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Posts posted by darkus37

  1. I could buy them making that attempt on a small scale, but not on such a large one and with every Synth. By the point of the PC's defrosting they seem to have stopped trying to make a better and better version of the Ubermensch - the Coursers appear to be the pinnacle in that regard (not really sure why, I thought it was one of the more easier fights actually) and are focused on mass production of organic robots for reasons undermentioned (and for which I started the thread to try and figure out). For that matter there is no real evidence to suggest that regular Synths are designed to be perfect, or that much stronger/faster/smarter than a regular human - the opposite seems to be true. Next, Ubermensch's would be designed to lead not be enslaved as part of the whole superior race thing - I'm pretty sure that's one of their things. Finally, I would have bought that as a reasonable idea if there was some example of the Institute scientists transferring their consciousness into a Synth, but that appears to be either impossible technologically or beyond their morality/prejudice. They are a group with fascist, eugenic views - but that's the extent of it... the Institute appears only to exist so that the big bad of Fallout 4 wasn't the Enclave again.



    Still, having Father show up as an end boss in a Courser body would have been an interesting idea... a question of whether he was still the man he was before or just a seeming imitation (like Nick Valentine).

  2. @CyrusAmell


    1. I'm not really seeing what other use synthetic bodies can be used for other than eventual consciousness transferal from a dying body into a new healthy body - other than that, what's the point?


    2. OK, I'm not really sure how needing to feed and allow rest in laborers is a good idea, but let's put that aside for the moment. The typical Generation 3 is nearly indistinguishable from a common human - bones break, joints get torn, limbs are crushed... on a protectron I imagine an hour tops to repair something like that, but on a Gen 3? If the argument is that they last longer than Gen 1's, isn't that more of a manufacturing defect than anything inherently better in having organic components?


    3. Right, the infiltrator units. But how many can they possibly need? 10? 50? 100? Isn't it a waste of resources to have every single unit an infiltrator-ready model? They all still need to eat, go to the bathroom, bathe, breathe - how is this more efficient than simply having robots than need electricity and some regular maintenance?


    The Enclave had scientists as well, so do the BOS, and the NCR. While it's true that the Institute doesn't have the same resources as those organizations, and would certainly need more automated workers, how does having basically androids in meat suits make them more efficient? I don't remember seeing anything at all that states robot workers are less efficient than humanoids - in fact, judging by the fact that automated sentry guns and guard units still function and perform their (admittedly "dumb") duties more than 200 years after the Great War, how are they less than their organic counterparts?


    OK, fine they created a sentient slave race - but why make it in their own flawed image? Why go that final step and make their slaves organic and to the point where they were indistinguishable from humans except in death? That's what galls me - the Institute is supposed to be full of these Geniuses but they keep making stupid move after stupid move, not hubris - stupidity. If the Synths had developed free will independently I could buy the Institute not knowing what to do with the Synths, but that's not what happened - they set out to have the Synths have free will and I just can't buy that making sense.

  3. First, a short prologue: this is not about bashing Fallout 4. Whether a person likes or dislikes a game is up to them (I personally didn't like Fallout 4), but that's not the point of this thread. Rather, I was thinking about how I could have "fixed" the game and I keep coming up with a roadblock, a question that bugged me the whole time I played through Fallout 4 - besides the targeted replacements, what was the point of having almost completely human robots (Generation 3's)?


    Now obviously this isn't the first time humanoid robots have been seen in fiction but there was more or less a reason for having humanoid looking robots. In the Terminator series, the only ones covered with flesh were those sent in to infiltrate the past or human bunkers so it makes sense in that regard. In the Blade Runner series (books and movies), it was a bit more vague about why they were covered in flesh, but the series was more about the fine line between being human and machine - bringing up a philosophical question if you will. So what was the point of all the Generation 3's being indistinguishable from humans and having human personalities when the act wasn't called for?


    I bring up that last point because the Institute seems to have created a humanoid slave race for no other reason than to have a slave race that knows it is enslaved. For example: why show fear when confronted by a Courser if they used a terminal without permission? What possible reason would a janitor robot need to show fear at all? Why have flesh covering their bodies when it is easily damaged and hard to heal? Wouldn't it make more for them to be covered in armor, i.e. like the assaultrons?


