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Everything posted by duckyduckyquackquack

  1. You need a newer version of Nexus Mod Manager, which will be a community beta version as development on NMM has long finished by the actual Nexus site or switch to the new Nexus Vortex Mod Manager which has the proper support for ESL files. The final version of NMM here on the site version 0.65.2 doesn't correctly detect or know how to handle the Creation Club ESL files.
  2. I too have been blocked today by this author for posting a comment about an issue I was having with the same mod. Annoyingly this block also prevents me accessing and downloading his other mod for Skyrim which I really like and enjoyed. I also notice across his mods he's very quick to purge and remove any comments from anyone who says something is wrong in the mod or something doesn't work right. I even posted that wearing Power Armour didn't negate the radiation damage from the sun, which he clearly acknowledge as it's listed as something he's fixed/changed in the latest Version 4 of the Mod he's uploaded today.
  3. Doesn't matter if mod pages have seperate bug-reporting tools, forums or the standard post pages if a Mod Author is just going to block users for trying to use them. I also can't believe the Nexus Site won't respond to users who have been unfairly blocked from mods by authors. I now can't download updates to this mod because I'm blocked from the page, or re-download it if I move to another computer. I also can't download mods for a completely different game because apparently when an author blocks you, it blocks you from their entire content not just a specfic file. That I do think is wrong.
  4. Just came across this very situation myself. Downloaded a Mod for Fallout 4 the Sanguinaire Mod, been testing it for a few days and noticed a small issue with clothing and armour added by the mod that meant its not scrappable at all in the game either via the armor workbench or via the build menu in a settlement. Reported it to the Mod Author via a post on the Mod Page which was very polite and courteous. I even recorded a video today and uploaded to YouTube to be able to post to the Mod Author to show the issue in action and now find I'm banned from his mod and all his mods, even for other games which I have no problem with and quite enjoy. I used another browser to access the mod page and notice he's even removed and deleting the posts from people.
  5. Disabling Concealed Armor on its own after installing it won't fix your problem, because as I said it overwrites files from other mods with much older and out of date versions. After un-installing and deleting Concealed Armor, you would then need to install AWKCR again and Armorsmith to overwrite the files changed by Concealed Armour with the new and correct versions.
  6. Had the same issue last week and as said by Algabar, it'll be Concealed Armour causing your crashes because it uses an very old and out of date version of AWKCR that it force installs and will overwrite your more up to date and current version of AWKCR, which then breaks mods like Armorsmith which are updated to use the latest version of AWKCR. As Concealed Armour has not been updated in forever and is no longer being supported by the author or any other modder, you're best off removing the mod from your installation and using an alternative such as UCO (Ultimate Clothing Overhaul) by AndrewCX which offers the same function as Concealed Armour and more, but is still in active state, being developed and supported by the mod author.
  7. Still ran into the problem after waiting until after I exited Vault 111 before activating the majority of my mods, and doing so in stages. This time Codsworth won't even run off to search for and kill the Bloatfly in Sanctuary, so it's even more broken this time.
  8. Without Mods installed the Game Progresses as Normal from a New Game Save, sadly loading a save I used mods on still seems to leave them broken and unable to complete the quest. So I'm assuming the fault it Mod related. I also noticed on another seperate profile, with a different mod configuration that I also encountered an issue in Sanctuary with Codsworth, when you get the quest to explore Sanctuary and remove hostiles. Despite killing all the Bloatfly in both Houses, Codsworth remains in Alert Mode and within the first house, thus this Quest doesn't continue or complete either. I've had a quick look at the Load Order in FO4Edit and don't see anything that messes with any of the Quests. So at this stage I wonder if it's a script issue. I wonder if starting a game with a lot of mods enabled that have scripts ultimately breaks the game as the they all try to load and run at the start of a new game and the engine can't handle it. I remember having similar issues with Skyrim and some mods, which required you to use an Alternate Start Mod, which gave the engine a bit of breathing room to load all the mods and data, before actually loading the majority of game data. I'll temporarily disable a lot of my mods and try starting a new game, get out of the vault and then save/exit the game and load mods a couple at a time then, restart the game and let them load before saving and exiting again and loading the rest.
