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  1. Having zero exp modding BG3, I'm wondering if any new locations have been made by the community, or if it can't be done.
  2. Good day everyone. B3 (Brilliant Breezehome & Burrows) will soon be re-released on Nexus (and updated on TESA/Steam) as version 1.0. For those who know this mod please let me know of any additional fixes or features you'd like to see added to this list. Nothing major as the mod is 99% complete and 1.0 is likely to be the final version (thanks to your excellent feedback). - Reduce clutter - Add fireplace activator - Scroll/claw holder adds and fixes - Improve weapon rack & mannequin functionality - Enlarge and redesign vampire quarters area - Allow drinking from all sinks - Declutter/remove understair braziers (this will reduce light flickering issues) - Removing outside front bench (to increase compatibility with WR design mods) - Replace 2nd alchemy room (non-childs room option) with trophy room (mannequins and racks) - Cosmetic changes to upper burrows - Redesign and reinstate burrows questline for Whisperblade - Silence small rats & spiders Humble thanks to B3 fans for their beta feedback and suggestions.
  3. That is some good stuff. Aldmeris being subjective and not really attainable in Mundus. It may be an aetherial thing or yet another metaphor. On the Nedes though there's this bit of lore: "..the origins of the Nedic peoples are hotly debated, the most widely accepted theory is that they came from Atmora in many waves (as far back as mid-Merethic), and after arriving in what is now Skyrim they soon began to spread throughout much of Tamriel." If that's true then the Nedes and Atmorans both came from the same continent of Atmora in different time periods (so two of the four groups of Wanderers were from Atmora?). It is said they were more primitive than the other races of men but were skilled with stonework and metallurgy. We know they were different culturally. They were likely to be physically different from each other as people from all corners of the European continent (for example) share a common genetic footprint separated by a mere thousand years. On a different note, I'm wondering if the Atmorans would have been as successful in wiping out the Snow Elves if they didn't use weapons and armor enchanted by Ahzidal. I know it's conjecture but they also had a distaste for magick didn't they? Strange they exploited it for conquest (you would not see the Nords do that). Tamriel may have been a very different place. And they brought their giant kin from Atmora to help, so that leaves me curious if giants have always been in Skyrim or if they were brought down by the Atmorans. Were they the frost giants as seen in Danwguard or the lumbering jacks we see now? Food for thought.
  4. On Ysgramor, check this out: This is assuming Ysgramor was one person and not Shezarine. I did some math and reign assumptions and came up with this: By my reckoning Ysgramor walked around ME 350. The earliest human settlements in Tamriel date back to ME 800-1000. Men were slaves or under the heel of the elves for generations, reducing this number. Further, Kodlak Whitemane said the Return occurred sometime in the last five centuries of the Merethic Era, and that the companions were "nearly 5,000 years old". There are 4,450 years from 1E 0 to 4E 201. 4E201 - 5,000 years is ME -550. King Harald was born in 1E 113 and was the 13 heir (at birth) of Ysgramor. Given a 38 year avg reign of Skyrim rulers (yes I did the math >.< ), minus his, is 12 x 38 = 456 years succeeding Ysgramor. 1E 113 - 456 is ME -343 for the first heir to be born. If Ysgramor fathered his second born (Yngol died so Ylgar is the assumed 1st heir) at 30 (educated guess), he was born in ME -373 (-343-30). Ysgramor would be 50 with a 20 year old second son as heir in ME -323. EDIT: I also read somewhere the Alessian slave revolt was inspired by and assisted from the Atmorans who drove their elven overlords out. The companions stopped fighting upon Ysgramor's death. So this puts the events of his life within a generation or two before 1E 0.