    I'm sincerely puzzled by this seeming oversight on behalf of the Fallout 4 writers. Besides a "because the plot needed it", was there some explanation I missed or something someone can come up with to explain this?


    Edit: Damnation - I posted this in the wrong thread, can this please be moved to the Fallout 4 Spoilers sections? Thanks very much!

  4. Hello someguy2000, I finished the latest version of the mod just recently and I've spent the past day or so just thinking about it, which I guess is a sign of just how masterful a job you did. I'm having trouble just saying: "I liked it" or "it was great", because this was one of those experiences that really made me think about my actions (even though it was in a game). While there were some things I wish had gone differently, overall, I'm really glad I played it. Thank you very much for your effort and time.


    I did have a couple of things I wanted to bring up, maybe for a future update and I also had some questions. *Spoilers ahead!*


    1. Most of the caves don't have a black planes, instead just rock where the doorway should be.

    2. There is a floating cave piece on the right side when heading toward the Graveyard, which is more visible when walking back towards the exit.

    3. After the ending slideshow, I was stuck in-game, unable to progress. I could switch out weapons, but I couldn't use the pip-boy or move - camera was locked out too. Skipping the slideshow prevented it from happening so it might be something there (or it could just be my game).

    4. I was wondering why there was no way to help the girl who had been forced into prostitution and addicted to Jet, especially since the player could help out the mother NPC later.

    5. Porter - judging by the end-slide, there was another way to deal with him other than killing him - what was that way?

    6. The random cannibal guy that attacks the player - shouldn't that be a bounty?

    7. Was there a purpose to the military base? It kind of feels that you were planning on doing something there but it doesn't appear to be the case. There's a general feeling that the Utah worldspace is a bit bare, which makes exploring a bit boring.

    8. While I have a preferred weapon that I use during my playthrough, I always enjoyed collecting the unique weapons on the named NPC's you had in Bounties 1 & 2 - perhaps you might add some later, especially something special for Marko?

    9. After finishing the mod, I decided to check on the Jameson's and I found... well... you know. Is there anything I can do to track down the perpetrator and kids? Are there other such post-mod things to find, and would it be possible to get a list?

    10. Is a certain NCR agent necessary to the plot for the next mod, or can he be dealt with without consequences other than taking a hit from the NCR's reputation?

    11. I know this seems a bit odd, but did anyone else wish that the player could force Marko to submit to the Courier? I think that would have been the best revenge - NCR gets a powerful sheriff who would fight against the very raiders Marko supported, and the Courier gets his revenge by having Marko become the one thing he hates most - a follower.


    Once again someguy2000, thanks very much for the mod. I'm really looking forward to the next one and the stuff you come up with for Fallout 4. Thanks for reading, darkus37.

  5. Hey, TheSpiritOfNewReno - glad to see you still interested in modding!


    It's been a while since I played Fallout 2, so I'm a little rusty with the lore but I think I remember enough of it with the help of the wiki page. It really all depends on how involved you want to get with the mod - are we talking full NPC's with dialog trees, simple fetch quests to advanced multi-stage stuff, and/or custom weapons/armor?


    According to the game lore, the Shi were pretty advanced, perhaps even at or past Enclave levels in 2241, so they should have moved onwards and upwards in the 40 years since, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't state they ever joined with the NCR - but that said, I don't think the NCR would have allowed a foreign power to remain in their midst without some attempt at annexation. Also, if you check out the planned ideas for Van Buren, San Francisco (and thus the Shi) was wiped out by the Enclave in (mistaken) retaliation for destroying the Oil Rig - not sure if you want to use that though.


    I though up a couple of possible scenarios, and they aren't necessarily mutually exclusive:


    1. Emperor on the fritz - despite their technological edge, the Emperor is slowly degrading and needs replacements parts to function again. A Shi expedition was sent to the Mojave to track down such parts, but for whatever reason, needs the Courier's help to find them.

    2. Civil War - The Shi have been engaged in a civil war ever since it came out the Emperor was a computer. Anti-Emperor forces sabotaged the Emperor and were exiled for their crime. Don't have too much on this, but it might be some additional quest related stuff for #1.

    3. Patriots and Spies - The Shi have decided to show their open support for their "new" homeland tracking down any remnants of the Chinese army/spies still hidden in the West Coast. One such cell has been found in the Mojave, and the Courier is needed to track them down.