  9. I keep encountering an issue with this quest. No matter how many games I start, what combination of mods I have installed on a profile, I keep encountering the same issue every time I play the game. When doing the Freedom Calls Quest, after getting the Power Armor on the roof of the museum, then taking the mini-gun from the vertibird that's it. The raiders that I need to clear out of concord never spawn, the death claw never spawns and there seems to be no way to advance the quest. Sometimes when I take the minigun off the vertibird the quest marker never moves and the game seems not to recognise I have picked it up and equipped it. If I go back into the Museum, Preston and Co are still upstairs in their little room and if I try to speak to anyone they just tell me to go get on the roof. Anyone know how to fix this issue? Is there a way to restart the quest via console commands or get the next step of the quest to start via console commands? I can't believe so early into a new playthrough the games is broken already.
  10. I think the problem was that after installing the mods one of those screens popped up that said a file had been changed outside of Vortex, possible as I think I download Armor Keywords via the in game mod menu rather then nexus and vortex. So when installing Concealed Armor it didn't warn about the conflict and instead choose to load the ArmorKeywords.esm from Concealed Armor over the one already in my data folder. This then broke several of my other installed mods that require the later version of Armor Keywords.
  11. Think I've fixed it by trial and error disabling and loading the game and trying to access a armor bench. Seems like the the offending mods for me are: Concealed Armors Concealed Armor Season Pass AWKCR 3.x.x compability patch I'm wondering if it's because they contain an ArmorKeywords.esm replacement file that's older then the current standalone Armor Keywords Mod, which they overwrite then because Vortex offers you know way of excluding that file from being installed and subsequently mods that look for and require the newer Armor Keywods file can't find it because Concealed Armors has overwritten it. I'm even more surprised that Vortex doesn't even offer a warning that this is what will happen when you install the mod.
  12. Since the last game update I'm now having an issue in game, where if I try to use any Armor Workbench the game instantly crashes to the desktop. All other workbenches work fine I can use Weapons, Power Armor, Cooking, Chemisty, Settlement etc all without issue, but touch an Armor Bench and crash city. I'm not even sure where to begin looking for the culprit in my load order: If anyone has any suggestions I'd be really grateful to know how to fix this.
  13. I'm having the same issue, and weirdly with one Profile in Vortex for my Frost Setup the Armour Workbenches work fine and don't crash the game. In my standard Fallout 4 profile, as soon as I try to use an Armour Workbench the game crashes and sometimes even looting Armour Items off corpses will crash the game. I have no idea what mod could be causing it and need some help maybe to find the offender. He is my current load order:
  14. Have you tried the 'Scrap that Settlement' mod as an alternative to Scrap Everything? The only drawback I see to it is that the mod author for whatever reason chooses to only upload it via the bethesda.net system and doesn't add the mod to Nexus here, so you have to install it in game. I believe it's updated more then Scrap Everything and as it's available to the console players as well I'm guessing its a bit more optimised. It may not allow you delete anything and everything like Scrap Everything does but it's pretty close.
  15. SKSE64 and SkyUI are still very much in Alpha, so expect some issues with functionality. Also check what mods you've installed and when they last had an update from the mod author because a lot of Skyrim Special Edition Mods don't have MCM support yet, even the ones that had it for the original Skyrim, they had a lot of features removed when first ported to SE because there was no SKSE and SkyUI, some Mods carry remnants of the old code within and people notice weird MCM Bugs, strange text and symbols and wonky menus. It just means the mods need to be re-written by the authors to re-support the SKSE and SkyUI features. As a general rule I apply when looking at mods to download and install if it's not been updated in the last six months I don't expect it to have SKSE or working SkyUI functions.
