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About grimwatson69

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  1. Small yet simple request. Great weapon mod, but the snd needs beefing. And NPC fire if that's not to much. Thnx in Advance.
  2. So u been reworking it? nyce. If i can test, lmk as well as the requirements it needs. GL btw.
  3. I tried, Mod author hasn't been on since 2017. Thnx 4 your help, I'll try it. fingers crossed.
  4. Been searching far, wide & reddit for this animation mod. Been taken down here & on LL. I slept on this mod cuz i didnt know to use to animations. When i did, its was gone. If anybody, ANYBODY has the mod archived, plz leave a link or pm me. I would greatly appreciate it. If not, I understand completely and thank u for reading this post.
  5. EVERY pistol/revolver mod i dl, this happens. In 1st person there are no problems, I moved the WPN esps to the bottom, checked the inis to see if i missed a slash.(sResourceDataDirsFinal) I dont know what else to do.
  6. He took it down. Its looks classic, iconic like FO3/NV. To me anyway. If anyone can provide links, i'd appreciate it. If it violates the author and or rules here in the forum, apoliges in adavnce.
  7. Simple request... Replace the sounds with something beefer. like the TOZ-194. That would be great. any takers i appreciate it. Thnx in advance!!!
  8. I see when a vid is uploaded, The featured mod is shown below the video. How do I type in the correct link for it to appear?
  9. Well, 3 mods comes to mind. Barstool games, Banks of the commonwealth or Commonwealth Banks & Commonwealth landlord (if you want growth for the business or rent for the settlers). hope u can utilize these mods to create a casino of your own
  10. The defualt vault suits in his/her mod provide options for BW but not for the armored version. Reqesting a patch for it to be. Thnx in advance!
  11. Is there a mod for she-male players? A female body preset with a penis and physics to work with ZEX & AAF?
  12. Something sexy and or modern (Hyperx/Axxas/navaro//Alexander T), The ones I've seen and downloaded arent good IMO. A user was creating such a mod but only for the deliverer and never updated. Requesting a simple esp, esl or wav file to change the suppresed snds. PLZ & thnx in adavnce!
  13. A classic weapon deserves snds. He has one file on his mod page covering only the semi auto receiver. Would LOVE to hear something with kick. (Semi auto/Full auto and or suppresed) Thnx in advance! Agian, This weapon deserves snds
  14. Plasma weapons, Combat Armor, Ownership of cities & vaults with shitty lore. Doesn't fit my playstyle. PLZ can someone make or has created a replacer to get rid of the gunners entirely and replace them with raiders?
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