    Anyway, I think that's something for you to consider. Hope it helps!

  6. Hi, this may not be the reason you're having a problem with the quest, but I had a similar thing happen to me - in my case, the quest wasn't updating because I hadn't killed all the tunnelers - some had spawned within objects or in the buildings and that caused them to glitch out the quest. Have you guys tried reloading from before that portion of the quest began? After an unfortunate CTD, I had to replay the section and it worked fine from them on for me.

  7. Hey, I had a similar idea a long, long time ago but had no takers - very happy to see someone try and accomplish it.







    My original idea revolved around the player becoming a part of a recently arrived mercenary company that defends (or attacks) for pay - essentially a scaled up version of the Magnificent Seven. They would be based out of a police station building in Freeside (probably replacing one of the buildings near the gate near where the thugs spawn); or alternately, they could work their way up to that location after the Courier helped them grow large enough to need a location near New Vegas.


    Most of the initial quests would be to make a name for the company, for example: some caravan owners want the mercs to find a group of highly organized raiders that are hitting the caravans. Along the way, the player would also be finding some recruits and equipment. Each populated area (Goodsprings, Novac, Primm, etc.) would eventually claim an outpost (could just be a single shack or something like a vault) from which the player would receive orders (i.e. side quests) to shore up the groups popularity and standing. Similar to the NCR outposts, these would eventually have patrols going back and forth along the roads, doing what the NCR couldn't - keeping the Mojave safe. The more the player invests in the outposts, the better the troops capability and numbers.


    When the merc company would eventually grow to to be one of the major power players of the Mojave, there would then be an end-game like decision where the player could use the Merc Company to attack entire major locations, permanently disabling the current faction from respawning (for example: the Merc Company could be hired by the NCR to attack and capture Cottonwood Cove, this replacing Legion NPC's with NCR versions and so on, or deciding instead to keeping them for yourself).






    Now obviously this would be a really big, and probably unrealistic project. It would take a lot of work and ultimately cause a lot of problems with the main storyline. That said, maybe you can use some of it for your mod. I hope to see what you come up with soon!

  8. OK, I added the scripts in-game, and I've experienced a couple of problems. The first problem is with the ChamInvisDoor02Script - it seems to ignore the timer and just disables the x-marker right away before a really short fadetoblack. The problems really begin once I activate the HARESTeleportHomeScript - basically, once it's used, it bugs out all the other scripts like the Airlock and trigger areas, as well as the ChamInvisDoor02 script - none of them work.




    I haven't checked out the terminal option just yet, but I'll give it a try a little later. However, while we are on the subject, what would a script like this looks like? For example, in the HARESTeleChamInvisDoor02Script, there is a section called 'Begin OnActivate' - I wouldn't need that, right?




    I was also wondering about a set of operations. For example:


    1. On script start - ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX; PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen.

    2. +1 seconds - disable an x-marker (DefaultRef).

    3. +3 seconds - PlaySound TRPPitchingMachineRunLPM.

    4. Script Ends.

  9. Thanks very much, it works!


    I also want to thank you so much for telling me about the prefixes - I've been banging my head for so long with that problem and even decided to split the Teleporter cell in two just to get around it. I've renamed them and it works great.


    Now on to the next problem:


    The first script works - more or less - but the timing is off. Here it is:




    scn HARESTeleChamInvisDoor02Script

    Short Button
    Short DoOnce
    Float TimerDoor
    Short State

    Begin OnActivate Player

    If AAAReactor == 0
    ShowMessage AAATeleportNoPower
    ElseIf AAAReactor == 1
    ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg02
    Set DoOnce to 1


    Begin GameMode

    If DoOnce == 1
    Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If Button == -1
    ElseIf Button == 0 ; Open Teleporter Pod Chamber Door
    Set DoOnce to 10
    ElseIf Button == 1 ; Display Security Lockdown Message
    ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg02
    Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf Button == 2 ; Cancel
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 10
    HARESTeleporterPodsDoorRef.SetOpenState 1
    ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
    PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
    Set TimerDoor to 1.5
    Set DoOnce to 0
    Set State to 1

    If State == 1
    If TimerDoor > 0
    Set TimerDoor to TimerDoor - GetSecondsPassed
    Set State to 0
    Set DoOnce to 0






    The second script also appears to work except for the open door/disable x-marker functions.