  16. The Plugin File can be found by going to the Users folder on the route of your operating system drive. And following the folder structure C:\Users\*YourUsername*\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition inside this folder should be a text file called Plugins.txt which shows which mods you have installed and what order they should load in. For example here's mine: *Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp*BSAssets.esm*BSHeartland.esm*BS_DLC_patch.esp*Campfire.esm*RaceCompatibility.esm*Falskaar.esm*Unofficial Skyrim Survival Patch.esp*LenientSurvival.esp*LenientSurvival_EnableFastTravel.esp*LenientSurvival_RestoreCarryWeight.esp*JRCCPatches.esp*JRLordsMailPatch.esp*JRDwarvenMudcrabPatch.esp*TelekinesisArrow10x.esp*Cutting Room Floor.esp*Bring Out Your Dead.esp*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp*Gildergreen Regrown.esp*moonpath.esp*Helgen Reborn.esp*RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp*CharacterMakingExtender.esp*Player Size Adjuster.esp*SMIM-SE.esp*JKs Whiterun.esp*JKs Whiterun exterior.esp*JK's Riverwood.esp*Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp*No Snow Under The Roof - CRF Patch.esp*Darkwater Crossing.esp*Dawnstar.esp*Dragon Bridge.esp*Ivarstead.esp*Helarchen Creek.esp*Helarchen Creek - No Snow Under the Roof.esp*Karthwasten.esp*Keld-Nar.esp*Kynesgrove.esp*Shor's Stone.esp*Soljund's Sinkhole.esp*Whistling Mine.esp*Whistling Mine - No Snow Under the Roof.esp*RiverwoodHuntingCabinSE.esp*The Batcave Reborn.esp*Point The Way.esp*FloraRespawnFix.esp*Better Dynamic Snow.esp*Better Dynamic Snow - NSUTR Patch.esp*Better Dynamic Ash.esp*Footprints.esp*VioLens SE.esp*VioLens SE - Book Menu.esp*Heart Breaker SE.esp*Heart Breaker SE - Book Menu.esp*Dawnguard Delayed - Level 90.esp*No Vampire Attacks In Towns.esp*Dragonborn Delayed - After Dragonslayer.esp*Believable Crime Report Radius.esp*Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp*3DNPC.esp*AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp*AmazingFollowerTweaks-3DNPC.esp*AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp*RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp*RDO - iAFT Patch.esp*PumpingIron.esp*Predator Vision.esp*dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp*dD-No Screen Blood.esp*dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp*sandboxcylinderheight.esp*SkyUI_SE.esp*iHUD.esp*HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp*HarvestOverhaul_Redone_Creatures.esp*HOR-Flora Respawn Fix Patch.esp*BSHeartlandFRF.esp*aestheartofsmithing.esp*Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp*Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp*Cloaks.esp*Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp*Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp*1nivWICCloaks.esp*1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp*UnarmoredVampireGear.esp*BAAB_English_MaxDamage_v1_2_5.esp*StayArrowStay.esp*imp_helm_legend.esp*Simple AUA.esp*CC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.esp*NoSaltThanks.esp*Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets SSE.esp*AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp*ToneyCraftingResource.esp*Enchanting Freedom.esp*MultipleEnchants32.esp*FortifyEnchanting.esp*Fortify Enchanting necklace.esp*Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp*WeightLessLegacyAll.esp*Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp*Balanced Magic SE.esp*FortifyDestructionDamage.esp*True Bat Form Remade.esp*RealisticWaterTwo.esp*RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp*RWT Lod Fix.esp*SuperStorage.esp*Level Booster.esp*Carry Weight x5.esp*InigoPerkPointGiver.esp*fastermining9-3.esp*SSEMerged.esp*Bashed Patch, 0.esp*Inigo.esp*EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp*EMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp*Better Vampires.esp*Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp*Tainted_Blood.esp*Run For Your Lives.esp*Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp*Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp*Bruma - Alternate Start.esp*Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp*Shout.esp*Unlimited Shouting.esp*Jaggarsfeld.espRDO - USSEP Patch.espRDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.espNo Essential Npcs.espBetter Vampires Patch.esp Now important to note mods which start with an * before there name are the ones activated and will load when you launch the game, mods without the * are disabled and won't be loaded when you launch the game. So you can see I have four mods not enabled as I don't require or want these in my game, they were probably installed during other mods installation processes or are not compatible with a combination of mods I am using. For purely ease I have moved them to the bottom of my load order list, but you may find disabled mods can appear anywhere in the list if you don't manually sort or adjust your load order.
  17. I've been wondering this myself these last few days. I've been playing a new playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition and have been adding mods throughout as I feel the need for something or want to change something in game. I then remember to go and do rebuild my bashed patch but have noticed some weird things in game, where some of the mods I've installed don't seem to have any effect or the changes they are supposed to make aren't being seen. So I've gone back to Wyre Basg and checked which mods it's supposedly merging to remove extra un-needed plugins and stuff and deselecting mods that don't seem to be getting implemented, and making sure those mods are still loaded as they should, but still I'm seeing errors. I've even re-installed mods and loaded their esps below Bashed Patch.esp to ensure it shouldn't interfere with their changes, but still I'm seeing issues. So last night I decided to have a long sort out, re-installing a lot of mods and moving them to the bottom of my load order. Disabling and deleting the bashed patch and merged patches. Re-doing the merged patch with SSEEdit but only with select mods and not the full load order, then making sure to delete any levelled lists or levelled actor data from the merged patch plugin before saving. Then I went into Wrye Bash and made a new Bashed Patch, without disabling or merging any plugins, just using it to patch the levelled lists from the mods that need to play nice and using some of the bash patch tweak options to change some game settings you can't normally without using console commands such as the time scale and arrow recovery values. I then went and enabled all the mods in my load order, particularly the ones I kept disabled and away from the merged patch and bashed patch process and then made sure those mods load below the merged and bashed patch. Played last night on a test save and noticed this fixed a lot of issues I was experiencing. So today going to load up my main playthrough and test that out for an extended session.
