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  1. They have a separate hatch on the side of the trunk that's obviously supposed to be a missile launcher. Tough thing is someone would need to animate the hatch opening and closing when activating/deactivating and I'm not sure if you can have a car with only missiles. Would be pretty rad, though. We could finally see what "Initiate combat mode!" is supposed to do.
  2. In a message from a certain handler this truck is described as being great for narrow streets but its only actual advantage is the tiny turn radius from being short. Not only is it just as wide as a Thorton, V looks comically small driving it, barely able to see over the wheel and with at least a foot of headroom above. The other Makigai, the Mai Mai, is super tiny and clearly this was also meant to be tiny like the kei trucks in Japan, it was just scaled incorrectly (Honda Acty linked below for size reference). Could anyone take a crack at downsizing it to something that makes sense? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F9a%2F7c%2F48%2F9a7c48c45ad5bf7fab2344c6b7f1b57f.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=454d0dfa0bdfc8d2b780b21702c9e4eda0a3b90015451025769eaccf65ed34f6&ipo=images
  3. Bump, was annoyed by that myself. That said, the Kang Tao Dian should probably still use rifle ammo, the mag on that thing is giant.
  4. Around 15 yrs ago there was a company called Tire Tagz trying to sell LED strips that attached to wheels to make glowing images over them when driving, seems this would be much more practical with 2077's hologram tech. With so many holographic clothing, weapon, item mods coming out every day it's a wonder this hasn't happened yet.
  5. While I agree that some of the vehicle audio could use improvement, I don't think the engines can really be messed with. Car/bike engine audio is pretty complex in this game with multiple tracks dependent on throttle, RPM, etc so you'd need access to a pretty serious sound library AND the specific tools CDP used to have any hope of changing, say, the Caliburn's V10 to a Lamborghini V12. Swapping out clips from YouTube isn't gonna cut it. That said, it's probably doable to swap the existing sound sets around between cars. Like, take the Rattler's gnarly V8 sound and apply it to the Javelina. Horns and sirens would be much easier to implement.
  6. I'm not sure you understand what it means to be immersed. It means to be drawn into the universe that CDPR have created, a universe where all cars and bikes can drive themselves to their owners (and presumably back home, again, too). If you wanna role play as V's grandpa who doesn't understand modern technology in 2077 that's fine but don't call it immersive. To the OP's point, I agree. It's kinda cool that the cars have persistence but hey, maybe you left the Caliburn in a bad neighborhood and don't want it sitting there all night... Current behavior also seems like a waste of memory and needlessly clutters the mini map. That said, I think the main thing preventing them from driving away when you're done with them is that the navigation is basically on rails confined to the actual roads. If you're parked off the street the AI, if you can call it that, doesn't have a path back to the road. Maybe you could work around this by getting out of your car in the street and then switch it over to traffic AI as soon as you walk away.
  7. Flashlight: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2416 There's also a Masamune variant with a light but in my experience it's blindingly bright.
  8. Animals knuckles cause bleeding. If you're going non-lethal you should be fine with physical, thermal or electrical damage.
  9. Balance aside, automatic weapons have unbelievably low rates of fire compared to real life. Let's look at assault rifles: Nokota D5 Copperhead 6.38 attacks per second or 383 rounds per minuteMilitech M251s Ajax 4.89 attacks per second or 293 rounds per minuteReal AK-47 (succeeded by the Copperhead in lore) 10 attacks per second or 600 rounds per minuteReal M16A4 (small caliber) 13.33 attacks per second or 800 rounds per minuteReal SCAR-H (big caliber) 9.17-10.83 attacks per second or 550-650 rounds per minuteSMGs: Militech M221 Saratoga 6.9 attacks per second or 414 rounds per minuteProblem Solver 15.83 attacks per second or 950 rounds per minute (only gun with a realistic fire rate)Real MP5K 15 attacks per second or 900 rounds per minuteReal KRISS Vector 20 attacks per second or 1200 rounds per minuteMachine pistols: Militech m-10AF Lexington 5.36 attacks per second or 322 rounds per minuteReal Glock 18C 20 attacks per second or 1200 rounds per minuteBurst fire guns suffer from a similar problem. Ignoring the delay between bursts, it sounds like most of these are firing in the 400 rpm range whereas real burst fire guns tend to have extremely high rates of fire to hopefully keep all three rounds on target. The Beretta 93R fires bursts at 1100 rpm and the ahead-of-its-time HK G11 fires bursts at an incredible 2100 rpm while full auto was only 460 rpm (the design goal was burst fire with comparable accuracy to single shots). The acoustic difference is bah-bah-bah in game vs brrrt in real life. Getting back to balance, the crazy high DPS will also come with much higher cumulative recoil so if you want your rounds to hit you have to either use short bursts or max out that body stat. Given the Problem Solver is already at a reasonable fire rate, this seems like a simple fix once we're able to edit item stats, as opposed to the Fallout games where fire rate is limited by frame rate.
  10. Yup, the headlights need improvement. Some also have weird patterns... The Rattler has a circular low beam that looks like a spot light but the high beam seems fine. On a related note, dynamic gain for Crystal Dome cars would be awesome, too. One early interview mentioned Nomad cars not using headlights because the Crystal Dome had night vision.
  11. Would definitely love to see anything from the Dredd 'verse as a mod. Cyberpunk already has every type of ammo in the Lawgiver, just need a system to switch types on the fly (which would probably involve some serious coding). The movie armor fits in pretty well with the existing Militech and NCPD stuff. And while the movie Lawmaster is pretty dorky, there are some cool versions in the comics:
  12. Pistols only seem to have sight rails in first person, in inventory and photo mode the rails are missing and the sights are just floating above the gun. Anyone know how to get those rails to show up all the time like they're supposed to?
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