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Posts posted by StormHammer81

  1. What about him threatening me harm?

    HighkingUlfric should be banned as well.



    I suggest you again review the Forum rules. However let me quote some to you.


    Nexus sites and the forums are staffed by un-paid volunteers (known as
    “moderators” and "staff") who work hard to insure the smooth operation
    of Nexus sites and encourage a healthy community. The moderators and
    other admin on the site have been given specific privileges by Robin to
    keep the site clean of the bad articles listed in these terms and use
    their own personal judgement, that Robin trusts, to come to decisions.

    These moderators have a right to carry out their task without
    harassment, insult or hassle. Members who believe that a member of staff
    is not conducting themselves properly should get in contact with Robin
    via the forums or email. Know that if Robin receives word of any members
    harassing or being rude to Nexus site staff then he will take every
    action possible to permanently remove them from his sites.


    I have not had to moderate the other person before and he has received the same courtesy as you were given. Lets hope he makes better use of the warning I have given the posters in this thread. As per the forum rules if you have a issue with my actions then you need to contact Dark0ne.~Lisnpuppy

  2. Here so check this out.

    I only want one thing from you HighkingUlfricStormcloak and then you have my word as an Legion Officer and a well ah.... errrmmmmm ehhh a "man" that I will never bother you again. Never. Truly. I will leave the Nexus or at least this part of it, and will NEVER return. Ever. All I want you to do, is just do a post, repeating after me:

    I, HighkingUlfricStormcloak recognize StormHammer81 by any other name, as in being a member of the Imperial Legion. I acknowledge that he never was a *Stormcloak* and as such, is not affiliated with Ulfric or the Stormcloaks in any way, neither was he ever a Stormcloak because he did not share our ideals as indicated by his posts. StormHammer by any other name, is an Imperial by nation.

    That's it. Just reply with the above two sentences and I will never, ever, come to this forum ever again.

    The choice is yours. The real Ulfric had trouble letting his pride get in the way, so his enemies multiplied. Which choice will you make?

    I have fought my battles and done my part for the Empire. I really don't owe anyone a damn thing.

    If you refuse, I will be compelled to stay and fight longer, so that this is not misunderstood. I don't want that though. You can end this now with three short sentences. Decide please.


    Frankly Im tired of your "Look your High and Mightiness" Crap and your

    constant tactic of just attacking me rather than looking at the



    lol But you're Ulfric, I thought you were a Master Tactician. Couldn't resist :smile:


    Uh-oh. Speak of the Devil himself. Oh wait, that's me :biggrin:

  4. The answer is... You Play the Victim yourself FIRST, then once this is accepted by enough people, you upgrade to the Premium package which includes becoming the Oppressor later.


    Would you grow a pair and mature a little. A great example of an

    Imperial. For you other Imperials I am sorry that you have to deal with



    Yes, I am a Great Example of an Imperial. But I am no greater than the rest of the Imperials.


    You hate me, and it's very obvious by the way, because I know what you are about. And you can't defend against it.


    I for one don't like being mislead and pushed around.


    You hate me because I PUSHED BACK and taught others to as well.


    Hm. You say Im suffering from the messiah complex? Real mature,

    considering your past posts (Which I copied and saved to prove your

    inconsistency) you seem to be more so than myself. So next time take

    some advice and "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"


    I do not have a messiah complex. TMII is not God, neither am I, I think I was rather "humble" on the other forum. I can repost that as well. Face it, you have nothing to prove this.


    Yes, I adore Ulfric, worship him. Absolutely love nearly all things

    about him. Albeit Im straight but if I were gay . . . Anyway I digress.

    Ulfric and Hitler do have a lot in common but Ulfric has a more heroic

    past. He fights for his country and his countrymen, and himself (But is

    there truly anything wrong with that? I swore an oath to protect the

    people of the united states etc. etc. but I also joined because I one

    day would like to be successful or even perhaps go through OCS)




    Personal Ambition is not bad. Hitler loved Germany, he brought it

    back from one of the most historically devastated periods of time for

    Germany. He gained power through using the democratic system that was in

    place that he didnt agree with.


