes loading as "head parts" as you want, and they don't even need to be placed around the actual head. For example, IIRC the Crimes Against Nature mod loads the tails for the Pony race as extra head parts of the hair so they match the character's hairstyle and color; and I know of a mod in LL that uses/used a similar setup to load, huh, hair for private areas that matched the main character's hair in color (because it was set up as an extra part too). They do still get unequipped if the slot that is listed in the nif partition data is covered by anything else, though (for example that's why hair disappears when you equip anything that uses the Hair slot like hoods or helmets even though the hair itself is not registered as "equipped" by the game or anything like that). But as long as you assign the shell meshes to the same slot as the base head nif (SBP_130_HEAD if I remember correctly), it should work just fine.
  5. Okay, so, about the whole thing with the head meshes, this are my thoughts: "Even if vert order is preserved (which I think it is, at least going by the Blender instructions from the Fusa Fusa Project mod page though I'm not 100% sure), you can't have multiple NiTriShapes in a head part nif, so the only way around it would be to leave the original head nif untouched and add each shell as a separate nif as extra head parts in the head part data (like hair lines are for hairs)." To clarify: head part nifs can't have more than one NiTriShape in them due to engine limitations, so you can't have the head and the 4-5 shell shapes in the same nif. But, the game allows you to add as many "Extra Parts" in the head part data as you want (hairs do it to add the "Hair line" to the main Hair record so they are loaded at the same time ingame even though they are in separate nifs). So in theory you could create the shells you need for the head and save each of them as a single NiTriShape in separate nifs and then load all of them as extra parts in the head data. The end result would be that all 5 meshes (head + 4 shells) would be loaded ingame at the same time just like if they were actually in the same nif file without being in the same nif file. As an added bonus, if the "shell creation" process can be done without deleting vertices or changing vertex order from the original head mesh, you wouldn't even need to create or edit .tri files, because the original ones would still work with the shells. Of course, this assumes the reason for all 4 shells to be in the same nif as the base mesh is simply for them to be loaded at the same time; if there is some other technical reason that needs them to be in the same nif or else the effect doesn't work, then this method would unfortunately not be an option. But I thought I should share it in case it was possible.
  6. Are you using any "Unique Player" mods, or one of those that give you a custom werewolf/vampire lord form? Those mods are known to cause the bug you describe when coupled with custom races.
  7. "Who can do it"? Okay, this has gotten really annoying. Someone already did it. In your second thread in LL, check out post #9 again. That is as close as you can get in Skyrim to that character you want. You don't need to create any custom race either, because it's a reskin of the Katia Managan race. Simply install the original mod, and then the rexture over it. Done. I understand the language barrier may be making things more difficult than they should, but still, I'm starting to believe you are simply a troll. So you have 2 options: Send a message to malfdawg in LL (or post in your request tab) asking for the textures they showed in the image. Use those textures for the Katia Managan race, and enjoy your character. Continue spamming LL and the Nexus with your threads and ignoring actual helpful advice, and get nothing in return.Your choice.
  8. There are some tutorials around on how to turn your character into a standalone follower, so I guess you could follow them and simply use the preset you want instead of one of your own.
  9. You mean like a RaceMenu preset? Then not really. What else would you want to do with it anyway?
  10. You need to export FaceGen data for the character tints/paints to show up as intended ingame. Simply select them in the Actors list in the CK and press Ctrl + F4. You will get a popup asking you about it, and then another one once it's done.
  11. Unless you have one of those fancy G-Sync or 120hz monitors (which I assume you don't), having V-Sync turned on should automatically limit the FPS to 60. And AFAIK Skyrim does not include an option to turn it off unless you actually open Skyrim.ini and manually do it there, so you should have it working already.
  12. Why have you posted this here instead of in LL? That's where the SL development and mods are. Considering the subject at hand, and knowing the community, in here all you will get will be at best trolling and at worst a lot of trolling. ...unless the post itself it's meant to be trolling, in which case, allow me to pre-emptively reply: gr8 b8 m8, in case I'm right.
  13. Well, as long as you run "Verify Integrity of local files" afterwards, Steam should download all the vanilla files again, so yeah, you can do that to clean up the folder and start from scratch (I assume you don't use MO and thus installed all mods into the actual Data folder). Will probably take some time to dowload, though, depending on your connection, because the files are pretty big.
  14. Then you want Cats of Skyrim. Replaces all races (Nords included) with Khajiits. Otherwise, you can get Furry Age of Skyrim as well, which changes the playable (human) races into beasts, with Nords being replaced by Lykaios (wolves). Also, if you like Furry Age but you want something polished and up-to-date, then search for Yiffy Age of Skyrim in LL. It also includes some custom races that are not available anywhere else.
  15. Honestly, the vanilla underwear is pretty standard/"conservative" already, I would say calling that "naked" is quite the exaggeration. Hell, the ESRB rating doesn't even make the slightest mention of nudity at all in their description for Skyrim. But still, to each their own, I guess. Also gotta love the "clean and fun gaming experience" thing since we're talking about a game with lots of violence and some extent of gore included (decapitations and bloody remains and stuff). But then again, I grew up playing Grand Theft Auto 2 on my PSOne, so I guess I am not the one to judge, lol. Anyway, sorry for the ranting. Your best bet is to extract the meshes for the prisioner outfits and replace the base body mesh with them. Should be easy, you just need a program to extract the meshes from the vanilla BSA file (there are some BSA extractors floating around, search for them) and then it's just a matter of renaming them and placing them in the appropiate path.
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