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About Medizy

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    United States

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  1. It appears that the mod author has removed it entirely, does anyone know what may have caused this?
  2. This is an idea I have of my mod: Mechanist Lair Overhaul, there's a flooded room in that area, someone asked for a way to remove the water in the flooded area, so I thought of adding a "Water pump" into the cell, where it's an activator where if interacted with, would drain/undrain the room of water. I'm not too experienced with the creation kit yet, does anyone else have any pointers on how such a thing could be achieved?
  3. I'm trying to make an elevator work, it's in an Interior cell and I have everything set up, but nothing I do seems to be working, or only a part of it is working. I followed this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4125725-elevators-how-the-do-they-work/page-3 to the letter but nothing just seems to work. The Basic Elevator Master didn't work so I tried with a regular Elevator Master, I got the bottom floor button to work, the elevator meter works, the bottom floor door works, but the elevator won't take me above the bottom floor. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if the helper so wishes, I can upload the file for them so they could see what's the issue themselves.
  4. Well, I generated a Precombineds from the World Tab, then generated Visibility of it under the Visibility Tab, then packaged it into a .ba2. And when testing out I got this... http://i.imgur.com/PsQNgDb.jpg At least the door I had issues with was fixed. What am I doing wrong here?
  5. Oh wow, the area I edited didn't come anywhere close to that door. I generated Precombined visibility under the Visibility Tag but the issue hasn't been resolved. How do you generate new previs? Thanks for responding by the way!
  6. Hey there! I'm kind of stumped right now and would love any help I can get. I am doing a Merchanist's Lair Clean-up/restoration/performance mod right now, I'm not deleting any references, simply marking them as 'Initially disabled' and moving the clutter away. But when I test them ingame, without any mods installed (Outside of the official DLCs), I would get pre-culling issues, where certain textures would disappear from certain distance/angles. This is most prominent of which in the locked door to the Mechanist's Lair from Robco Sells and Service Center. Which is especially strange since I didn't come close to editing anything in that area, I've only started the clean-up in areas like Isabel Cruz's sleeping area. Is there some way that I can disable pre-culling for a particular cell in my ESP? Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!
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