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Posts posted by Mandragorasprouts

  1. I don't know about others but I do my mods for myself in the first place, to improve my own game play and of course because I enjoy doing it.
    Sharing mods for community is a next step , because why not, maybe others will use them too.
    As modding is free and I don't get payed for it, my goal is not to impress someone and I absolutely don't care about nagging people who are not satisfied with my work.
    Go find other mod if you don't like mine. Maybe that sounds rude , but at least I'm being honest.


  2. In what format should I save specular maps for fo4? In particular human face speculars.

    I tied dtx1,3dc but i'm getting messed up results.

    p.s. I'm using nvidia plugin for photoshop cc


    sorry for bad English


    Nevermind, I figured it out

  3. Let me start by stating, I really don't know if this belongs in General F4 Discussion or F4 Mod Talk.


    I just finished Fallout 4 finally, took me forever because I just couldn't get into it and I usually love Fallout games. I played through with hardly any mods, mostly textures and armor changes but now would like to give the game another go using mods to help/enhance the playthrough. I already down loaded an alternative start mod as I do not want to play as Shaun's parent again. What I'm looking for are suggestions in immersion and game play mods.


    The thing I really hated in Fallout 4 was the inability to wait or sleep anywhere I wanted.


    What I would like is change the game play to focus on melee with guns and ammo being scarce, I would like some kind of needs mods and then some other mod that would make accumulation of caps and general wealth extremely difficult. Essentially make it more of a difficult place to survive. I've read about the Frost mod and while that sounds interesting I'm looking to keep the quests intact. Finally is there anything like Death Alternative from Skyrim?


    Appreciate any suggestions and thanks.


    I've tried many game play mods, but Horizon is the best one. It's a huge mod that changes every aspect of game, but you should read documentation, it's quite confusing at first time. Just play on survival mode with horizon and campsite, add few visual mods if u like.

    I also love smoke able cigars, pip boy flash light and gas masks. For extra immersion these mods are excellent

  4. This is somewhat strange - especially because it is obviously a "black hands glitch", not the usual "black face". I think it might be a VRAM issue indeed. Lack of VRAM can lead to black textures in Bethesda games, especially on bodies. I've seen this both in Skyrim and Fallout 4.


    So, what can you do? I'd recommend getting ENBoost (or if you like a performance friendly ENB preset). ENBoost also has a "max performance 8GB" setting, which should apply to your rig. Try if it helps.


    ENBoost can be faound here:




    P.S. Since you mentioned it: Don't use "Shadow Boost". Unfortunately it is outdated and probably won't work any more.




    I've tried that already. no results

    I googled a lot about VRAM lack issues. if there is not enough vram textures are just black

    In my case textures are not pitch black. they change color depending how far I am from object- grey, dark brown, black and etc, they can even become fully transparent. If i come close enough they're back to normal color.





    P.P.S. I really like your Skyrim mods. Hope you get that graphics issue sorted out and have a nice time in the Wasteland!


    Thanks )

    I'm goin to test with new character and vanilla game. Maybe it'll work

  5. FIXED: Issue was solved by re-installing OS (win 7).




    I'm having this weird glitch (see video below), textures turn black or even vanishes until I come close to object or npc. That happens randomly in interiors , settlements and etc.Sometimes even facial hear disappears on my character or other npcs.


    Things I've tried:

    • Disabled all graphic/workshop mods mods (except Horizon)
    • Reinstalled game
    • Re-created new ini files
    • I did complete driver uninstall and then installed latest version of Nvidia drivers.

    Nothing helped


    I've never experienced that kind of bug before. I haven't played for a year maybe. Then I updated FO4 to latest version, started new game and here is that annoying glitch.

    Is it VRAM related, 2 gb is not enough? Or maybe that's some kind of shader/texture issue that can be fixed.


    I'm very desperate already. I can't play game, this glitch is completely immersion breaking for me :sad:




    Not using ENBOOST. shadow boost. load accelerator and that kind of stuff.


    p.s. I don't have performance issue, game runs at solid 60 fps in most cases. I also checked VRAM usage with afterburner, about 1700-1800 not more.


    my specs:


    CPU - Intel Core i5 2400

    GPU - GTX 960 2 GB

    RAM - 8 GB


    Texture mods I have : Vivid fallout all in one , FlaconOil ReTexture Project and Tookie's Textures-Grass and Plants

    Load order




    Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp=1
    Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp=1
    Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp=1
    Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1
    Insignificant Object Remover.esp=1
    Northland Diggers New.esp=1
    Smoke-able Cigars.esp=1
    Quick Save.esp=1
    Thematic and Practical.esp=1
    WWP - PC.esp=1
    Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp=1
    Danse GTFO Power Armor.esp=1
    dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp=1
    Vivid Fallout - All in One - 1k.esp=1
    Rusty Face Fix.esp=1
    Ambient Wasteland.esp=1
    Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp=1




    I know all these constructive feedbacks - they're like - "Change this , because I don't like it" or "add this, because I want it" not every comment of course, but 90 %.


    People just don't realize that mods are free products and no author is obliged to do it in your way. If they want remove your comment they do, if they want remove mod they do. Simple.


    You are certainly right. However, I think that removing ones mod simply because it's not making you enough money is a petty reason to remove it. If you expected your mod to make you even the slightest revenue then imo, you haven't fully grasped the concept of what a mod is. That said, it's in the authors full right to do so.


    Well, some modders also don't realize that mod are not for making money

  7. Actually you don't need enb or even reshade. SE is very beautiful looking game. Bethesda completely changed lighting, shadows, added godrays.

    Install weather mod of your choice and that's it.


    But there are some nice ENBs like Re-Engaged, organic ENB, Rudy. They are very performance friendly.

    Even on my medium rig (960gtx , 8gb ram) I get stable 60 fps with enb, bigger trees, weather mod and some texture overhauls.

  8. I know all these constructive feedbacks - they're like - "Change this , because I don't like it" or "add this, because I want it" not every comment of course, but 90 %.


    People just don't realize that mods are free products and no author is obliged to do it in your way. If they want remove your comment they do, if they want remove mod they do. Simple.

  9. I'm not takling about flower girls, more about loverslab mods..

    I know that requiem is great mod as many other skse depending mods. but they can be replaced with other SE mod compilations and you can achieve almost same game overhaul.


    p.s. Older version of SKYUI works on SE, (some feature like filter and search donsn't work though)


    I really can't understand that hysteria about skse64, like - "omg , my life is ruined , i can't live without skse, I want it now, I demand that developers continue work, i'll pay money!" - and so on. this is just ridiculous.

  10. You guys are getting too pathetic over this. They go radio silent for a few weeks and you immediately act like the world is ending.

    SE is perfectly fine to play without SKSE64 right now.

    Many popular mods have done workarounds for the lack of SKSE64.

    Resorting to posting the names and other personal information is totally uncalled for.

    Many popular mod, uh? Actually they are weeping about HDT boobs and adult stuff that can't be ported without SKSE, some ppl can't play skyrim without porn in it

  11. Personally, I think followers get a lot of bad press in the modding community and are often frowned upon and regarded as easy to make and therefore requiring little skill.


    Of course, I completely disagree, and perhaps that is why I keep making them. To me, there is just as much effort in crafting a story through dialogue as there is in building a worldspace out of vanilla assets.


    Regarding Slooty Followers, well, whatever floats your boat. That's the beauty of the modding community. There is something for everyone.. it all comes down to personal taste at the end if the day.


    I don't think this topic is about "smart" followers, like your Ben or vilja and e.t.c. It would be great if modders like yourself will continue making awesome companion mods.



    I hope in future we will have options on nexus to set filter flags and hide unwanted mod categories . I mean sometimes really great new mods remain underrated because of that mainstream crap, like slooty followers, armor and lore-breaking anime stuff. sorry if it sounds a bit rude.


    Needs to be a forth option. Like them but just a few less than a million. So those that don`t like a gaggle of followers around also have vanilla style inns, all nice and empty? Yes you could use a populating mod that spawns vanilla npc`s and fills up the empty spaces. i have a couple that do this. Plus you can,as I have, down loaded a bunch of unique and interesting to look at followers, some with dialogue. Then I merged them and hey look Inns and places with lots of interesting npc`s. I like to have a couple around for adventuring. So I pick a couple at some town and adventure till I am at another town and swap them for a couple more. Adds a bit of variety to the game.


    No need actually. I just wanna see the reaction of people against millions of useless follower mods. x the follower, y the follower, z the follower etc etc etc...


    Actually they are not useless, because they are popular, ppl download and upvote them. that means there is demand and modders will continue to create millions of other follower mods.

  13. I second the 'what followers?'

    The ones that are constantly on hot files I would happily do without. Actually, same for any female follower, whether packmule or 'unique' (e.g. Vilja, Sofia, etc.)

    Only really care about the male follower mods, but there are so few of them (and none of which are what I'm after) I tend not to really look, due to having to slog through all the aforementioned female packmules.

    Sadly, the tag system is pretty bad, so I can't even block the 'bad' followers so I only have the ones I'm actually interested in.

    Yeah, I don't use followers anymore I play solo, that's not Bioware game where you can enjoy interesting and fun NPC relationship or dialogues.

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