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About Wilburgur

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  1. Bump. Would be great for talking over gameplay / rp.
  2. Hey guys! Pls send email me your Khajiit textures ([email protected])! I'm still in need of a simple TWO color texture for the Khajiit's face (as shown in the images above) Thanks!
  3. Hello! My name is Will, I gained some popularity in 2017 on YouTube for creating a funny looking Khajiit on Oblivion and sharing it with the world. See here: https://www.youtube.com/c/wilburgur The time has now come to take my Khajiit north to Skyrim! Unfortunately, it has proved impossible for me to re-create my Khajiit in Skyrim, despite various modding tools (raceMenu etc). I am in desperate need of someone to make a simple / plain, two-part texture for my male Khajiit in Skyrim (probably just standard / original Skyrim). I don't mind the model being Skyrim-looking, it's a different game and that is understandable.. but the facial textures / colors cannot have these complex facial markings as per usual male Khajiits. I need your help. I would love to shout-out a talented texture artist on here to help me create a SIMPLE / PLAIN, two-part color scheme for my Khajiit, in a warm pink and white. That's it. Please see the attached photos. I found EXACTLY (albeit different colors) what I'm after, but the artist refuses to share their texture publicly. I have also included an artists rendition of my Khajiit, which has similar colors / design to what I'm after. Please also see my channel (link above) for videos of my Khajiit in Oblivion if needed. Feel free to email me ([email protected]) or reply here if you are able to help. As I said above, anyone who has experience and is able to easily help me, I will happily shout-out their social media / website in the related Skyrim video that starts off my new YouTube series. **tldr; See the attached Skyrim screenshot of what I'm after (but in pink).** Please let me know if you are able to help! Many thanks! - Will (Twitter: @Wilburgur_) (Skyrim Screenshot © Ryudar from Furry Affinity) (A-Cat art © Teal Eri from Deviant Art)
  4. Bump! Spent hours on RaceMenu trying to sculpt an Oblivion-looking Khajiit head in Skyrim, but these damn Skyrim sideburns are impossible to remove! I'd be happy to offer compensation if someone were able to sculpt my Khajiit (big square head with no sideburn bits) from Oblivion into Skyrim. RaceMenu seems like the best option atm, but requires hours of work... Please reply here, PM me, or reach me on twitter @Wilburgur_ if you're able to help and I'll see what I can offer you! Thanks!
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