    And Ulfric shouted down the head of the Skyrim system that he has a problem with.



    The Grey quarter. Hm, lets take a look.

    Faryl Atheron works and doesnt have a problem with the Nords.

    Idesa Sadri works and doesnt have a problem.

    Luaffyn works and doesnt have a porblem.

    Niranye works and doesnt have a problem.

    Revyn Sadri works and doesnt have a problem.

    Ulundil works and doesnt have a problem.

    Voldsea Giryon works and doesnt have a problem.

    Hm by the looks of it it would seem that the elves who work dont have problems with the Nords.

    The elves who dont work are the ones who dont complain. So check your

    argument. Its the elves who dont contribute to the city that are the

    reason they are treated like crap.


    Check it out.


    Pure B$.


    - The Dark Elf who *works* on the farm is terrified at the thought of being seen by the city folk.

    - Lots of Elves work in the Gray Quarter which only got worse once Ulfric *became King*

    - The Gray Quarter gets limited or no social services whatsoever unlike the rest of the city

    - The Argonians work *on the docs* almost like *slave labor* and they aren't even allowed in the city

    - Dark Elves who talk about the Jarl are borderline terrified of him or have no respect for him

    - Other citizens in the city harass and seek to harm the Dark Elves and the Guards allow it

    - Citizens try and speak to the Jarl about how bad things have become in the Grey Quarter and he doesn't have time to listen or to run his city or to do his job or or or...


    As for the High Elf, she has money and class, esp for her to make the trip from Summerset. If you have money, you have freedom.


    You still have yet to answer my question. Instead, you're trying to hide behind personal attacks against me.


    How do you justify fighting for Freedom when you and your cause carries out acts of Oppression, taking away the Freedom of others?

  6. @HishighAndMightiness

    You people are using the ban on Talos as an excuse to play the victim AND then you want to start another war over it when YOU are basically guilty of some of the EXACT. SAME. things as the Thalmor.

    Tell me, how can you be the victim of oppression when you are oppressing others... yourselves?

    Only RELIGION or something to do with it would make this ok.


    I just don't get it. I want to get it, I want to understand how this works. Really, I'm just... No, lol now I know why Highrock wants no part of your stuff.

    I had to get that out. You can go back to pretending that nothing in the world is your fault and that somehow YOU are more important than the rest of Tamriel. Carry on.

  7. @HishighAndMightiness


    Why have the Dark Elves and Argonians live in "separate parts of the city" if the Nords don't feel "Superior" to them?


    And this ain't even "Separate but Equal" this is something else entirely. Like the Dark Elf farmer trying like hell to hide his face so no one from the city knows he's working OUTSIDE THE CITY.


    Geez. The Stormcloak have a pretty deep "Racial Superiority" complex that the Empire, at least, DOES NOT HAVE.

  8. @HisHighandMightiness

    Hitler also suffered from the "Messiah Complex" whereas Ulfric doesnt.

    Hmmm... I'm getting a little concerned at your posts about Ulfric. I think you're wrong about this.

    First of all, he has a charismatic cause and an over-zealous following. His followers are star-struck with hero worship and you appear to be suffering from the same thing.

    There are parallels between Ulfric and Hitler. Do they not both blame/hate another race for being the *apparent* cause of their condition? Tell me how again Hitler rose to power so fast. Bad economy, popular enemies, Nation of God, etc etc etc... For Deischland! The Great White Race. Blue hair and blonde eyes Nord are better than those f*ckers down in Cyrodil.

    Hitler and Ulfric being in jail and being decorated veterans and all, also makes sense. It's practically writing on the wall.

