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About gengar807

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  1. i used to be able to download mods with nexus no problem but now i cant even open up nexus because when ever i do for any game it says trace log error. i looked it up and it seems like a pretty popular problem but i couldent follow a solution? so i was wondering do you guys know a solution for this because i have never had a problem like this before. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW... (i already tried reinstalling nexus multiple times) (i havent used my nexus for months because i took a break from skyrim and finally started to mod again) ...any other information you need to know please ask...
  2. now i got skyrim like a year ago and started to get mods for it by using steam, i also use the nexus mod manager but of course i know not to use the same mods on both :P my problem is, how do you actually uninstall mods on steam and do the mods also go to other computers that you downloaded it on? i want to know the most simple but RIGHT way of doing it. i found a few different sources and some say i should go into my program files (86) and just delete the file but i want to be sure if this how you actually do it. also if steam mods actually go to different computers than how am i going to delete the mods on that computer. i just dont understand why steam couldent just make it so you could hit unsubscribe and just be done with it :wallbash: please help!
  3. i know its up to what i think but i want to know what you guys had more fun with...i like all "classes" to tell you the truth...and i think i wont mod the console
  4. i got a few questions about skyrim iv been wondering about, my first question is- i quit skyrim for about a while now and i finally have the urge to come back on, so i was wondering from all your different experiences playing different (classes so to say), i want to know the best character to play as. for example a mage, rouge, warrior. also what is your most favorite race to play as my other question is- is it bad to mod skyrim on a console? or should i just plain out dont do it, please tell and if you dont play a console then just answer that question
  5. :biggrin: it finally worked. the whole time i thought you were talking about bandicam but that was my fault. the picture also goes where yours goes (86 files) atleast i think thats what you said. so thank you so much for your help!
  6. ooo sorry that was my fault...but your saying i can use prntscr with that thing i did in the control panel..hold on im going to try prntscr and see if it works
  7. unfortunately it did not work, but im concerned where my bandicam pictures should go, mine go in the documents of my bandicam folder while you said it was like in the 86 files
  8. thank you, i will check this afternoon and see if it made a difference, it also turns out that my control panel is the same way so ill message you back later to see if it works
  9. ok so your mentioning the UAC and disabling it. so can you show me what i need to do like how to disable it or what i need to do
  10. :confused: ....it already said it was off...do you think i didnt set bandicam up right or?
  11. i tryed to take a picture but it wont work. it just takes a picture of this.....its basically just taking a picture of like the window of the game thats on my desk top if im correct, i do this in my documents/my games/oblivion/---> and into the .ini
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