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Everything posted by SKYZOO

  1. EDIT: Here is an example of a mod that did what you are trying to do it seems, but for FO3...it still has it's limitations due to the game engine but worth looking at. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/12375/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D12375%26page%3D2%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D199135&pUp=1 You can also have infinite ammo for a weapon by setting the ammo use to 0, but you must have ammo on your person. It doesn't have to be 255 bullets just because the clip is 255, I just tested this and I had picked up 50 or so rounds to use in my 255 round clip, and it worked no problem. You can read more on that here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Ammunition_Tricks I realize that isn't what you're trying to achieve, but it's just a cheap and ugly alternative in a way. Hope any of that helps. Goodday.
  2. Vault 13 canteen message remover (I F*n hate that thing). Thank god for that in FNV...
  3. Have your ran this through FNVEdit to check for any errors? Maybe an error pertaining to a bad edit on an imagespace modifier that could affect multiple cells? It might sound like a useless exercise in the obvious, but I've helped 5 - 10 people resurrect their dead Geck mods by doing this. I would be willing to look at it for you to save you from re-installing everything, but the website you linked involved with the armor makes me weary, as I don't install things I'm unsure of at this point. EDIT: I run into this problem having a common denominator of errors on alternate / custom textures on unique ID items, and somewhere the Geck goes crazy trying to hold onto a path that may no longer exist or that it perceives as being changed somehow. This has been part of my fix the last three times this has happened for me and friends I've helped, but I could be completely wrong and it could be something else. Just offering help...
  4. @WhiteWeaselMLAS Glad I could help, the same thing happened to me in the beginning of my modding and I had to figure it out on the fly, I had no internet connection at the time. Best of luck with your project! :D @Purr4me Your dedication is captivating, and your message was somewhat fascinating as you are deeply invested in your craft. My hat's off to those who are willing to learn and work for what they want to achieve. Cheers and goodday.
  5. I think 64 is default, it's been a long time since I had a fresh Geck install. I can't think of anything else in Geck it would be, so that was my only idea. As much as I do get what your above posts said, I'm on the simpler side of things so I can only respond with what I know, always helping where and when I can though. :thumbsup:
  6. Did you tick the 'Snap To Grid' function unintentionally? If so make sure it is unchecked, or it will force you to move items / objects in pre-computed grid like patterns, and not allow free motion. It is the button after the floppy disk icon in the Geck, here is a picture to show you just incase this is the problem. Hope this helps a little if any at all... http://oi60.tinypic.com/2sboha9.jpg
  7. Something similar exists in a mod, "Combined Weapons": http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56786/? It has multiple weapons you can create, including a 'poolcue fragmine' and a 'poolcue powder charge'. It's not what you're looking for persay, but you can probably see how it was achieved at the least. (I imagine blender / nifskope and the Geck, but IDK...)
  8. Please be a Fallout 4 and be everything we've been waiting for. Please don't be FO4: Online MMO or FO4: The Venture Into Paid Modding...I hold my concerns still, but my hope for a great next entry in this series will have to subdue my worries.
  9. Primm reborn: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50664 Primming with life: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44618
  10. Okay, so...Here is the rifle textures for the "MultiPlas Rifle"...If you can use the picture you provided to copy, paste and resize parts of that into parts of this and are happy with the results, then you can use the Youtube link I provided earlier. If this looks like an impossible task it's because the picture you provided is too basic, and only a side shot of the concept, no offense...Retexturing weapons isn't as easy as swapping a picture to a .DDS file and inserting it in Geck. It is broken down far more, piece by piece, so you would at least need more angles of that picture you provide to facilitate this process properly. http://oi62.tinypic.com/e9u8lh.jpg
  11. >>>What gun is that for exactly (to replace the texture) ? <<< I will post a screen of what the gun texture in FONV looks like, it is not remotely close to being a whole piece when viewing it's .DDS file, it is in pieces and this COULD be implemented over it, but you'll see what I mean when I post a screen... EDIT: here is a picture of what the 10mm pistol looks like as a .DDS file in my photo editing program...As you can see it is definitely not like a solid piece, but could be manipulated if you had the right visual angles of the textures you wanted, and they matched the UV, glow, normal and environment map .DDS files, or you'd have to make your own.http://oi61.tinypic.com/m8mc08.jpg
  12. Edit: Here is a youtube tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaHymxDH--A start at 1:35 seconds and watch since your texture is already done. It was the 3rd video on the 1st search I did on youtube of "geck how to make a custom weapon". Learning or trying what terms to search will help you to learn better from youtube tutorials, incase people don't respond to your posts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you post pictures of the original file you converted to a .DDS? It would help to know what that looks like, along with what weapon it is supposed to be used on. People would have a much better idea of what you want done (If I had pictures I would probably do it for you). Anyways here is a picture of what you were asking about...http://oi58.tinypic.com/2eqgcvc.jpg
  13. Have you tried deactivating and re-activating archive invalidation in FOMM? Probably not the solution, but it sounds like a texture problem if it's just the two males that have purple skin...I just had my game turn 50% of what was seen on screen to randomly black, white and purple flickering colors, including myself and my *redacted* companion. I had to do the archive invalidation thing myself, which fixed the weird problem I was having luckily.
  14. Sorry that didn't work with that method, I usually render an error related to the cell / item / asset etc. that is the problem in question. I guess without a red flag popping up indicating something, I wouldn't know how to find the root of it. Do your best to dwindle down good and bad cells in the radius of the corrupted one, carefully marking which is good until you hit the corrupted one. This might help, if the Geck even lets you see the cell #'s before going wonky on you. Other than that I'm not of much more help in the area, and I've spent more hours than I care to say trying to find tutorials to similar problems with little luck. Hopefully another modder on here has an alternative solution...I'd hate to find myself stuck as such, and starting over makes you really want to question if it's worth it. Wish you the best of luck, though. Goodday.
