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Everything posted by krsptx

  1. Speaking of lycantrophy, what are the chances of being abe to turn into a big flying bat in this mod, like in Coppola's Dracula movie(although it did not fly)? http://www.thaimokit.com/photo/VinylModel/Dracula-Bat.jpg And how about this armor from that movie too, for the fun of it? :D http://www.3demonic.com/images/vlad001.jpg
  2. Hello, I am a noob and I support this mod!
  3. Haha, so there is now that I looked for it! But to have the Thor armor would be a cool addition. There's lots of cool mod ideas on this forum, like the samurai stuff and all that. If there isn't a mod that allows one to wear kilts, there should be! :D
  4. hello, had to register to this forum just to give my own modding idea! Thor, god of thunder mod! Somebody make one. It could be relatively simple mod really, just make the mjölnir as a one-handed weapon that does shock damage when you hit with it and maybe, if possible, have it shoot lighning. The movie version of the armor could work as well, but the comics version of Thor's armor might be a little better, since it's a bit more "medieval". I actually made my character in the game as thunder godish as possible. I use the storm call shout a lot and weapons that do shock damage. But it's really not the same as having a real mjölnir! Somebody do this! Thanks. :)
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