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About Michaeljcox24

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  1. Hey guys Used to be a regular on here when Skyrim modding was my thing and I've recently bought FO4, but have some questions regarding how modding it is different to TES. Anybody who can answer, kudos. - Can you craft armour ? I see there are armour stations but all I seem to be able to do is strengthen what I pick up off raiders. - How do clothing / armour mods work. In TES you would download the CBBE mod, boot up your game, and then go and craft it. in FO4 I've installed a couple of vault suit mods but when I got to an armour station, there's no option to craft. Read somewhere that you need to use a 'chemistry' station, so I looked there, again, no option to craft. Where is it ? - I see a lot of CBBE mods giving instructions that Bodyslide is needed. When I download a CBBE mod, what do I do? Do I have to open bodyslide and manually build it, adjusting the sliders to my own preference ? Or is it just there ready to be crafted in the game ? - Are there any pointers in the game that say what level you need to be to do a certain quest? Been on several now that are way above my level needing a *&%& of ammo and I've have to reload an old save and give up. - I remember in TES that there used to be many CBBE variants of armour that was standing in the game. Like CBBE Dragonbone armour etc. There doesn't seem to be this sort of equivalent in FO4, or am I simply not looking hard enough. - Do you have to clean your mods like you had to in Skyrim ? - Oh, and lastly, is NMM now a thing of the past ? Do people still use it or is everyone on Vortex ? Cheers to anyone who has the answers :)
  2. Long term Skyrim fanboy here who picked up FO4 in the Summer Sale. Just asking the community if there are any mods seen as absolutely essential that I should add before I get my teeth stuck into the game. Thanks
  3. Whenever I look at the Nexus page for this game, mod support for female playable characters just doesn't seem on part with the ones for skyrim. A lot less skin textures, barely any animation files etc. I know it's early days but it just doesn't seem to get the same interest that Skyrim did.
  4. So I installed the new version of NMM, and clicked on 'yes' on the new install options. All of my mods were uninstalled, and then reinstalled. I thought it looked ok because they were in roughly the same order I installed them in. Tried to start a game and bang, immediate CTD. I had over 250 mods installed, and I really couldn't be bothed to do any fault finding, so that's it, game over Skyrim. Thanks. A piece of advice for the makers of NMM. It was working fine for me. I didn't have a problem with it. If it aint broke, which it wasn't, don't try and fix it.
  5. I was always led to believe that you should only clean one at a time. So you'e saying you can clean them all at once? In the same was you do esm's ? Also, do you have tickbox skyrim.esm or not?
  6. Guys, I've built the game from the ground up using mods based around Skyrim Tuner's Realvision ENB recommended list, and a character using the CBBE body, XP32's skele, SG textures, and ECE. There are also a few gameplay mods in there (frostfall / Convenient Horses etc) but not much else. The game runs fine FPS wise, with no slow down or MS PPT slideshow moments. The total mod count is approx 150. I have a 980, stable, a stable overclocked 2500K, and the game is running from a samsung 850 evo SSD I started a new game yesterday, and was on it for a couple of hours. All things seemed ok until I had an infinite load screen on exiting Dragonsreach about two hours in, and then a CTD when I bought a horse in the whiterun stables after rebooting the game. Sheson's memory patch log was reporting about 160MB in block one the first time, and about 200MB in block one the second time. So there's no problem with block one spilling over. LOOT is used to sort load order, all masterfiles have been cleaned using TES5 edit (bar the 2nd run on dawnguard), so the only thing I have yet to check is the ITM flags after running loot on the mod lists. LOOT flags up several esp's as needing cleaning, and I'm not entirely sure whether I should clean them or not (or how). This is the only thing that I haven't done 'by the book'. Gophers vid was as so. 1 Skyrim ESM + Update ESM 2 Skyrim ESM + Dawnguard ESM 3 Skyrim ESM + Hearthfire ESM etc etc When and if you clean esp's, do you need to tickbox 'skyrim.esm', and then the mod's esp that needs cleaning? I am assuming that is what 'identical to master' refers to. Or should I just be leaving them alone? This is the list of esp's it flags up as dodgy.... Dawnguard.esm: 6 ITM's (after cleaning once)COT Weather patch.esp: 5 ITM's Enchanting Freedom.esp: 2 ITM's TrissArmourRetextured.esp: needs compatability patch and cleaned version apparentlyEarrings Set1.esp: 1 ITMSDO Full Waterfall effects.esp: 36 ITM's SDO Full Whiterun Trunda Creeks.esp: 39 ITM's SDO Full Giant Campfires.esp 12 ITM's Dance of Death.esp: 1 ITM TheEyesofBeauty.esp: 2 ITM's The distance overhaul seems by far the worse offender, so this is the one that sticks out like a sore thumb. The mod is also listed as beta on the Nexus. Advice from anyone who is clued up and knows about mod cleaning please lads. Thanks....
  7. I have CBBE body, with immersive armors and the CBBE BBP patch. The problem is the breast / butt on my character flicker like crazy from certain angles, and for the love of God I don't know what's causing it. Has anyone come across this before?
  8. I too am having the same problem, and it's refreshing to know that you only have two mods and it still doesn't load back into Skyrim. I have disabled all mods loading in the launcher, and it made no difference. Do you have any ini tweaks? I'm wondering if it's the ugrids.
  9. Yeah I saw the standard bikini ones, but they don't really equate to a animal skin / leather brown bikini thing that provides decent armour. My new character is a barbarian amazonian type, but I don't fancy prancing around dental floss. Oh well. P.S +1 to the lad who remembers it on the Speccy +2 :smile:
  10. If you're a gaming vet like me, you'll remember a game on the old 8-bit machines called Barbarian. You'll also fondly remember the cover for the game, featuring a UK model at the time called Maria Whittaker, and Wolf from Gladiators. Not gonna post a link incase I get in trouble, but google images Barbarian 1987 and you won't have to search for long. Are there any mods for costumes / armour for female CBBE on the nexus for Leather Bikini (even though it's not really a bikini) similar to the one the model on the front of the game was wearing?
  11. Keyboard and mouse the same, on PC Completely new game, no saves, no mods. It makes no sense whatsoever. Very, very annoying. E mailed Beth about 7 hours ago and still no reply.
  12. The problem is, I can't block and walk anywhere at the same time. I happens in a completely unmodded, fresh game, as well as my three week old normal game. If I hold down LT, and push the forward stick, character just stands still, doesn't do a single thing. I've seen ONE post, on the whole internet, with a guy who had the same problem, but all it finished with was 'oh yeah, thanks for the help, but I fixed it now' Have even resorted to e mailing Bethesda. Annoying. Any ideas? P.S Mods can you take my post out of general discussion.
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