  5. I would add that the Nedes migrated down from Atmora also, so they would be proto-Atmorans. It appears Skyrim was slightly warmer 5,000 years ago. Still cold though. Atmora has frozen since the Return and I don't think it's a stretch to imagine aspen's in the Riverwood area and thicker pine forests in the area around Skyforge. And as powerful as Shalidor was he could also have been assisted by Magnus himself, or may even have been a Shezarine. Another question: How far back does the Order (Cult) of the Ancestor Moth go? Merethic or Dawn Era? Let me try this out, for fun: Although Aldmeris was lost, the Falmer were driven to return to the et'Ada. They knew until they regained their divinity they would toil on Nirn as mortals. By virtue of divine authority they flourished and dominated all other races for thousands of years. They never lost their drive of divine destiny, and subsequently came across an Elder Scroll - it prophesized they would rejoin the et'Ada, but at a terrible cost to their race. To facilitate it they would need an artifact of immeasurable power left on Nirn by 'a creator of Mundus'. Pursuing their destiny, they learned the 'Eye of Magnus' was discovered by the encroaching Atmorans. They knew taking the Eye from men would set in motion the events of their reascention. So the Eye was wrested from men (Night of Tears). No survivors or witnesses were to be left to reduce further complications with men - but the few who did escape became the instruments of the Falmer's demise (The Return). While Falmer priests were studying the Eye, men returned and took back their city. The Eye slipped from the elves grasp. Demoralized and confused, the Falmer tried to make sense of their loss. Over the next 300 years the Falmer along with their ancient civilization were either wiped from Mereth, became wretched under it, or fled from the army of men and giants. Thus fulfilling the prophecy. EDIT: removed redundancies
  6. Interesting stuff! I've also been looking for depictions of ancient banners, not much out there. Racial symbols of Atmorans I imagine would be dragons. Nothing on Falmer symbology.
  7. Just some fun lore building :smile: So I want to go back about 4,500 years from modern Skyrim and have been pouring over as much lore from this period as I can find. Of course this leads to more questions so any help or added content would be appreciated: How long did Ysgramor live? Was his death before of after the Battle of the Moesring? I assume he was pretty old since he was involved with the original construction of Saarthal, survived the Night of Tears, fled to Atmora and began The Return, rebuilt Saarthal, and scoured Skyrim of Mer. And he oversaw construction of Windhelm to completion. The remaining companions who mourned his death were still alive so I'm assuming his life was a relatively 'normal' span (100 years +/-). Did the early Nords refer to themselves as Atmorans? What was Skyrim's climate then? I'm assuming (slightly) warmer since Atmora was 'freezing' during the Return and 'frozen and uninhabitable' by 1E 68 (ship of corpses), a period of a few hundred years. Since it was growing colder in the North it would have had to come from a period of (relatively) warmer temps. Where did the Snow Elves who refused the Dwemer deal go? Lore says they were scattered, killed and went into hiding. Some went to the Chantry but there has to be more. Pure speculation here but wouldn't the frozen wastes of Atmora be a viable option? The elves knew men were fleeing from there and are very cold resistant. Where are the SE ruins? The Snow Elves had a great civilization up until this time. Aside from the Chantry there are few if any ruins that I know of, although they would be ancient even in this period (5k-10k+ years before Saarthal). Where are the other ships from the Return? There were eight in total and Atmoran woodcrafts last forever. Captain Jeek and crew carried the Jorrvaskr to the Skyforge area, and many other ships went on to explore the Nedic coasts, but what of the other ships and crews that went inland? When were crossbows first made? Dwemer vanish around 1E 700. They are spreading construction from the East into Skyrim around 1E 420. So are crossbows a late development of this time or were they around long before this? Was Winterhold 'created'? It was one of the first human settlements and is rumored to have been 'made' (not built) by Shalidor. Any insight or added material on this?
  8. For lore purposes Septim has been the standard currency in modern Skyrim for over 600 years, although there is WAY to much of it lying around.
  9. If I remove, say, a windmill near Whiterun, it will still render from cells far away until I get within one cell away when it disappears. So how does one remove LOD's from far away cells, so the windmill would be gone from a distance?
  10. Found the problem, there were 1,000 bolts I put in inventory for a test and used the wrong ID so they didn't show up in inventory. Removing them took my naked inventory weight back to zero. Thanks for the help :smile:
  11. Thanks, yes it's inventory weight. Is the command [ModAV inventoryweight 0] then? I believe the command modav persists, setav is temporary and resets on a new load.
  12. Howdy folks. So with everything removed from my character I still have a carry weight of over 300. I have a few mods that adds weight from gold and arrows, but even with those gone the carry weight is way too high. I don't want to use the player.modav command, I just want to restore my naked carry weight to zero and can't find a console command to do so. Any suggestions?
  13. Howdy folks. I'm trying to provide edit permissions to another user, and have entered their user ID in the user permissions section (separated by comma, no space), but they can only post stickies and can't edit the actual file as they have no admin rights. Is this an error or have I missed something?
  14. Howdy folks I am transferring ownership of the Real Shelter mod to ThreeTen. I've identified him as the co-author and provided file edit rights. I haven't done this before and want to make sure nothing has been missed - do the moderators or admins need to be notified?
  15. Howdy folks, I can't seem to permanently delete a post that is on my forum tab. It allows me to go through the motions and submit the deletion but the post always comes back. It's in my mod's Q&A forum page. Wasn't sure where else to post this. So is this a known issue being addressed?
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