Guys, I've built the game from the ground up using mods based around Skyrim Tuner's Realvision ENB recommended list, and a character using the CBBE body, XP32's skele, SG textures, and ECE. There are also a few gameplay mods in there (frostfall / Convenient Horses etc) but not much else. The game runs fine FPS wise, with no slow down or MS PPT slideshow moments. The total mod count is approx 150. I have a 980, stable, a stable overclocked 2500K, and the game is running from a samsung 850 evo SSD I started a new game yesterday, and was on it for a couple of hours. All things seemed ok until I had an infinite load screen on exiting Dragonsreach about two hours in, and then a CTD when I bought a horse in the whiterun stables after rebooting the game. Sheson's memory patch log was reporting about 160MB in block one the first time, and about 200MB in block one the second time. So there's no problem with block one spilling over. LOOT is used to sort load order, all masterfiles have been cleaned using TES5 edit (bar the 2nd run on dawnguard), so the only thing I have yet to check is the ITM flags after running loot on the mod lists. LOOT flags up several esp's as needing cleaning, and I'm not entirely sure whether I should clean them or not (or how). This is the only thing that I haven't done 'by the book'. Gophers vid was as so. 1 Skyrim ESM + Update ESM 2 Skyrim ESM + Dawnguard ESM 3 Skyrim ESM + Hearthfire ESM etc etc When and if you clean esp's, do you need to tickbox 'skyrim.esm', and then the mod's esp that needs cleaning? I am assuming that is what 'identical to master' refers to. Or should I just be leaving them alone? This is the list of esp's it flags up as dodgy.... Dawnguard.esm: 6 ITM's (after cleaning once)COT Weather patch.esp: 5 ITM's Enchanting Freedom.esp: 2 ITM's TrissArmourRetextured.esp: needs compatability patch and cleaned version apparentlyEarrings Set1.esp: 1 ITMSDO Full Waterfall effects.esp: 36 ITM's SDO Full Whiterun Trunda Creeks.esp: 39 ITM's SDO Full Giant Campfires.esp 12 ITM's Dance of Death.esp: 1 ITM TheEyesofBeauty.esp: 2 ITM's The distance overhaul seems by far the worse offender, so this is the one that sticks out like a sore thumb. The mod is also listed as beta on the Nexus. Advice from anyone who is clued up and knows about mod cleaning please lads. Thanks....