    You know, he offered hope, gave them a common enemy, integrity and ethics slowly but surely faded away and the people LOVED him for it. While his cause *may* have started out justly, in the end it all became what Hitler wanted. Same with Ulfric, really no different whatsoever in this respect. Ulfric will get what Ulfric wants. Look what they did to the Forsworn, look what The Silverbloods plan to do to them *Further* once they take back control of Markarth. Enslave and wipe them out in general. Whereas Jarl Ingman takes a softer approach. Although the Forsworn still hate us both, I'm just saying.


    That's kind of like how Hitler treated Czech and the Polish. "Oh well, you're countries should be apart of our just because." You know, you can't, you can't keep saying one thing, "I stand for Freedom and all that B$" and then turn around, "Oh well, your free land belongs to us just because and we'll throw you away in the mine if you don't surrender NOW!"


    And this time, it's not about the Empire as much as it is about how the Stormcloaks will deal with it.


    I think you're too close to Ulfric and have an emotional attachment to him and it's not healthy.

  9. Oh look Galmar is the idealistic, pissed off, emotionally-driven

    Stormcloak poster boy...who would've guessed? Listing quotes from one of

    my personally most hated NPCs in the game isn't really earning you any

    points. I am by my very nature a very pragmatic and practical person,

    which I would say is a huge reason why I support the Empire's practical,

    deliberate approach toward confronting the AD as opposed to the

    Stormcloaks mentality of "we're angry and wanna kill all the things!".

    Yep. Take it from me, the brute force approach ain't always smart, though it may seem like the right thing to do... The right thing to do can get your a$$ killed or worse.


    Time and place. That is what War is all about. Getting mad and going into a rage will cause you to almost certainly *lose* a war, esp if your opponent is patient.


    And, you know... I'm sure the Elves saw this coming when they spun Ulfric up and let him go flying all over the place in a tither. They know what's up, they know the score.


    If the AD was beaten then that would be one thing. Somehow I get the feeling they're in better straights than what is publicly known. Something overlooked...


    This kind of reminds me of Return of the King? I think... Where the Nords and the Roman guys fought together? And how did they defeat "Sauron"? With an alliance.


    Neither side could finish him on their own. And if you think Skyrim alone can take the Dominion, well, ultimately I think Skyrim will loose and end up just getting humiliated in the end.


    Skyrim by itself against the AD will not go well. It will also open up ALL the borders to invasion. It's harder than you think to get troops across the sea. It's a b*tch.


    Even if Skyrim allies with Hammerfell somehow? It's going to be a political nightmare and no one will be able to trust their neighbors after this.


    I wish there were another way, but Ulfric won't have peace, Tullius acts like he'd settle for whatever to stop the war and Ulfric is like, "F*ck off."


    So please, tell me again how that hot-headed dude is going to build an alliance? The first time someone questions his authority, tells him "no" or otherwise puts him in his place, all hell will break loose in that alliance.


    Whereas, if the Empire can get it's head right, we might not even need Hammerfell and can hold our own, on our own. Hammerfell should still come back, but would they?


    The gods didn't do jack to help them in the first war...why should anyone care about them the second time?
    Hehehe ^
    The only one they're going to end up helping is the D of B. Esp if he go with E.
    I dunno just can't shake the thought of... sitting back and watching Ulfric destroy the Dragonborn's Empire with his/her approval.
    Seems like a conflict of interest if you ask me.

    So the emprie needs the DB to fix the problems they can't resolve themselves, but the Penitus Occulatus wants to destroy the DB? Double whammy, ouch. Still no empire for me.

    One way or another TMII's Emire must die. The Occulatus is a part of that Empire, the Blades mediocre "replacement". Either the entire Empire dies with him at the helm OR he dies for it and then we'll see what happens.

    Most likely, the Elder Council has "seen the light" and recognizes that TMII is taking the Empire "off the cliff" and they don't want things to get to the point of no return.

    So yes. It makes sense from that perspective. If it's ok to have a Civil War then it's ok to have a change of Imperial leadership.

    The Imperial agenda (In my eyes) seems to be -


    - Ensure we dont piss off the AD until we are strong enough to take the fight to them


    But then everything in game makes me see that there will be no day that the Empire will be capable of doing this.


