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Posts posted by kleinstaff

  1. The only skills I ever find myself grinding or training are Smithing and to a lesser extent Enchanthing. All the others I find increase quite naturally through regular play, and which skills I see level most obviously depends on what kind of character I'm playing.

    same here


    also it helps actually roleplaying your character to give him or she some reason to do things it also helps you enjoying this game much longer

    besides the smithing and enchanting i never gridn and skills are feveloped natuarrly acording to the sort of clas i am playing with

    i do however use the community uncapper and use thrue a mod my esceess dragonsouls for perk points i also use mods to modify several starting positions mods like timing is everything

    life another live

    and several others

    sometimes i use the console command to some minor items i think this character should have whe he started this adventure

  2. nords hand down and thats for every class

    they just th' best looking and from mid level playing it doesn't really matter anymore what stats you start with

    most og the race starting abillities tend to become insignificant but a nord warcry stays a handy power for when things really get out of hand


    oog-h and they are the best looking ones but i already said that


    there is no reason not to revisit the older settings lfrom morrowind or oblivion

    i wouldn't mind another rpic adventure around the imperial province still is a pretty large place and its been more than 200 years since we had a chance to explore it


    I disagree. There is a reason, and that reason is; There's still more to see! There's also the point about it stifling creativity, since all the art designs have been done, and anything would just be little more than a graphics update (wonderful though Dragonborn was).


    There's also Exploration, since you've already been all over said older setting... but then again, it is 200 years later, so a good deal COULD change, rendering that point rather moot.


    i understand your point but talking about creativity doesn't mean the game itself creativity in these games also include the story lines and the background settings

    also I am one of those person who would love to see a republished oblivion xith rg skyrim engine and graphics or even a morrowind

    and so much was unexplored in oblivion that in my opion a new epic adventure 300 years later in the imperial provinces could be done


    but it all depends on the story they come up with at bethesda

  4. All the recent games have been in an alphabetical order







    The next damn game is taking place in Valenwood

    following your logic it means it will be the last TES game

    it is probably more a coincidence than on purpose besides arena and oblivion are not provinces nut just a name related to the quest besides it wouldn't mind another epic quest ibn cyrridill (sp) its been more than 200 years since we last had a chance to explore

    and please do not men,tion ESO because that is NOT a TES game

  5. there is no reason not to revisit the older settings lfrom morrowind or oblivion

    i wouldn't mind another rpic adventure around the imperial province still is a pretty large place and its been more than 200 years since we had a chance to explore it

  6. you better start with SKSE , skui and racemenu

    after that you might want the CTD and memory boost installed


    after that it is all personal choice


    you can mod your game from high fantasy adventure to a dark gothic horror story


    or from a pure manga style adventure to a epic tale of survuval where even the land wants to kill you



    from a clean coservative fairytale to a story of pure debauchery that makes even sanguine blush


    it is all there

    my advice take your time to look for the right mod

    have a look at gopher videos how to mod your game

    read the mod escription carefully and build tp your mod collection slowly

    last thing you want to do is to download 100 mods installing them and than to find out they not compatible and your game ctds without knowing what mod is causing it

  7. Hey community. So I recently switched from sperg to SkyRe and I am overall liking the change.Though one thing that I miss about sperg was the ability to increase your max health by consumming foodstuffs. I think this is a neat concept and gives good reason to use food to restore health rather than the traditional health pots.


    Is there anyother foodmod out there that does a similar thing or is it perhaps possible to isolate the food leveling aspect of SPERG and develope it into a singular mod?



    Thanks in advance.

    actually you can not only does alchemy allows you to brew potions that raises your health stamina or magic , there are mods out there that allows you to raise those abilities by eating , all temporary tho

    one i know for sure is the realistic needs and diseases mod you can cook your own food if you got all the igriedients

  8. Well since they are sort of mutually exclusive... Which of these characters do you like better?


    IMHO I like Ralof 1000x better. He's charming, cheerful, and fun. Also, going with him nets you some sweet revenge on that witchy Imperial lady who tried to have your head lopped off. Plus the Legionnaires you encounter throughout the escape from Helgen drop much better loot than the Stormcloaks you encounter if you go with Hadvar.


