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About RafaelDeJongh

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    Half Life

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  1. An extra hand is always welcome for our team and their creations, feel free to contact me and then I will provide you with additional information regarding future projects or alike if you're interested.
  2. Hello Creation Engine Modders, Apocalyptic Studio is currently searching for a dedicated Skyrim/Fallout 4 compiler (getting content put into the game) for various project and to possible join Apocalyptic Studio for future projects as well. We are now more and more leaning towards modding for Fallout 4 and Skyrim and are really searching for someone that wants to team up with us to get various bigger projects finished. We are accepting anyone who's still learning and getting into modding for the Creation Engine and more advanced people as well, everyone is welcome! For more information feel free to contact me! Thanks for any interest in advance. Sincerely, Rafaƫl De Jongh www.apocalyptic-studio.ga
  3. Going to bump this one last time in hopes that someone could assist me with this project!
  4. As mentioned I do not have the time to get these in games. I know the whole procedure myself but with my busy schedule. It's not really something I would be able to make time for, hence this thread in search for someone to do it.
  5. Depending on how you see it, it might be called that way, being an old modder myself I tend to use rather old terms for things that might have gotten a different name by now. While I do know the process of getting everything in-game (from my previous releases) as mentioned I just lack the time to perform these steps and that's why I'm reaching out to this community in hopes that someone could assist me with it. I would deliver the model files as OBJ's and the textures as TGA's so converting the textures to DDS and the OBJ to NIF, to then setting everything up in the actual nif file (creating the blood/decals/effects) etc would then still be required. So yea if you do know anyone who's fit for the job, feel free to link this thread!
  6. The game in question would be Skyrim might have to mention that in the main thread. With compile I mean just getting it working in-game. "Compiling" as a term is used mostly for games where you tend to convert a model format that can be read by your 3D program to a format (sometimes with instructions) that can be read by your game engine. Example: MDL + QC => SMD (for the source engine).
  7. Going to bump this as I've still haven't found anyone sadly enough!
  8. I recently finished these two follow up swords: http://www.rafaeldejongh.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ZangetsuBankaiRender.jpg http://www.rafaeldejongh.com/zangetsu-bankai/ http://www.rafaeldejongh.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ZangetsuFullBringFront.jpg http://www.rafaeldejongh.com/zangetsu-fullbring/ However I lack the time to compile/get them into the game, so if anyone feels up to get these compiled into Skyrim then feel free to hit me up via a PM or so!
  9. Nice work already Yogensia as expected, looking forward for further development!
  10. Managed to release it today: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=242598497 Thanks for all the support once more!
  11. Alright thanks mate! I'll look into it and well besides that I think I can call this done!
  12. That was exactly what I was looking for thanks! Sorry about this but I also have another question about the mask, is there a way to make it reflective like it reflects the world/cubemap? As for the _0 and _1 well currently it works without it as the nif is currently just called dtbmask I'll see what happens if I change race or sex but I think it should be fine! Well mate once more thanks a ton for all the information and help you've provided! You're the best! Credits will be of course provided when I'll release this.
  13. Yep that did it, for a reason the export settings fixed it! Without a need of redoing the textures just adding the additional nif data made it work! There's just one slight problem alpha related which I think is not directly fixable although I've got very limited knowledge about translucency in Skyrim but the mask sometimes tops the hair making the hair just disappear from a certain angle that Fixed this, for a reason there was an alpha property on the mask hierarchy as well, removed this and seemed to not appear anymore although I do still wonder if there is a way to cull the back faces like noculling it? And perhaps could you explain where exactly I have to enable the _0 and _1 in the DK and what the difference I need to make on both of them? Didn't quite get that at first. Other than that thanks a bunch for all the help you've provided me already! http://sleekupload.com/uploads/5/thm/72850_20140324_00005_thm.png
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