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About SkeleTheBerserk

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  1. Does that make the settler count go up? No, the created NPCs aren't settlers and have no effect on any settlement stats. They work just like a (non settlement-assigned) follower would but they, in essence, follow their associated settler beacon i.e. whoever/whatever is equipped with it. So if the beacon's in a container, they'll just stay close to that (again, ensure the container is non-respawning, like a container built in workshop mode). Or, you could equip the beacon on a settler via trade dialogue and they'll follow that NPC around.(e.g. a settler you've assigned to guard duty.) That's how I created 3-person provisioner caravans - by equipping provisioners with a couple beacons via trade dialogue. I also used the mod to create caravan guards for Trashcan Carla, by equipping her with beacons via console commands (using trade dialogue with merchants won't work since it only adds the beacons to their respawning trade inventory). The created NPCs are aligned with the player faction so will attack enemies of the player - though they're not super aggro and won't go running off to attack far away enemies. (And you can always add them to other factions via console commands.) There's a bunch of options so, for your purposes, just make sure that you check the box that makes them have their weapon out even when not in combat. (They need 1 round of ammo for the equipped weapon.) Note that I haven't played FO4 for a while, so I'm talking a relatively older version of the mod, but I can't imagine that any of the major features I've described have changed. If so, it'll be spelled out in the mod description. But it's an extremely well-made mod and I'd wager that, if changes have been made, they'll just be options that allow for more customization. Really one of my must-have mods as, imo, it really adds to immersion by letting the player bulk up the defences of vanilla and mod-added locations in a super-cool looking way. E.G. in addition to adding more guards by the Diamond City entrance, I equipped the various DC patrolling guards with beacons so the patrols are 2 people each. (Very handy if you have a mod that increases enemies in that area.) Although I massively increased the vanilla guards' health, and equipped them with high-level armor and weapons, via console commands to prevent them from dying since, if they do, I think the beacon would disappear when the game despawns the bodies. I trust that long-winded explanation gives a pretty good idea how the mod works. I'll give it a try. I have an army themed play through going and I need like 100 guards all in all. Wondering if that mod will break stuff at those numbers. In my game they shoot up the number of settlers, as in the number on the top left corner in workshop goes up. That's why I'm not using them. I find this really strange. In my games they don't add to settler numbers. and it seems Vanguardascendant has the same experience as me with this mod. Wonder why it does change your settler count. Don't know, but it 100% does that and has done that for me every time I've tried it.
  2. In my game they shoot up the number of settlers, as in the number on the top left corner in workshop goes up. That's why I'm not using them. Does that make the settler count go up? The whole point of this is not to make the settler count be any higher than the base game allows since the settlers stop working everytime I go over that line.
  3. I've been trying those, the problem is that if I put them into a pose anything other than the base stand pose or the base gun pose, they stand so still they don't even breathe. Currently it is the one I'm using if there is nothing better coming. I've not been able to get that to work I'm afraid.
  4. Hello hello. I was thinking of doing a Brotherhood of Steel playthrough, but I'd really want to have heavy tanks and APCs in my settlements. Problem is that they have the army green color. Would anyone be interested in making a recolor for them to make them fit the Brotherhood of Steel? Thank you in advance.
  5. Just tested the mod, they do count towards settlers. I can trade items with them, but the fact they count as settlers makes it impossible for me to use them as guards.
  6. From what I remember using the mod a year ago or so, they did count towards settlers and their armor couldn't be changed. Also reading the comments there are few people saying they do count towards as settlers. But I'll give the mod ago to see for myself.
  7. They do count towards settlers, also they move and can leave their positions. As the title says, I'm looking for static guards. They don't even have to actually fight, I'm just wanting to add them to towers and walls to make the settlement look more busy. Also you can't change the armor/weapons on those guys.
  8. Hello hello. I'd really want to add a lot of guards to my settlements who don't use up settler room. Basically idea would be to have mannequin style humans in different weapon poses you could add gear/weapons to. Personally I suck at modding, and every time I try to do it I end up breaking something I shouldn't break near my computer table, so figured asking here would be the best option. Let me know if you're willing to take up this task. Thank you in advance. Edit: The guards don't actually have to do anything, just stand there. It's for immersion and not gameplay.
  9. Hello hello. I've been using https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9446 along side with https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15262/ . I had access to several flags with my own print, however now Your Workshop - Your Custom Flags has stopped working for me for some reason. So I'd like to ask for someone to create me several different flags I could use so I could finaly finish my base building project I've been doing for few years now. The flag in question is this: I'd want a several different variations of this flag, animated flag pole, large and small wall flag , both length and high ones, meaning the basic flag and one that can be hanged from the sealing and it goes towards the ground. As the title says, I'm willing to give a small donation for the one who makes this happen. If there is any questions please do ask.
  10. Huh, weird. I've been using LOOT to sort out my mods. I'll take a look at those posts and check back here with an update.
  11. Problem still going on. I can't find any other posts related to this problem no matter how much I look. Help would be greatly appriciated.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQxu5d1iRcY&feature=youtu.be This started to happen all of a sudden, any ideas on how to fix it? Mod list:
  13. I -really- dislike female warriors who don't look like they could swing a stick without breaking their arms, specialy when it comes to Nord and Orc women. However, there is a problem. I'm just plain stupid when it comes to modding stuff. The muscular female mods by Tigersan and Elmanouche work with the new Skyrim Special Edition, but me being me I just can't figure out how to get them to work. Links to the mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44/? Tigersans texture. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8873/? Frame by Elmanouche. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32521/? Armors by Elmanouche. Picture of how I'd like the female Nord and Orc warriors to look after the modding is done: Any help would be very much appriciated, since I cannot force myself to have any of the female warriors around my character due to the fact stated earlier. Thank you for taking the time to read through this. Update: I managed to get the mods to work somewhat. So now when I make a new character, I can get what the picture above has for a female character. However now the problem is that all the Nord/Orc women have the muscular features, but they don't use the max slider option that I can adjust in the character screen, making them toned, but still skinny. Is there a way to "force" the Nord/Orc women to use the max slided option? Followers and companions included. Update2: So I managed to fix the problem with setnpcweight 100, but once again, another problem arrived. The follower head is different color to the rest of their body. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
  14. Most women warriors of Skyrim are thin as a stick, and this bothers me when they wield massive weapons etc. I'd like a mod that gives women a proper warrior like figure, something along what Tigersan had planned for the original Skyrim. Here is a picture of it: Not all women have to be like this in the mod. Which ever is easier to set up, either all the women turned to this, or just one of the followers. Lets say Borgakh the Steel Heart, and maybe Mjoll the Lioness. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope someone has the time to do this mod, so we can actualy get some proper women warriors as followers/wife.
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