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  1. Sorry, am a bit confused by a few things with this, the first part being Weapon.Fire. I initially thought of using Weapon.Fire but not sure how I would get a Weapon type since trying to use PlaceAtMe(WeaponForm) only gives back an ObjectReference and not a Weapon
  2. I'm trying to get a simple explosion with projectile working: Explosion Property LibertyPrimeLaserExplosionW40k Auto ConstSTATIC Property SPCMarkerOrbital Auto Const Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)Debug.Notification("spawn")ObjectReference marker = caster.PlaceAtMe(SPCMarkerOrbital)marker.MoveTo(caster, 0, 1000, 500)marker.PlaceAtMe(LibertyPrimeLaserExplosionW40k)EndEvent But it doesn't seem to be working - the projectile looks like it hits something right next to it: When I toggle collision off however (TLC in console), it works: And then the instant I turn it back on: Does anyone know how to fix this?
  3. Oh I didn't realize the tool to extract them could be the issue - I've always had unquestioned faith in them haha. It was BSA Browser: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17061/ . I just tried out BAE instead and using the extracted cubemaps work perfectly now. Good lord, believe it or not I've spent about two weeks, day and night, figuring this out - absolutely brutal with the lack of resources out there.Maybe this thread will provide a much more in-depth and consolidated insight into some future modders who has trouble figuring out Bethesda's quirks. I can now finally focus on the modeling/texturing instead. Thank you guys very much for the help.
  4. Thank you guys for posting your results showing that there were nothing wrong with the files. After several hours of purging my data folder, reinstalling creation kit multiple times as well as and the entire game 2 times (which is 70+ GB :pinch: ) I figured out the problem and it works now! Default cubemap: It also works in preview with no errors. The issue was having the game's cubemaps extracted from the archives as loose files which for some reason the game can't preview/load, giving those errors I posted previously (https://i.imgur.com/2Ucpnlv.png). Once I completely delete all the game's cubemaps and add whatever custom ones I have as shown below: it works perfectly with the the custom cubemap (the blank space worked btw) Do you guys happen to know why this is?
  5. I tried updating tangent space to no avail unfortunately. Here you go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QT6HXDeT19ZPqQXNkZk1cJieiIN_BPs9 The original maps/model is in the root, and the files pasted into Fallout 4 are in their respective folders. I also added the substance painter project file as well. Thank you.
  6. i templated the nif off of some other weapon barrel part's nif by pasting my own mesh into it, copied and pasted BSLightingShaderProperty branch into my own mesh, deleted the game's mesh branch, and changed the "Name" value of BSLightingShaderProperty to point to my BGSM. I thought adjusting the other values in BSLightingShaderProperty didn't matter because it was pointing to my own file - which confused me because it seems like Bethesda did put in their own values, in addition to having them in the BGSM but ultimately I didn't bother with the nif anymore since it did seem to be working The textures never couldn't be previewed the nif either, but I dismissed it as one of the quirks for modding FO4 since I couldn't search anything up on this issue (there is an extreme lack of information on fallout 4 modding in general unfortunately. I consider it a miracle that I'm actually getting help on this here haha)
  7. Ahaa I see. Thank you very much for taking the time to write that up - I understand much more now. Those numerous channels would also explain why some sliders for certain channels on layers had no effect. So basically this setup would be correct: providing 3 maps: and so this final result is correct (same as the previous post)? However switching cubemaps still doesn't seem to change the metal from this bland gray/white - something surely must be missing? ----------------------- I tested different cubemaps with the creation kit preview, and the cubemap's effect is so subtle it's hardly noticeable unless you adjust the light, and for the vanilla cubemaps I just couldn't see any difference. These errors show up every time I try to load the model, for what its worth - still showed up when loading the game's own cubemaps It seems like the reflections work somewhat, but the metal texture always stays the same bland gray/white
  8. Indeed - I think the _d map, that is exported as the base color, in my first post being only one color should have been indicated that (though correct me if I'm wrong I am under the impression that the cubemaps here gave metals their shine and color? Trying to give it a silver base color gives this:
  9. Ah I see now. Alright here are the results: Config: Specular: with intel-converted spec dds vs nvidia-converted spec dds (3Dc): It doesn't look like it's changed anything unfortunately, unless I did something wrong
  10. Ah got it. Changed from OpenGL to DirectX. Sorry, could you clarify this bit? "assign the gray channel from the converted Specular into the red channel of your $textureSet_s". The Converted Specular is already in the red slot , and glossiness is in gray slot for $textureSet_s. Here is an updated pic of my current export config, with Normal DirectX: I've also tried using nvidia's photoshop plugin to convert to 3DS for only the specular map and it seems to have a dramatic change (keep in mind, this is with one of the default cube maps): BGSM: Converting the spec map: Results with Intel-converted black-colored diffuse, normal, and specular (left) vs Intel-converted black-colored diffuse, normal, and nvidia-converted specular (right) I'm not sure if this is a success or not, but it's better than pitch black, so I tried with the nvidia-converted specular with one of the custom cube maps by that mod author (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27631/) and I get this result. Not sure if it's right since from what I've read, the cube map should determine the metal color (this was with Emerald color)
  11. The normal is baked with Substance Painter and outputted with a custom preset (like what they did in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4700175-fallout-4-texture-system/): Original normal baked with painter: (ignore the problematic mesh designs below hehe, I just need to nail down how to get metal reflecting) I'm not sure how to tell if the default cubemap works but here are screenshots I took: Without flipping anything on the normal, with black and white diffuse (ignore the ugly mesh) With red flipped: Flipped green: To be clear the texture isn't always black - the diffuse texture shows fine, it's just the metal not reflecting properly with the use of cubemaps. Thank you guys for the help so far. I'll try converting it to 3DC with nvidia's plugin instead and report back
  12. Ah I read somewhere that normals weren't that influential on metals here, so I didn't bother posting it, but here it is: I've also tried inverting the red channel as shown in the screenshot there (as instructed in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4700175-fallout-4-texture-system/?p=40825650) but it didn't seem to affect anything. How would I be able to change the channel to 120/128? (not too experienced at this stuff) I updated my original post with some new information where the reflections show in the preview window but not in-game:
  13. I'm trying to texture metals so they look proper and shiny, but I just cannot get this to work. I read after much research that metals get their magic from cubemaps (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27631/). But it just isn't working - I would love to get input from people who've managed to get this working: My specular (_s): My diffuse (_d): My BGSM: \ The cubemaps are from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27631/ And the model: I swear I got this working yesterday and switching out different cube maps gave me different reflective metals but now lo and behold it doesn't work anymore, and switching cubemaps have 0 effect on the textures Edit: For some reason after I closed out all my windows and tried again, the reflections seems to work now in the preview: However it's still pitch black in game:
  14. Is it possible to only override an actor's voice, while also allowing other mods to change other aspects of that actor? I have attached a screenshot of my issue below: All I did in the CK was change its voice type to a custom one (BoSSPC) and this is sending up red flares. I've tried setting the voice type to a non-custom one but it still causes conflicts with other mods. All I want to do is change the actor's voice, while also allowing other mods to change its armor. Any help would be appreciated.
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