  18. I'm well aware that a mod that makes NPCs Non-Essential is going to break the game, and quests and events should they die before such things occur. I wasn't planning on doing a serious playthrough and going through all the questlines. I wanted to do an RP series where I create a character who's a real badass and wants to take over the whole of Skyrim himself and will basically annihilate anyone who doesn't kneel down to him, show him the proper respect and agree to join his army of minions. So being able to travel across the entire map, over throwing all the capitals and holds and slaughtering everyone who looks at me funny, makes a disrespectful comment or makes that lame arrow in the knee joke was more interesting to me then becoming the Dargonborn as I've been there and done that so many times in the original Skyrim on both PC and PS3. I wanted a play through in a Bethesda game that's opposite to the Fallout 4 game where you can't be anything other then a wimpy goody two shoes.
  19. Okay turns out I had another mod disasbled not included in the post above, the No Essential Npcs.esp. Managed to reload all but the No Essential Npcs.esp and the game functioned fine, the intro scene and tutorial worked okay. So for some reason it seems the No Essential Npcs Mod breaks the game. I've loaded it in SSEEdit and it only appears to edit Non-Player Actor Data and Race records, so don't see how it's changing the games scripted events. Though it is weird as I do notice a difference in the dialoque spoken after the dragon attacks whilst your on the headsman's block. Without this mod activated Ralof gives you an order to get on your feet and get to safety and head towards the keep. With the mod activated that doesn't happen and you just kinda figure that's where to go, when Ralof himself eventually takes off running toward the keep. You go up the stairs and Alduin never breaks down the wall and kills the stomcloak, so you are unable to jump to the next building and proceed further with the info. Handy to know now which mod is the cause, and time I guess to ask the mod author why his mod is messing up the game's events.
  20. Have download and installed Alternate Start and loaded that and tried starting a new game, and chosing the vanilla start option with Alternate Start, again the opening scene is broken exactly the same, with events not happening that allow you to continue through the intro without using console commands to work around the issue. So I went back and disabled some mods in my load order: Immersive Citizens Amazing Follower Tweaks Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Jaggersfield Realistic Water Two Went back into game and started a new save and this time the intro scene works correctly. So I'm guessing one of these deactivated mods is breaking the games starting scripts. Will do some testing enabling them one at a time until I find the exact culprit.
  21. Survival Mode being and ESL is automatically loaded when the game launches alongside the ESM’s of the vanilla game, hence why they are not listed in the Plugins.txt file. What I meant when I said I don’t enable it is after you’ve completed the game intro and escaped Helgen as you walk down the path a short ways from the cave you emerge from, you get a pop-up asking if you’d like to enable the survival feature which you can disable anytime from the game pause menu. I chose not to enable it. I just want to retain some of the stat and recipe tweaks that those mods bring to items in the game. I am not running the alternate start Mod, but can give it a try and see what happens. I was just concerned with scripts and events not happening correctly during the intro if this was something I’d run into deeper in the game, so have not ventured beyond the Cave exit yet with a save as don’t want to risk sinking hours into a save if it’s going to be broken and have issues. One other thing I am thinking of trying is to remove SKSE64 and Mods using it and see what happens as I never had any issues playing the Special Edition when it first launched with many of these mods.
