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Everything posted by Eplex
So there's a lot of cool mods out there already, with makes the game super cool. Just little things as the smoke mod makes my character badass 8) Ok, so first of, i've got this idea; When you're in a dialogue with an NPC, there's some options you can do sometimes, like try to make them give you more caps if your receiving a reward for a quest, which require Barter, other kind of stuff as well (Medicine, Speech etc.). But i'd like to see something where you can end the guys life if, lets say your good at Speech and Guns or something. This is something I loved to do in Risen 2 Dark Waters, sometimes you could click on a option named [Nuff Said!] and you'd shoot the guy in the head while your saying something badass. This just makes killing someone you hate or just don't like a lot more badass :tongue: I'd love to see this and be able to use it on any NPC at all time. And ofcourse he have to die from it :biggrin: I'd also love to see a mod which allows you to create your own 'gang' or 'clan or w/e. Like, you could just have a lot of normal NPC's as you're "muscle" and lets say a badass companion as you're right hand/middle man. And ofcourse you're own place, not like a little camp or something, but a big place where you own everything. Where you could either just find a empty big place whice noone owns, create your own place, or simply just buy a place :turned: Everything from a casino to military camp, maybe you'd earn income depending on which place you own? And not everyone are allowed to just enter your place, lets say they approach your guards and ask for passage, then on of your guards run to you and ask for premission, and you have the option to either say 'Yes', 'No' or something like 'Kill him' I'd also like to see a GOOD, well-working ridable something :tongue: Either a car or a horse or something. I'd love to have the same feeling when you're riding a horse in Skyrim :happy: I don't know if any of these ideas are already out there into mods, at least I haven't seen them.
I know I might be asking for too much. I just love GoT and A Song of Ice And Fire and got a little too excited :unsure: But yeah, if someone could start small like making NPC's and such look alike with armor weps etc. That'd be awsome as well. And maybe adding some of the titles from the series. Just as a start. If I were a modder i'd been working on that mod as soon as the modding kit came out. But as i've said im no modder. Just hope someone could make some of what i've written possible. :) Thanks for the comment, good to have support from a fellow lad ! :turned:
Ah, yeah! Thanks for reminding me! AMD came out with a new driver a few days ago. Thanks :tongue: Seven hells how I hate AMD. Anyways, turning A/A off worked :) And again, thanks for the reminder! :tongue:
Ah, yeah! Thanks for reminding me! AMD came out with a new driver a few days ago. Thanks :tongue:
Theres not much to say, the title says it all. It seems I have some kind of pixel bug, i've tried everything I could think of, nothing seems to help tho. http://i43.tinypic.com/4k8w1c.jpg I just can't play like that, never happend to me before. Yes, I do have some mods installed, and the High Res pack. But that shouldn't be a problem, never was either, untill I was going to play some Skyrim today (Haven't played in a while). Suddenly I stood there building blocks, like I thought I missclicked and started Minecraft, I was like wtf? :verymad: Thanks in advance! Oh, and if some Minecraft fans gets mad about a joke or two, don't worry, I play Minecraft too :happy:
This would be awesome! :biggrin: Something that should've been in the game when it released or with an update if you ask me!
I know right! But yeah, it'd take a lot time and effort. But I mean if someone could make it simple tho like; Just changing the map, with names and such from Game of Thrones. Making it possible to be some of the main characters from the series. Maybe titles (?) Just something more than whats already out there. But of course if someone could make what i've written above possible, i'd take the earliest flight to where that/those person(s) live and literally make love to them/him/her. NO GAY, JUST BROMANCE *BROFIST* I just love Game of Thrones :rolleyes:
Hey there! I've always loved Game of Thrones since it came out. I've probably watched it a hundred times just waiting for season two to come. Anyways, as i've just watched the series for the 101th time, I thought of how awesome it'd be to "play" it! I've seen a few, and by few, I mean two mods thats got something with Game of Thrones to do. ( A House Stark of Winterfell Package and Sandor Clegene's "The Hound" armor) I mean, both are pretty awesome, but i'd like to have more :) Like for example, turning Whiterun into Winterfell, Solitude into Casterly Rock, Markarth into The Vale (The Eyrie), maybe High Rothgar to Kings Landing (or any other big city which would be where the king of the "Seven Kingdoms" sat). And fill out the other houses around Skyrim. Bein able to "own" a house, be the Lord of some land would be epic! And the people within your house/land would threat you likeways too, treat you like a Lord. Being able to start as one of the main characters like, Eddard Stark, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Catelyn Tully, Cersei Lannister, "Littlefinger" or just a unknown rising Lord from any of the houses (there is a lot of them). Or maybe just a butcher or a Man of the Night Watch? Being able to choose like this, would be a very very awesome feature. And maybe you'd be able to earn titles, such as Lord, Lord Commander, Warden, Man of the Night Watch, Knight, Guard and so on ? Adding "quests" as you choose your house and side, the more "quests" you do the better respect you'd get from the house you're standing with. I mean these are all just examples, but I already imagine how awesome it would be, tho I do not know if it's possible. Just looking like one of the main characters would be awesome. And it'd be a whole new game if someone could manage this, I know it's a big project and it'd take a lot time, but I see Skyrim as the perfect game. ( Skyrim: A Game of Thrones :rolleyes: ) I'm no modder or anything like that, I just love Skyrim and Game of Thrones, so I don't know whats possible and whats not, but what I do know is that it would be the most awesome mod and a lot of people would love it. I'd probably spend more time with a mod like this than I did with the normal game :biggrin: There is a gaming coming out called Game of Thrones RPG, but it's a MMORPG. I don't think that will fit the world of Game of Thrones, I think i'd just be stupid. Tho it does look awesome. http://gameofthrones.net/images/Westeros_Maps/Map_Westeros_Political.gif Brace yourselves, Winter is Coming
Nevermind, found one who just released today! :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11193#content
I don't know if this is mentioned before or even if it's already out there (at least I couldn't find it), but what would have been awesome in Skyrim, I mean more awesome than it already is; A follower on horseback! I personally think it should've been there officially, it's pretty annoying when your follower lags behind you while you're on a horse. It would be great for normal questing and also for those who like to roleplay. It's simply one of those things that should've been there when they released the game. :turned: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_jl1hic-1-8/TdrmYj_0n6I/AAAAAAAAD_M/GDxyYHbkpzo/s1600/warrior-on-horseback.jpg
↑ Exactly what Natterforme said! :turned:
So this is my first post, and i'm new to this site. I realy like it and it's easy to install mods etc. with the mod manager. Anyways, I don't know if this have been mentioned before in the forum, but i'd very much like a realistic cape! I'm a cape person, I mean i love capes, it adds so much and makes everything a lot cooler just with a cape ! :teehee: So when i first found a cape mod i was excited, but then i was disappointed, cause it's like the cape is a part of the armor it's stuck in the armor. I mean i want it to be more realistic, i'd love to see someone make a cape that's ragdoll like. Also the capes i've seen are too short for my liking, they only go down to the knee. I'd love to have cape that almost reaches the ground. Like this (Tho you don't see what i mean, but i guess you guys get it :tongue: ) http://ewinsidetv.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/cape-wardrobe-sketch_320.jpg ↑ That cape is not one with the armor nor; stuck/not moving/or not realistic at. Btw! If any of you have played Batman: Arkham Asylum/City, a cape like that is what I'm talking about! :yes: Excuse my English, i'm from Norway! :tongue: