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About kellsbells08

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  1. @ jopineapples - hihi i'm also slow, but in my defense a certain someone we know sent me this test version of an entire town and then got all "here! 24 hours! test! go!!" so i was doing that for a bit. ran with pineapplevision dark all of last night and my findings are... i love you. that is all. @ biggestkid - i actually have a pretty crappy.. well ok not that crappy.. but not that awesome computer and for me the FPS hit is pretty minimal so unless you're running on DOS or something i think you'll be fine :happy:
  2. i agree completely i think the towns look great at night. for me personally though i think the dungeons could actually be a bit darker - this is of course more of a preference than an actual critique because i just happen to like my caves DARK. i want to NEED the torch, ya know? but i'm not done exploring with this yet, and the caves i've investigated have all had non-natural light sources (campfires, etc) from bandits and the like. i've been taking a bunch of awesome pictures i'll start posting some in the am, and i can't say enough how much i LOVE this. especially for someone like me who really has no grasp of all that ENB stuff this is a life saver. :pirate: .. i just really wanted to use pirate face.
  3. ya, w.o.w. that skeleton picture is like amazing, where the hell has that been hiding?! as you probably know i am so excited about this, i've been looking all over the place for the perfect ENB because i am completely unable to understand any of their instructions haha, and up until now they've all been too.. something, or not enough something. so glad everyone managed to brow-beat you into releasing this! eagerly awaiting!! :thumbsup: edit - so eager in fact that i clearly can't even wait for you to post all your pictures before i start rambling on about it.
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