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Everything posted by davebal

  1. Do what KurganSPK said. I had really bad, game breaking flickering on the trees, but after maxing out everything in the control panel, everything went back to normal.
  2. It's a bit of a mixed bag really, isn't it? I can definitely see why PC users got a freebie, as the improvements are fairly minimal compared to a fully modded 32 bit Skyrim. I can't see how Bethesda could honestly charge people 60$ for godays or a fairly poor DOF. However, the worst aspect is that, once again, Bethesda has left it in the hands of the modding community to make it something special, something with a bit more depth. Something which the modding community did with the original Skyrim while Bethesda reaped much of the dividends. I could list all the bugs I've seen over the last 24 hours in SSE, but what's the point when we already know what they are. Bethesda has, at the very least, given us a 64 bit base to work with, and I can see great possibilities on the horizon. Just don't give Bethesda all the credit........!!!
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