    Hadvar is just a twerp and a sour grape.

    hqdvar not only is he a more to the earth sort of character instead of that deluded stormcloak zealot you also get free steel and iron ingots from the forge in riverwood

  9. So how do you guys get around Skyrim? Do you fast travel or walk the plains?


    I stopped fast travelling since a few hours into the game because it ruins the immersion for me. I have a lot of immersion mods, like Frostfall and Realistic Needs & Diseases, so I like finding a way to keep warm during snowstorms, collecting firewood to build a fire, camping, etc. It makes managing your stuff a lot more difficult too. It's more time consuming but you get to explore a lot more and see the beauty of Skyrim and stuff (especially with ENBs).

    And my horse is my only companion.


    However if I need to get allll the way directly across the map...I will use a carriage.


    What about you guys?

    as long i played this game i never fast travel i rather take the carriage than the instant wooops i am there

    sure taking the carriage is also fast travel but atleast i can immerse myself in it

    the only few times i fast traveled is when i forgot a important irtem or forgot to visit a important npc but thats rare

    besides much more can happen while traveling than fast travel and nothing better to make the dovhakin happy than he or she slaying some vile bears, wolves thieves assasins whole traveling it makes skyrim a better place , not to mention all the ingredients you can collect under way

  10. We've had an ordinary guard, an agent of the Blades, the reincarnation of Nerevar, another ordinary citizen, and the Last Dragonborn as the heroes of the past five main games. Any ideas as to what the next hero of the Elder Scrolls should be?


    Maybe a Shezzarine?

    oes it matter your character is the hero and you can do whatever you want him or her to be

    the heroe

    the anti hero

    the villan

    the saint


    as long bethesda stickd to its succes formulae and doesn't give in to cheap console instant satisfaction game play it doesn't matter what he or she is


    when meeko died

    i had him for a long time with some mods he worked great as a companion , i think we went thru 1/2 thru of the main quest complete dawnguard had him with me till we met some thalmor inquisitors with a death warant for my character i was so shoced i didn't even played for a week

    since then i kill every highelf i can and never took another dog companion with me


    edit sure i could make him essential with a followers mod but somehow it isn't the same any more

    wow it sounds like it made a huge impact on you


    well yes i love dogs in real life and the ingame story behing meeko was a nice touch and i got a bit too attached to a virtual dog

  12. on my latest playthru i am using a custom race the succubus using mainly conjuration and illusion spells with some destruction to back up her long range

    really funn and challeging

    i do use the balanced magic and the apocalypse spells package mods to boost the magic just that little bit

  13. when meeko died

    i had him for a long time with some mods he worked great as a companion , i think we went thru 1/2 thru of the main quest complete dawnguard had him with me till we met some thalmor inquisitors with a death warant for my character i was so shoced i didn't even played for a week

    since then i kill every highelf i can and never took another dog companion with me


    edit sure i could make him essential with a followers mod but somehow it isn't the same any more

  14. Enhanced Lights and FX is better than RLO in my opinion. Plus RLO doesn't affect Solstheim (if you have Dragonborn). Then you combine it with Climates of Tamriel. Or if you really like RLO, just add Climates of Tamriel. Just remember to disable the parts of RLO that conflict. Then select the CoT night darkness level you want.

    i second this combined with climates of tamriel it is as good as any enb with little or no loss in performance you also might want to look into another mod called imaginator



    with some tweaking you can have stunning results

  15. I am having problems with muffle. When I try to disenchant something with muffle on it, the game tells me I already know that enchanment. It however does not show up on my list of enchanments. Any help is appreciated.




    it shows up as fortify sneak not as muffle did you checled that

    if so am afraid i can't help you

  16. I played many mmos some of the best ones were p2p they quite simply don’t come close to playing any f2p game there is a huge quality and content gap. 15$ a month in all reality is nothing ppl try to justify the money aspect, I rather give money to something that will continue to be better overall then any f2p or b2p mmo on the market.