    Scn HARESTeleportHomeScript

    Short Button
    Short DoOnce
    Float TimerHome
    Float TimerDoor
    Short State

    Begin OnActivate Player
    If AAAReactor == 0
    ShowMessage AAATeleportNoPower
    ElseIf AAAReactor == 1
    ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg01
    Set DoOnce to 1

    Begin GameMode

    If DoOnce == 1
    Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If Button == -1
    ElseIf Button == 0 ; teleport Field (must be preset)
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 10
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 1 ; teleport Mark (must be preset)
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 9
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 2 ; teleport to preset menu (must be discovered)
    ShowMessage HARESTeleportDevicePresetMsg01
    Set DoOnce to 20
    ElseIf Button == 3 ; Open Teleporter Pod Chamber Door
    Set DoOnce to 50
    ElseIf Button == 4 ; leave it alone
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 20
    Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If Button == -1
    ElseIf Button == 0 ; camp mccarran
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 1
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 1 ; freeside
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 2
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 2 ; goodsprings
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 3
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 3 ; Hoover damn
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 4
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 4 ; jacobstown
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 5
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 5 ; new vegas strip
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 6
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 6 ; novac
    Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 7
    Set DoOnce to 30
    ElseIf Button == 7 ; leave it alone
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 30
    Player.MoveTo HARESMarkerHome
    Set TimerHome to 4
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If ( TimerHome > 0 )
    Set TimerHome to TimerHome - GetSecondsPassed
    Set DoOnce to 40

    If DoOnce == 40
    HARESTeleportControl.Activate HARESTeleportControl 1
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 50
    HARESTeleporterPodsDoorRef.SetOpenState 1
    ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
    PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
    Set TimerDoor to 1.5
    Set DoOnce to 0
    Set State to 1

    If State == 1
    If TimerDoor > 0
    Set TimerDoor to TimerDoor - GetSecondsPassed
    Set State to 0
    Set DoOnce to 0






    I was also wondering if there is a way to have a similar timed set of operations through a terminal option. I tried doing it without a timer and all I got was instant disabling/enabling of an x-marker and/or opening/closing of a door as well as the sound playing on a loop until I reloaded a previous save - or is it simpler to do it via a script attached to a switch?

  10. Hi, sorry again - I've been having a bit of trouble with this script in-game (among others). My mod has a cell called "Teleporter Control Room" (000Teleporter2) which is linked to another cell called "Teleporter Armory" (000Teleporter1). The script works fine in the armory cell, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the other cell. Just about every script acts wonky in the Teleporter Control Room cell. For example:


    1. Activating the door (with the above attached script), displays the correct location to go to, but does nothing - just exits the message box. Same thing when it's supposed to display the Security Lock-Down Message - just exits the message box.

    2. Trigger Areas become disabled for seemingly no reason and replacing them in-GECK seems to have no response.


    I have no idea why this happens or what's causing it. Any ideas?

  11. Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help me out with scripting for my mod. Scripting and I don't get along very well - I think I have a mental block against it or something - but I've managed to cobble together some scripts together using other scripts. If anyone would like to help me out part or full time - please, please do so.


    In the meantime, I've been trying to add some timers to an existing script. The script is attached to an invisible door. This door is connected to another invisible door in another cell and also has a Linked Ref to an X-Marker Heading. Here is that script:




    scn HARESTeleporterAirlockScript

    Ref TeleportRef
    Short TeleCompanion
    Short Button
    Short DoOnce
    Float Timer1
    Float Timer2
    Short State1
    Short State2

    Begin OnActivate

    if IsActionRef player == 1
    ShowMessage HARESTeleAirlockMsg
    set DoOnce to 1


