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Posts posted by PrecisionVector


    Hi there


    I noticed problems with my copy of Vortex not deploying symlinks properly, so I tried to switch to deploying by hardlinks. However, at the Settings -> Mods -> Deployment Method dropdown, there is only "Symlink Deployment (Run As Asministrator)" available. I cannot choose other deployment methods (e.g. hardlink), and so cannot debug my original problem of not able to deploy by symlink.


    Thanks for reading this, and any help is appreciated!



    Well, I have no clue what game you're trying to mod or troubleshoot, but The Mod Staging Folder needs to be on the same drive as the game


    I am downloading mods for X4 Foundations


    Yeah, my game and the staging folder are both at D:/ but no options other than Symlink available. C:/ and D:/ are definitely two different drives because C is SSD and D is HDD.


    Restarting the computer didnt work (I'm on Windows btw)

  2. Hi there


    I noticed problems with my copy of Vortex not deploying symlinks properly, so I tried to switch to deploying by hardlinks. However, at the Settings -> Mods -> Deployment Method dropdown, there is only "Symlink Deployment (Run As Asministrator)" available. I cannot choose other deployment methods (e.g. hardlink), and so cannot debug my original problem of not able to deploy by symlink.


    Thanks for reading this, and any help is appreciated!

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