    Hence, the Dark Brotherhood. :biggrin:


    Have to be honest here, I'm not seeing the Imperials wanting the Thalmor out of Skyrim. In fact, I'm seeing the exact opposite. They are turning a blind eye to everything they are doing.


    It's the whole crux of the problem. If they are following Imperial high command orders then Imperial high command needs an enema.


    If this were an Imperial heavy handed rebellion quashing I'd understand - though I might not agree with it at least I'd understand and could support why they were doing it. This goes far beyond that, this goes to an Empire that is intimidated by the Thalmor at every turn. It's almost disgusting to think about.


    Yep. Imagine how we feel about it :/


    The only hope we really have is with General Tullius and the Dragonborn. He stood up to Elenwen at Helgen and his administration is anti-Thalmor.


    Further still, the Elder Council *appears* to be rallying against TMII and it's inferred also against the WGC thru the Dark Brotherhood Quest(s).

  14. @Highking



    And yet the Empire allows it.

    If you dont sympathize with the Stormcloaks I would like to know why. Is it because you are so opposed to racism that you'd rather oppress peoples right to freedom? Are you against Nords? Do you hold a grudge against Skyrim?


    I'm not really a rebel. Although people who know me might disagree with that assertion. :biggrin:


    I do sympathize with both sides really. There is truth in each. I wouldn't even mind seeing Skyrim free of the Empire. However.


    The truth is I have a real problem with Ulfric's leadership. I have a problem swearing loyalty to him. Whereas with the Empire, it seems like they're more I dunno... sincere and open-minded.


    Nords are not my favorite race although they have my respect. Neither are Imperials. I'm an Orc or Elf.


    Also, I like the Imperial Jarls much better, they seem to me more "colorful".

  15. @fraquar

    Fair point.

    I'll raise you one though, what about Elenwen, because you know she will demand to be at the proceedings and you know the Empire doesn't know how to say no. :biggrin:

    Is an opportunity for the Empire to start saying No. This is where the Empire's leadership will either start picking up the pieces or will permanently submit to Thalmor authority.

    Skyrim is not the Dominion, technically Elenwen has no purpose for being at that meeting other than to serve Dominion interests.
  16. @fraquar


    And then what about the Stormcloak troops on the ground?

    If the right or the left holds a gun to my head, it's still a gun is it not?

    As a case in point, consider Helgen or on working together, the Peace Summit.

  17. @fraquar

    I don't see the blocking of the moot as such a bad thing, if the voices at the moot are paid off by Imperial coin. I'm almost positive that was Ulfric's reason for blocking the moot.

    A corrupt moot is no better than not having one.

    I respect your stance on this. However, please consider that only half the delegate Jarls to the Moot were Imperial. The other half consisted of Stormcloaks. It's 50/50 and yes, both sides will be bias in some way.

    Ulfric blocked the Moot to block the Imperials from having a say. Not just the Empire, "The Imperials". See what I mean?

    It's not just that Ulfric *Blocked the Moot* for admin purposes, he willfully and intentionally hindered the normal operation of Skyrim's Gov for a significant period of time.

    It could be surmised he also blocked the Moot to fit in with his ambition to be High King. This is a Stormcloak "Final Solution" and one of their main objectives.

    Whatever the reason, THAT was still just as illegal as when TMII signed the WGC.

  18. @fraquar

    In any feudal lands, this is exactly what happens. If you can't defend yourself, how can anyone expect you to lead from the front?

    From bandit leaders, to Orc chieftans, to Skyrim High Kings - you periodically are going to be challenged. You either defend yourself or step aside.

    Correct. The moment Ulfric challenged Torygg, he should have abdicated. Could have just stayed Jarl and come up with any justification that he wanted. I can't stop but think he could have gotten out of that deul if he wanted to. Of course, he was brave to try. I'm ok with the deul, I'm not ok with Ulfric denying the Moot.

    Now THAT was treason... Leaving your country leaderless and open to attack. Not to mention disrupting the normal operation of the lawful Gov.