    Begin GameMode

    If DoOnce == 1
    Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If Button == -1
    ElseIf Button == 0 ; Go To Teleporter Control Room
    Set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell01.GetLinkedRef
    Set DoOnce to 1
    ElseIf Button == 1 ; Go To Teleporter Armory
    Set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell02.GetLinkedRef
    Set DoOnce to 1
    ElseIf Button == 2 ; Lock-Down Message
    ShowMessage HARESSecLockDownMsg
    Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf Button == 3 ; Extend Airlock Bridge
    Set DoOnce to 10
    ElseIf Button == 4 ; Retract Airlock Bridge
    Set DoOnce to 20
    ElseIf Button == 5 ; Cancel
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 1
    Player.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.bEDEHired) && (EDE1REF.Waiting != 1)
    EDE1REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    EDE2REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    EDE3REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired) && (CraigBooneREF.Waiting != 1)
    CraigBooneREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) && (ArcadeREF.Waiting != 1)
    ArcadeREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.bCassHired) && (RoseofSharonCassidyREF.Waiting != 1)
    RoseOfSharonCassidyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired) && (VeronicaREF.Waiting != 1)
    VeronicaREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.bLilyHired) && (LilyREF.Waiting != 1)
    LilyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.RaulHired) && (RaulREF.Waiting != 1)
    RaulREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    if (VNPCFollowers.RexHired) && (RexREF.Waiting != 1)
    RexREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
    Set DoOnce to 0
    PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
    Set GameHour To GameHour + 1

    If DoOnce == 10
    ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
    PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
    Set Timer1 to 1.5
    Set DoOnce to 0
    Set State1 to 1

    If State1 == 1
    If Timer1 > 0
    Set Timer1 to Timer1 - GetSecondsPassed
    Set State1 to 0
    Set DoOnce to 0

    If DoOnce == 20
    ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
    PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
    Set Timer2 to 1.5
    Set DoOnce to 0
    Set State2 to 1

    If State2 == 1
    If Timer2 > 0
    Set Timer2 to Timer2 - GetSecondsPassed
    Set State2 to 0
    Set DoOnce to 0






    I've been trying to save it, but the GECK (Script Extended) tells me that it can't - the exact message is:



    SCRIPTS: Script 'HARESTeleporterAirlockScript', Line 87:

    Mismatched if/else/endif block starting on line 87.




    With a follow up message saying:



    SCRIPTS: Script 'HARESTeleporterAirlockScript', Line 87:

    Mismatched if/then/else block.



    Can someone please tell me what I did wrong, how to fix it, and if there are any other problems in the script?

  12. OK, so there is the small quest idea, and the long quest idea.


    The Small Quest Idea




    The small questline involves a Caravan owner, let's call him John Smith for now. John is looking for help protecting his caravan from attack by raiders which has made traveling the Long 15 more dangerous than usual. If the player agrees to travel as a guard, the next stage will take place in a new cell. This area will be shaped like a ravine, a winding road leading between two high cliffsides - think something like the path leading up to the Ruby Hill mine, or the ambush at the beginning of Honest Hearts. Fiends will attack the caravan, but without it being wiped out if the player helps.


    After the defeat of the raiders, the player and the caravan will transition to the Long 15 worldpsace where John will thank and reward the player with 25-50 caps, some good karma, and maybe some items (nothing high value). John will then say that it already feels safer traveling along the road and offers the player free travel whenever they want.


    Alternately, the player can refuse to travel with John Smith, leading to the caravan's death - a day or so later this will disable the John Smith caravan and unlock a new caravan which due to the highly dangerous nature of traveling will require 100 caps to journey with them (to pay off the extra guards needed to fend off the now numerous raiders who have found easy prey on the road to the Long 15). There will be no karmic penalty, but that's about the only positive. I'm also uncertain if you want an option of the player attempting the journey alone - if yes, I would recommend a heavy deathclaw attack in the ravine... like 10-15 at once.




    The Long Quest Idea




    The long quest-line involves a similar setup as the short quest, but only at first. For example, before setting out, the player will have the option of purchasing additional equipment for the caravan - several more guards, better weapons/armor, and even an extra brahmin or two for expanded storage. The more the player invests, the better chances of the caravan getting to the Long 15 intact.


    The first time through the ravine cell will also have a similar setup as before, except that after killing the raiders, John will tell the player to examine the bodies to try and determine who they are and where they are coming from. One of them will have a note indicating that this is more than just another random attack, but the beginning of a coordinated assault. John will then lead the caravan to the Long 15.


    At this point, John will reward the player - although the player will get more if they invested into the caravan. John will mention that he is opening up his caravan's HQ and that he might have extra work soon and to come back in a day or two. In the meantime, the quest will update with the option of reporting the note to the NCR base commander, Col. Royez.


