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Everything posted by Nillkarn

  1. Can I ask for a mod request for the Khajiit Caravans. I was wondering if anyone is able to make a mod that improves on the Khajiit caravans like making their levels higher and giving them proper stats and stuff for their levels like the Khayla in Ri'saads caravan have proper health instead of 50 hp cause she is wearing armor, so I thought she would have been the guard for Ri'saads caravan, but she can barely hold her own in fights..
  2. an update to this, I found the problem. it seems to be the bashed patch created in wrye bash.
  3. Decided to post this here, since i'm guessing its a mod issue.. When ever I start combat, the game crashes. I'm trying to get my mod list, but dont know how to do that without just typing them all down one by one.
  4. NVM Forget this.. Dont know how to delete the whole posting.
  5. Hello And I was hoping to get some help I've been getting a constant crash when ever I try to enter into nightgate inn. and I was wondering if its my mod list Here is my mod list. I hope its something with my mod list and not my game..
  6. well now i officially view 99% of the people here as being stuck up and only caring about themselves. since all my mods have started to stop working im gonna have to uninstall skyrim.
  7. Im trying to do my mod list order, but there are some unrecognized mods, and I don't really know where to put them. I've taken these from boss and edited it a bit and the unrecognized one please help me fix my mod list, if this is okay.
  8. just a thought, but that dragon knights guild thing you posted on the first page, You should ask hothtrooper if you can use the dragon knight armor for the guild npc. Or something.
  9. I dont know where to post this. If someone knows where i should post a topic where I can ask people to help fix my load order. But if its okay to post it here, ill post my load order on my next post.
  10. Is there a mod that i can use to stop npcs from saying things about my spells, cause its becoming rather annoying especially when i'm not even using any spells or have any equipped.
  11. nvm found out what was causing it. A mod I got from steam workshop called enhanced gameplay.
  12. well Im having a problem with the dogs in my game where they are glitched, Their models are glitched where I noticed that the dog in riverwood was floating above the stores roof, when it was on the ground the dog started moving through objects. it stopped and I noticed that the dogs front legs kept crossing infront of each other and the back part of the body kept going down and moving forward and glitching into the ground. ((Urghh Thats all I can remember, wish I knew how to do photos or a video.))
  13. Hmm I'm having a trouble with the dog models in game, I'm using mods, so I don't know if i should have posted this here on in the modding area. If its okay to post it here, Then I'll try to describe the trouble i'm having with the best of my ability.
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