  15. Thanks for posting this @djmystro I had to learn most all of this the hard when coming up in modding. This is specific enough that you could accelerate the process for new modders considerably. Nice to see you cover navmeshing the proper way, instead of telling everyone to auto-generate it (what a nightmare that can be to try). Kudos to your time and energy for writing this. :thumbsup:
  16. I have this problem every so often. My only fix (personally) is: 1. Delete the .TES file (which you will usually see is considerably smaller than the .esp you are working on) 2. Open the .ESP file in FNVEdit. 3. Once opened, 'check for errors' (usually there is an error or two in the mod, where there wasn't before the problem when saving) 4. Manually remove the error in FNVEdit, and save. 5. Load the .ESP plug-in in Geck and save. (sometimes the .esp won't even load without crashing until you remove the erroneous detail) 6.Make sure that save is a .ESP file and not a .TES file this time. You should be safe to work on it again, even if you have to back track a little ways instead of starting over. Geck also makes back-up files for Geck plug-ins in your data/backup folder, so you can always resort to that if this or other methods don't prevail. I don't know why this happens, but it can be as simple as renaming a couch to a unique ID name with the in-game name 'sofa', and kerblewy the whole Geck fries it's brain upon saving or attempting to reload. This is just my experience and what I've done 10+ times to fix the problem. Always make manual back-ups before trying anything, and good luck.
  17. Well that sucks, it was an easy edit, but I figured too easy to take care of your request. I'd help more if I could, but that's all I got for now. Best of luck, and Goodday.
  18. I think that would be as easy as flagging the player (both male and female) with a check in the 'No knockdown" box, but it might take more than that, or mess with other stuff in-game. I could whip this up in 5 minutes real quick, and you could test it out for me and let me know if it works. EDIT: Here, try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltmt3uww0jwfooa/Standing%20Tall%20%28No%20Knockdowns%20For%20Player%29.rar?dl=0
  19. Have you tried typing in "road" in the search bar? I found this by easily doing that: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57479/? UHQ Terrain - Rocks - Roads Overhaul by Printerkop. Might be worth looking at, not sure if that's what you wanted.
  20. Yeah I don't hit 60 at ultra, but I can play most all aspects of the game just fine other than a few massive firefights from increased wasteland spawns (awesome mod, might take a fps hit though). Purge Cell Buffers (PCB) as quoted from the one of the mod pages "You may have noticed the while playing for very long periods of time without taking breaks, your game becomes increasingly slow and stuttery. This is because the game dose not delete cell data that has been used at some point in your session but is no longer useful." I took two years tweaking my game ini files, my mod orders and selection, and my system when in gaming mode (my cpu goes into a basic function mode while running a game, to increase performance all around, gpu and ram availability and etc, and reverts back to normal functions when the games process is ended).
  21. Search out 'ZuluFoxTrot's' "Zombie Apoalypse mod". It's awesome, I use it in every playthrough when the quests get old. Works great too, doesn't conflict with anything that I've seen and the zombies deal light hits, but take a few shots / hits to put them down. :thumbsup: EDIT: BTW I meant search with google, forgot to say that.
  22. You need to present people with more information if you want experienced modders to take your help request seriously. I know it was a typo but c'mon, you can edit your post to correct 'heck' with G.E.C.K. and present more ideas of your mod. You don't have to give away all of the secrets of your idea, but what are your skills? A jack of all trades is too generic; at least list what you can do or what you can't, I looked at your mod profile but it doesn't mean everyone will do the same. What kind of work you need done will also matter too, so okay it's a worldspace, but do you need custom building meshes and textures? Are you looking for scripters and quest makers? These are all important things to consider, plus much more. These are just some tips to better recruit help for "large" projects, because large projects generally get conceived, but unfortunately seldomly seen finished. Experienced modders like information to make a judgement on wheter or not they are interested in contacting you about helping.
  23. I actually use about 1/3 to 1/2 of the mods you do, such as raging bull, whirlwind remover, sprint mod, etc....plus a crap ton more honestly, and I get good results with a similar computer. I can run ultra setting to a decent point as long as I use the PCB (purge cell buffers) mod along with the 4gb and nvsr along with 'performance of the gods' and a custom fps enhancer I made for my game. I don't think I've ever played with fixing my frame rate, but I don't go over 60 ever. I don't know that I can be of much if any help trying to get you 120 fps, even at a fixed frame rate. What did you get before editing the weapon in Geck? (BTW that shouldn't have affected the speed of your game at all unless you inadvertently altered something else). As far as mod conflicts in a load order, I had you post that so maybe someone more experienced in that department could chime in on it, and where to move what if needed. Not much I can do on my side, just hope for another commenter to help maybe. Goodday.
  24. The view change can be attributed to things like rendering what's in front of you, while looking at mostly fixed textures such as ground and sky is less for the engine to render in real time. As for your fps troubles that can be many different things. As for your geck edit, people will simply need more information on what you were editing, you can also turn that mod off and see if that helps. Also post what your settings and load order are, as it could be a simple mod conflict or something more serious. Otherwise, folks are playing a blind guessing game trying to help you without more knowledge of your game.
  25. Here is the main thread for voice offers and requests: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/269957-post-here-if-you-need-voice-actors-for-mods-or-if-youd-offer-your-voice/
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