    On a divergent note, if the player chose not to go with the John Smith caravan, the player can find the remains of the Smith caravan in the middle of the pass. A quest will prompt the player in investigate the caravan. Approaching the remains will find a blood trail behind some boulders where the player will find a dead John Smith. A note on the body will imply that John noticed that the attack was too well organized for a simple raider attack. The player will then be given the option to deliver the note to the commander of the NCR at the Long 15.


    At this point both quests will merge, with the player beginning to approach the base command building. Before entering, the player will be stopped by a new npc who will identify himself as a Frumentarii - one of Cesar's spies. He will offer the player the chance to turn over the evidence to him in return for safe passage between the Outpost and the Long 15. The player can decline the offer, which will result in an ambush later that night - more on this later. Upon entering the NCR HQ building, the player will be told that Col. Royez is too busy to meet with the player as the NCR is stretched thin. The player will then be able told to return in the morning.


    Leaving the building, the player goes to the local hotel. The quest will tell the player to sleep. If the player declined the offer by the Frumentarius, then the player will be attacked by the Legion spy. If the player gave the evidence to the the spy, then this can unlock a divergent path that will lead the the Long 15 being attacked and conquered by the Legion, a quest-line for the player who is pro-Legion. I'm not going to get to far into this, other then the spy then giving some jobs to cause general mayhem in the base - stuff like poisoning the brahmin to paralyze the caravans.


    After the ambush, NCR MP's will rush in to investigate the noise and will bring the player to Col. Royez to explain what happened. After being thanked for their help, the player is sent back to the hotel room.


    The next day, the player can approach John who will ask the player to help out the caravan by scouting out some of the danger zones along the I-15 while the caravan heading back to the Mojave follows several hours behind the player. About midway through the ravine, the player will see a new caravan being attacked. The player can help the caravan out, at which point the caravan leader will approach the player. The leader asks for help as his daughter was kidnapped by the raiders during the ambush. I'm unsure what the consequences for rejecting the offer will be, but let's follow along the path of the player agreeing. A previously path closed off will now be open, with the player following the tracks of the raiders. This will lead to a new cave system populated by the raider gang. Before the player goes off, John catches up and tags along to save the girl. Long story short, John and the player will kill all the bad guys, rescue the young woman, and recover some piece of evidence linking the Legion to the raiders. John and the caravans will return the the Long 15 with the player.


    After returning to the Long 15, the player will again be prompted to meet Col. Royez and let him know what the player discovered. Col. Royez will finally take the situation seriously enough to call up some troops for additional security. The player will then return to John's Caravan HQ, where the young lady the player helped rescue and John are getting to know one another - apparently love at first sight. Now, the quest-line can more-or-less end here: I have some ideas involving Col. Royez, but they are separate from the Caravan quests. John will offer the player a partnership in the caravan, which will give the player a new home in the HQ, some weekly caps deposits (going up the more money the player invest into the caravan), and the ability to skip the ravine worldspace and travel directly from the Long 15 to the Mojave Outpost - free of charge. Of course, if the player let John die, the divergent path needs to be planned out.




    Well there you go - these are relatively brief outlines but I hope some or all of it is to your liking.

  13. Hey, glad to see you're still working on this. I saw your question and would like to suggest perhaps adding something to the tollbooth area on the Mojave side to make it look like a caravan is waiting to go towards the Long 15. This would act like the boat going to Drywells, allowing the player to travel back and forth without the need for an NPC (unless you would like to add one), just having a message box appear asking if the player would like to travel to the Long 15, with a similar setup at the Long 15. This caravan would only be available if the player did not nuke the Long 15; and if you want to add some quests and such, could supply some interesting adventures, i.e. the player is hired on as a caravan guard and is able to save it from attack by Legion forces. You might also have it cost money to travel with the caravan, with the rate going up or down depending on the players status with the NCR.


    If you do decide to add a quest for traveling between the Outpost and the Long 15, I got a couple of ideas - let me know if you want 'em.

  14. Ok, that's fine. I looked up some images online, and the silo's in question are shaped like gigantic cylinders, basically with all the rooms curving around the missile. Here's are some artist's rendering of a converted silo (someone bought a silo and made it into a home):






    You don't have to follow that design, but it might give you some ideas. You also should consider using Speedy's Resources (with permission) if you want some additional resources.