    I think once the skeptical TES players truly see what its like they will change their tune

    there is a huge different between a multiplayer sandbox like so many of the fans wish and the endless scripted grindfest what ESO will be , no matter what the developers are claiming there is no sandbox in ESO their own gamedesign and mechanics with their locked factions pretty much killed that concept

    tho i 100% agree on your points about p2p and f2p there is indeed a huge different , just look at the content games like WoW or EVE have compared toseveral others , there are indeed a few exceptions like WoT but overall p2p games tend to be much better in quality and content

    i do not think the sceptical TES fans will start playing ESO en masse

    the game just isn't TES it lacks just about everything what made the TES series so unique

  17. , you could play an online version of an Elder Scrolls game (maybe a maximum of 6 players, or something, but all sharing the same world). That way, you could have the fun of a group of friends playing together, minus the annoying griefers, immersion-breaking "wait in line to kill the boss" gameplay, and similar things that tend to come with MMOs.

    and somewhere somebody got it complete wrong

    the idea of a multiplayer TES has been around a long time and somebody misread it and thought we mean a MMO version of the game

    I would welcome a multiplayer version

    but a medioric MMO that offers nothing new in a already oversated market that is full of medioric mmo s just stupid in my opinion and sounds to me as a attempt to grab quick money

    iNot evey one is into MMOs you either love it or dislike it and even then there are MMO s you love and the ones you hate

  18. I'm doing a last playthrough in skyrim. What class should I be? I've been the swords and bow class a lot, but magic seems like it would be frustrating when fighting like a boss and I have to run around a while to let my magicka come back, and archery sounds like it would be fun, until you fight someone tough and you can't kill them from a distance and sounds like dungeons/cqb wouldn't be fun. What's a fun class to play with?

    there so many other possibilities

    ùy 2 current playthrous are a beserker

    which is the biggest 2 handed axe or warhammer you can find and charge the enemy using powerattacks if possible , you need good stamina and alot of hitpoints armoue up to you and the only magic branch is restoration and alchemy also need a little bit of archery in case those damn flying lizards refuse to land

    alchemy is important since most of your resistance and stamina potions come from there' comes from that branch


    second one is a custom race the succubus as a spellsword using a combination of conjurations and illusion to survive ,specially illusion since everybody attacks her when she is in her true form and do not cheat by turning off the succubus aggresion

  19. Hey there!!


    i have some questions pertaining to Skyrim


    Q. #1: I am looking for a mod that allows you to pan the camera around your character while he/she is in motion and not standing around, like you normally would be able to pan the camera.


    Q. #2: I have seen pictures from MANY many mod files posted either by the creator and/or the players via feedback and sharing of awesomness... How do I take a screenshot of my Skyrim character??? i wanna share the loves too!!


    hope to get a reply soon


    for screen shots open your console and type tfc 1

    game will freeze and you can pan your camera around

    to get rif of the HUD open console again and type tm

    to return to normal play open console again and type tfc 1 again


    to have a free camera while moving or not paused just type tfc in your console

    make sure you save before

  20. people expecting a multiplayer version of a TES game will be very dissapointed


    People who already playing MMO s will be very dissapointed


    Hardcore fans of the TES series will be very dissapointed


    But the secret is that alot ofg people will buy anything with the elder scrolls name stamped on it


    yje game was consdered flawed by the people zemo hired to test their alpha


    my time in one of the beta s was more a excersise in patience than anything else

    and the fact that it is taking longer than they expect plus that they intend to bring a console version aswell speaks volumes about how this game will go F2P within 6 months and go into maintance only after 18 months


    the whole game for a veteran MMO is deja vu and basicly is a carbon copy of the old dark age of camelot but with better graphics and TRS related names on it

    there is no immersion unless you call endless level grinding immersion , there is exploration especoally if you walk into that invissible wall that marks the border of your faction lands

    PVP is a laugh even so bad one can wonder what is the point


    so no it isn't worth it if you are a true fan orr a regular mmo player


    if you never played a MMO go ahead try it the novelty wears off after a few weeks

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