    There's a fine point between treason and espionage. Annnd IMHO Ulfric crossed it by blocking the Moot.

    See the lie in this is even Ulfric could have been chosen as the next High King.

    The Moot is or was rather split 50/50. Even the Stormcloak Jarls wanted the Moot.

  19. @Kayyyleb



    The next emperor? Just because TMII dies doesn't mean his entire family has to drop off the face of the earth for the sake of your argument.


    Correct. There will be another Emperor/potentate. Lore supports this.


    Hopefully, it will be the Dragonborn, although at present this is speculation. Though it seems likely, line of Talos and all.


    Only someone from Talos's line or for that matter, the Septim's line could shout naturally.


    The fact that it was ever put in place is exactly why the Empire doesnt deserve to live. They cant even secure Cyrodiil.


    Subjective. In a sense, yes, however I would like to point out the WGC is not the norm. The problem is unless someone in the Empire does something about it, then it will become the norm.


    If the WGC becomes the norm, the Empire must die. However, this remains to be seen.


    I serve the Empire, not the Thalmor.

  21. @fraquar

    No Empire in their right mind would agree to a treaty that would allow the enemy to come into their sovereign territory and torture/murder their civilians. If any Emperor (or High King for that matter) agreed to such a treaty, they deserve to have their head on a platter - by their own subjects hand.

    Correct - TMII (Chamberlain) is in charge of it.


    And its irrelevant that "They didnt do it until Ulfric threw a fit" the fact that it's allowed by the Emperor is whats wrong. Not only that they do it but that they are allowed to do it freely with no questions asked.

    Correct. In order for the Empire to survive the WGC must be nullified.

    Ulfric wasnt Jarl when Torygg was elected. He was in Markarth. In prison.

    Incorrect. Ulfric was present at Torygg's Moot. Now instead, you may be thinking of when "The Bear of Eeastmarch" passed away.


    Ulfric respects tradition because he allows for the moot to take place instead of just taking the throne. He isnt going to allow the moot to decide whos going to be High anything without securing his own position because thats the smart thing to do politically. Why waste the time to wage a war then allow the leaders to elect someone else when you have the power to keep it from happening. So thats not Ulfric ignoring traditions, its Ulfric being smart.


    Errr... hmmmm. This is a hard point to sell. Ulfric respects Nord culture more than tradition. There are some traditions Ulfric blatenly disregards.


    The bottom line is Ulfric wants the Empire and the Thalmor out of Skyrim at any and all costs.

    Any tradition or practice involving either of these two parties is "*detestable" in Ulfric's eyes. This does not make him right, it's just how he sees it.

  22. What was once a weak and dieing Empire has been reforged into something of Legend.


    The Empire needed this Civil War, without Ulfric's uprising the Empire would have decayed into obscurity due to inactivity.


    Now, thru the fires of war with brother against brother, the old, rusty, un-tempered blade of Talos has been reforged into something the Thalmor will fear.


    The Civil War in Skyrim has prepared us for the next war and has turned around our decaying military and economy.


    If the Empire can survive a Civil War over Religion, then we can handle anything the Thalmor throw at us.


    Galmar was the only one who wanted the Civil War, Ulfric was just along for the ride.




  23. VICTORY!!!

    Rikke: "Attention! General Tullius has an announcement!"

    Tullius: "The rebellion is over. Ulfric Stormcloak is dead.
    His head will be sent to Cyrodiil where it will adorn a spike on the
    walls of the Imperial City. Let this day be a final warning to all who
    would still call themselves Stormcloaks. We are turning the city over to
    Brunwulf Free-Winter, an honorable and faithful man. Many of you will
    be staying in Windhelm to aid the Jarl in restoring order and stamping
    out any embers of rebellion that may still smolder here. In appreciation
    for your exemplary service, I am doubling your pay and compensation to
    the widows of your fallen comrades. I am proud of all of you. All hail
    the Emperor. All hail his Legionnaires! I hate giving speeches."





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