  15. Hey Chad95, hope you don't mind but I have a couple of ideas for you:


    1. Size of silo - this part actually determines a lot of what I think you are having trouble with. If this is just a small single missile silo somewhere in the middle of a cornfield, then it doesn't need much past what you already have either than a main entrance, an armory, barracks, and maybe an airlock. On the other hand, if you are trying to make a massive military base, you should look at something like the missile silos in Lonesome Road, which are entire bases built around multiple silos. You might also consider adding something like a hanger as part of the construction in addition to those areas I mentioned previously.


    2. Location - like I said above, if this is a single missile silo - then you can place it pretty much anywhere in the gameworld, just making sure that there is appropriate room for the silo hatch (even if camouflaged). If this is a major missile base, then it wouldn't really make sense to have it in a well traveled area or known military location like Nellis AFB as those would probably be hit by an enemy's first strike. For example (in either case), if you're going to place this in Zion Valley, I would recommend having a more concealed entrance; whereas it would just be another military base in the Lonesome Road map.


    3. Quest or other - I suppose it all depends on what you want to accomplish with the mod. If you think you can make a quest mod based around a missile silo then by all means go for it. If you just want a location with just a couple of notes here or there for background, that's fine too. If the player will have the choice of using the missile, then you're going to have to determine where it will hit and what impact it could have on the game world - and you have several examples with Lonesome Road on what changes you would need to make.


    4. Cell Layout/Design - so I can't really tell much just based off of one image, but the one thing I will say is that the lack of general clutter (and or rust), gives the place a rather sterile feeling. Even if the place was completely sealed off for 200+ years, some damage could have occurred, either via flooding or burrowing creatures (like giant ants, molerats, or tunnelers) which means that you need a reason for everything to remain clean - such as worker robots or human engineers. I should also mention that you might want to plan out the layout in advance so that mod's cells don't overlap one another.



    I hope this helped you and I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

  16. Hi, I just saw a trailer for a new game called Overwatch and saw a character's armor/weapons I would really like to see in New Vegas. It's called the Reaper and looks like this:




    Here are two in-game screenshots:





    I like the armor overall, except I would prefer for the gauntlets and fingers to be completely black (not the spike or braclets), with the area between the elbow and shoulder also black or covered in the same material as the cloak. It would also be nice if the ammo belts were not red glowing things - I personally prefer something more exotic like the alien power cells or something more mundane like regular New Vegas ammo - there should also be nothing glowing and/or red on anything else on the armor.


    I would like for the eyes to glow blue, but that's not a necessity.


    The guns are really cool looking, and I would also like for any glowing red parts to be blue instead.




    Thanks for reading and I really hope someone can make this!

  17. Hi guys, sorry in interrupt the flow, but I was wondering what the scope of the mod is going to be - if this is just another companion mod, or something larger in size and depth like the Russell mod? The reason I'm asking is that theDemonJackal has created some interesting backstory elements, but it seems a little wasted without a quest or quest-line - in my opinion. I had an idea for an NCR super-mutant camp a while ago, maybe you can use it or adapt some of it:


    The idea revolves around Camp Guardian. As such an important vantage point, it couldn't remain unoccupied for long - but the threat of the Lakelurks underneath meant that regular troops couldn't just be sent in again or risk history repeating itself. A ragtag team of super-mutants (and maybe ghouls) is sent in (perhaps in cooperation with Marcus and Jacobstown) to hold the camp - one of whom can be Chauncey. There would be some quests involving getting the troops to work together and making sure the camp is functional, with an eventual assault by Legion troops. There could also be some end-game effects as well, with NCR super-mutants taking part in the defense of Hoover Dam - depending on the player's choices. Chauncey would at first be just an NPC, but would be hire-able if the player did enough to save the camp.


    You could also throw in Chauncey getting an offer from the Rangers at the end (I remember Fallout 2 mentioning the Rangers had some super-mutant members, but it's been a while since I played it and I could be wrong) which would unlock some unique armor/weapon showing his new status.

  18. Hi, I've experienced a very strange problem - when I enter a particular cell, there would be nothing visible but a blue fog. I tried to fix it by changing some options in the Lighting tab, but now all I have is darkness. I reverted to a previous version from several months before, and the cell works fine in that version. How can I fix this, and what is causing it?




    You can find the mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/46350/?


