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About andyfed83

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    United States

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  1. Wow, thank you! I'll have to give that a shot... Ya know, it's pretty cool there's still Skyrim modders, such as yourself, that are still staying in touch with the community and helping modding noobs like me even after the game is going on 8 years old...
  2. So I came across this mod and I think it looks awesome! Maybe y'all have heard of it... Real Weapons Replacer. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20036?tab=posts I tried contacting the author, but apparently he's been banned for some reason. If anyone can somehow get permission from him, or her, and take it over I think this would be an awesome mod for anyone, like me, who likes more realistic looking weapons. If I had more know-how and time I would take it over, but unfortunately I don't. Some of the textures could use some updating and polishing. And of course it need a Dual Sheath Redux patch... If anyone could at least make a DSR patch, that would be amazing!
  3. Wow! Thanks! That really does help.
  4. Ok, so there's a mod I want to edit for my own use, not to distribute or anything... I don't want to say what the mod is because I don't want to offend the author. It really is a fantastic mod. Suffice it to say it's a weapon mod. I just want to change some of the dimensions of the weapon, again purely for my own use. I don't know the first thing about how to model or sculpt or paint or render, etc. I mean I guess I could figure it out, so I've been reading and watching videos all day about making weapon mods and I'm a little overwhelmed now with all the software I would seem to have to acquire... Cinema 4D: $3500??? Photoshop: $700+?? Mudbox is a subscription... How can anybody afford all that??? First, I don't have that kind of money. Second, if I did, I don't have the time to invest in such projects to justify spending said money. Third, how the hell does anybody, besides a business, have that kind of money or time?? Obviously I'm missing something, I just don't know what...
  5. So... I went to buy a horse in Markarth because I like the pinto horse... But there's no pinto horses there!! all the have are tan with black socks... I'm using Convenient Horses, could that be why?
  6. I know that AFT isn't being supported by anyone anymore, but I was just wondering if somebody was considering "taking the reins." I was just asking because there's some bugs I've found but I can't seem to solve them...
  7. Where would the textures folder be? I'm using Mod Organizer
  8. Maybe someone knows what I'm talking about... The Lip color on my female character just disappeared one day. I tried to fix it in Racemenu, but the slider doesn't change the color, it just stays the same default neutral shade. I've tried lip mods too, and nothing changes. I even tried starting a new game, but that didn't help...
  9. Does anyone know if there's any other mods like Armed to the Teeth? Mods that allow your character to visibly carry more weapons... Just curious...
  10. I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem... I have Archery Gameplay Overhaul with everything installed correctly (I think) but I'm having this issue where when I'm in 3rd person and sneaking with my bow drawn, the arrow in my character's right hand seems to float and move unnaturally, not being "held" by the shaft at all. Hope someone else has a solution, I can't figure it out.
  11. Does anyone know if there's a mod that makes it possible for you to pay someone to enchant items for you?
  12. So I'm having a problem with my character's leg animation. When I have my weapon drawn and I strafe left or right the legs look like they are going really fast and unnatural. Definitely not the way it's supposed to look. I'm using FNIS with the Creature Pack, Dual Sheath Redux, XPMSE and XP32's New Animation Pack. Any ideas?
  13. [Fixed the screenshots] Ok, so for the life of me I can't get this issue resolved... the hair on my elf looks like it's going through her ear... I want the hair to go BEHIND her ears. I've tried everything with Racemenu... I can't seem to get it right. Any help would be appreciated... Let me know if you need anymore info, thanks. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l197/andyfed83/enb%202017_08_15%2000_15_30_60.pnghttp://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l197/andyfed83/enb%202017_08_15%2000_15_38_30.png
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