  22. Have re-installed Skyrim Special Edition recently as felt a pull to play the game again. Game is installed on a dedicated SSD Drive for Games, so no User Acess Issues or anything like that can effect it. When I load the game up as Vanilla straight after install I can start a game and play through the intro quite fine without any issues. But of course we don't play the game vanilla because mods make the game better and can fix game issues. So I've installed a light modlist load order below, and am using the latest version of SKSE and the only Creation Club content I have is Survival Mode, which although downloaded and installed I don't activate in the game options, I'm also aware of the issues Immersive Armour can cause with the game start, so disable that mod before trying to start a new game, and only enable it when I get out of Helgen and into Skyrim Proper: *Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp*RaceCompatibility.esm*USSEP Survival patch.esp*SkyUI_SE.esp*iHUD.esp*Point The Way.esp*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp*Gildergreen Regrown.esp*Bring Out Your Dead.esp*Ars Metallica.esp*Run For Your Lives.esp*JK's Riverwood.esp*JKs Whiterun.esp*JKs Whiterun exterior.esp*Dawnguard Delayed - Level 90.esp*No Vampire Attacks In Towns.esp*Believable Crime Report Radius.esp*fastermining9-9.esp*SuperStorage.esp*InfiniteShouts.esp*Carry Weight x5.esp*NoSaltThanks.esp*Level Booster.esp*BAAB_English_MaxDamage_v1_2_5.esp*Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets SSE.esp*AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp*ToneyCraftingResource.esp*Enchanting Freedom.esp*MultipleEnchants32.esp*FortifyEnchanting.esp*Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp*Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp*Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp*Immersive survival Armors.esp*Survival Armor Patch.esp*Cloaks.esp*Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp*Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp*1nivWICCloaks.esp*1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp*CharacterMakingExtender.esp*EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp*RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp*Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp*AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp*AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp*RDO - USSEP Patch.esp*RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp*Jaggarsfeld.esp*No Essential Npcs.esp*RealisticWaterTwo.esp*RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp So I load up the game, start a new save and during the intro have several issues. Sometimes on occasions during the cart ride into Helgen, the gates don't open and the carts just crash into it and the animation keeps going, no solution to this apart from exit the game and start a new save and hope it doesn't happen again. When you manage to progress the intro to the point after the dragon attacks with you on the chopping block and you escape to the keep with Ralof and Ulfric, when you go up the stairs the event where Alduin crashes through the keep wall, killing the storm clock and creating the hole for you to jump to next building occurs only in sound but not in actual physical event, the wall doesn't get broken and you can't jump to the next building. This can be fixed by using the TCL command and ghosting through the keep wall. Then for the next phase until you make the decision to follow Hadvar or Ralof into the building the scene plays okay except again Alduin and all his actions and events don't occur and NPCs only make reference to them, basically the dragon seems to completely disappear from the game during the intro. Inside the Keep everything seems to play okay and without any issues. Upon exiting the Keep into Skyrim again I'm seeing issues where the Dragon does not appear and fly off toward Riverwood. Whoever you choose to follow be it Hadvar or Ralof, goes through all their dialogue, interacts with you, but stays crouched by the rock and never moves onwards towards Riverwood. I'm wondering what is causing this error? I've tried launching games with different mods toggled on and off to see if it's a mod issue. I've tried starting games with any mods that have scripts disabled, so as not to interfere with the base game stuff, and yet I'm still getting the issue. I've even tried verifying the game cache to make sure no files have downloaded funny, and have even completely uninstalled and re-installed the game and still I'm having this issue. Any suggestions?
  23. I just watched an interesting video on YouTube which explained how to check whether mods have been converted correctly from Skyrim to Skyrim Special Edition through the Creation Kit. I checked my load order with SSEEdit and checked the ESMs and ESPs and have found I have downloaded 8 mods from the Nexus that are supposedly converted but in fact are not and have the incorrect Form Version 43 in the header which proves they have been nowhere near the Creation Kit. So am I going to need to scrap my save, remove these bad mods and then start a new game?
  24. There is a mod called Portable Junk Recycler that does this with junk items into their material components. However I don't think it works with Weapons or Armour. I imagine it could be easy to tweak, probably just needs the weapons and armour lists adding to the list of items it can scrap.
  25. I really loved this weapon mod in Fallout 3 ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20616/ ), and with some tweaking I got it working with Fallout New Vegas and Tale of Two Wastelands. I would love it to get an update and be converted for Fallout 4. I have spoken to Prensa over on the original mod for Fallout 3 and he has given his permission in the comments section on the mod for anyone who can update/Convert this to Fallout 4 to do so, as he doesn't play the game and hasn't purchased a Fallout game since Fallout 3 due to his dislike of Steam. I've spent a few hours this week looking at the mod, working with Blender and Nifscope but have to admit I'm way out of my depth with this as the weapon system seems to have been changed a lot since New Vegas, so the weapon needs to be broken down into different nifs for barrel, grip etc due to the mod system in game. I even downloaded the Auto 9 Modders Resource file from the New Vegas files ( http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37903/ ) and tried to look at that but didn't know what I was doing. Is there any talented Fallout 4 Weapon Mod Maker that can get this mod converted? I would be so grateful.
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