    The working version is in the MAIN FILES section - version v0.1.i.b

    The broken version is the OPTIONAL FILES section - version 0.1.j (the current uploaded version is before I tried fixing it)

  19. This mod looks really cool, but if I may, I do have just one minor quibble - the two buildings toward the bottom of the screenshots don't match the ruined versions (one story, ranch style buildings instead of multi-story office building) and you added cliff pieces instead of similar buildings next to the highway leading to California (great for blocking out LOD). That said, I have a couple of ideas for you to kick around:


    Long 15


    1. Since this is the main pipeline leading from NCR territory to the Mojave, there should be random caravans going to and fro.

    2. It would be nice to have some armored patrols doing the same.

    3. The wiki for the area has some interesting tidbits, including the fact that some vertibirds that crashed in the area are of Enclave markings - might be cool to have a secret enclave base somewhere nearby. If you're going to make a quest mod, then having a hidden Remnant base in the area could have some interesting story choices - from an attacking foe to helping to forge a treaty for a possible NCR ally.

    4. Again, depending on whether you are just making a static location or a fully-fledged quest mod, you can have everything from having the player start up their own caravan; investigating the murder of a prostitute (you're definitely going to need a saloon or two in the area); fending off Legion saboteurs; repairing equipment; etc.




    1. Other than a well organized Legion camp, perhaps laid out in straight lines, I can't really come up with anything to help you layout wise.

    2. Might be cool to have a crossover quest where a young girl is kidnapped and the player has to travel to Dry Wells to save her.

    3. One quest I would really like to see is the player finding a remnant of the Twisted Hairs that are making guerrilla attacks on the area. Some connection with the Ulysses companion mod would be great, as an optional way to convince Ulysses to join up. The 27 year gap between the pacification of the Twisted Hairs by the Legion and the events of New Vegas would have to be explained though, as would why nobody found them in that time.


    Well, looking forward to the release, good luck!

  20. Just wanted to clarify something from before:


    Flying Robo-Brains - basically, the turret would be static, just indicating where the weapon fire animation would be coming from (embedded). Basically, imagine this.


    Drone Swarm - OWB has the spider drones, but they're only visible if you take the Wild Wasteland Perk. That said, someone did make a mod with them. They're pretty big, and I was going for a swarm of really, really small versions - but the game engine probably couldn't handle the numbers I'm talking about (100+).

  21. VR World


    I probably just wasn't too clear before.


    What do securitrons fear? .... uh.... stairs? Since they were re-programmed by Dr. 0 (who seems to have a severe inferiority complex with Mr. House), how about that somehow being part of their programming and showing them a virtual image of Mr. House might mess em up?


    OWB zaniness - I'm pretty sure that brains wouldn't have been saved (the Courier is apparently an exception); but that said, it would be cool to have new weird looking enemies appear. How about a robobrain, with vertibird propellers for arms (reduced in size accordingly) and a turret instead of legs? By the way, had an idea on this one - is it possible to have a lot of really tiny robots (like the spider drones) that causes only a little bit of damage, but that constantly seem to respawn (until stopped)? This would be in one room/area only.


    BigMT Takeover


    I see the Enclave as cockroaches - never truly wiped out, only temporarily reduced in numbers. Every time they were supposed to be destroyed, they just returned again later. Countless military installations in the U.S. or annexed Canada would be perfect for them to crawl out of again. The Brotherhood doesn't appear to have the numbers to do so however, so it's doubtful they could mount a serious crusade.


    From the wiki: http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Big_MT

    : Big MT had few visitors, the sheer size of the crater serving as its best camouflage: most wastelanders assumed the ragged edges to be remnants of a massive nuclear explosion and avoided it altogether. The unfortunate few who wandered in disappeared forever, apprehended by robots and lobotomized by the think tanks to act as organic automata, maintaining the decaying facility and protecting it against scavengers. Over the years, it ironically became known in the wasteland as the "Big Empty", a place where nothing exists. Its size and aura of mystery blocked the establishment of trade routes and reliable supply caravans between the Boneyard and New Vegas, a fact that proved crucial to the Caesar's Legion survival immediately following the First Battle of Hoover Dam, as the NCR was unable to reinforce its army quickly enough.


    I think the reason Elijah, Ulysses, and Christine got in was because they went in individually; and Ulysses and Elijah apparently stayed long enough to need to establish bases. Getting out might have been more difficult for Elijah because he angered the Think Tank, requiring him to make an exit.

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