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Posts posted by kleinstaff

  1. the game was in such a state because it was designd for console users in the first place so for the pc users it looked unfinished


    the reason why it stand above other games is mainly because of the modding community and the almost infinite creativity of people who make these mods

    that is why oblivion made its name that is how skyrim made its fame and that is why the next TES will be in 4 or 5 years a finacal succes aswell, it is the console users who pay for it it is us pc users and mod makers who make these games so populair


    and i am sure people at bethesda realize this very well


    i wish i could play the skyrim version of oblivion

    i even think they could do this in a few years since they have all the rescources available , and i think it would even be a huge hit and a boost for the modding community

  2. Did Bethesda actually figure it out?


    I am shocked by how much more difficult the game becomes when moving from the default of Adept to Expert. Granted, I just started playing a couple days ago, but I never took beatings like this in Morrowind or Oblivion. I can't even imagine what Master or Legendary must be like.


    I am surprised to find this level of challenge in a Bethesda game. Not disappointed, mind you—just surprised. Maybe it becomes too easy down the road?


    I want to ask: Do you have to micro-manage your character's skills to avoid constant humiliation above Adept? I reckon I'm looking for a little affirmation here, that I'm not experiencing something unusual. My first and only character is a level 18 Breton warrior. I've not micro-managed the way I did in the last two games—I just play. I hope that's not going to paint me into a corner.




    highrt difficult levels is not making the game harder , in skyrim case master and legendary level is just a excersise in SM with you as victim , there is nothing more frustrating than a novice icemage killing your lelvel 40 warrior almost instantly with a simple sparks spell or a lowly banfint instant killing your character wearing deadric armour with on one hit with a iron sword


    it is in my opinion more immersive loading mods that changes the AI or the combat system than the vanilla doffoculty levels

  3. i can't really remeber my first pc anymore that was in 90

    i so remember however playing larry leisure suit on it now that im 48 i still play games


    my wife use to say that boys never get old only their toys get more expensive

    she might be on to something

  4. even then you can have different tactics of ways to kill

    a two handed specialist can mow down everything pretty fast with powerattacks while hoping he is faster than the enemy , a one handed specialist can use his shield and blockstill to deflect most attack and then strule out

    a assasin with max sneaking can kill everything without ever having been spotted aslong you are patience

    a magecan use a combination of illusion spells with conjuration


    i am sire others will have more styles

  5. Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases. They do everything that you describe.

    i would like to add the winter edition of seasons in skyrim


    make sure you set both frostfall and RND to hardcore


    we are not resposible for any characters deaths resulting from these mods

  6. just wondering what female skyrim players thought about the fact most mods for female armour/clothing means they wear very little and show a lot of T&A, does it bother you, is it something you accept because most gamers are men and that's what they are going to make if they make a mod.

    both my wife and my oldest daughter play this game on pc and especially my spouse has some pretty skimpy armour//cloting mods

    when i asked her about it her answer was jsomething along the lines of , but it looks great and sexy , besides it is just a game


    my opinion

    most of us are male and most of us prefer looking at some sexy goodlooking pixels for a hour or so at the end of each day than at some ugly dude in furs

    besides if you do not like them don't download them simple

  7. pse spells mod gives you alot of new spell thHey guys (and girls). I've been starting and deleting saves like crazy because I can't quite decide what to play as. I love being a mage and have played as one in all RPG's I've played. While mindlessly hacking and bashing with a swoard 'n board warrior can be fun (I've had two playthroughs as one), nothing really beats sending out lightning bolts from your fingers while two meat shield Dremoras bash my enemies to Oblivion.


    That's basically how my battles go once I have my Dremoras. When I don't, I try to survive by sending out a flame or frost atronach when I get the latter but in one way or another, I end up either backtracking through a dungeon with a million enemies behind me all wanting to kill me in various horrible ways. My magicka doesn't quite last, and I'm sure it's because of me not playing it right. I started a mage yesterday and bought the soul trap spell from Whiterun's court mage with a soeech impediment, Farengar and started spamming that on Nazeem after casting fury on him and watching half of Whiterun hacking away on his very uptight self.. I got to 100 relatively quick and invested as many perks as I could into it (going the full left and right paths, skipping the bound weapons part - a pure mage shouldn't need them anyway).


    Destruction is underpowered at higher levels, I know, but what I do know is that destruction is just a small part of being a mage, and I see it just as a backup if my crowd control spells or Dremoras don't cut it.


    It feels as if I have to rely on my summons to get anywhere (mind you I love conjuration, though) and while it is fun watching them tear those pesky pointy-eared Falmers and Thalmors to shreds, I feel like I wanna matter too.


    I love enchanting too but I don't really wanna have to get 0 cost spells because it feels like that is anti-mage, really. I mean, anyone can cast spells if you enchant four pieces of items with 25/27/29 percent reduction in either magic school but I'd like to think a good mage shouldn't need to do just that. Also, I refuse to wear armor on my mage and will rely on -flesh spells as I'd like to believe a mage shouldn't walk around in full heavy armor - that is for warriors. Maybe, just maybe I could talk myself into wearing light armor at some point but for now robes will have to do.


    What is the best ratio for magicka and health? Again, I don't wanna rely on 0 cost spells and I don't need much stamina as Lydia's my pack rat.


    Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, English isn't my native tongue.


    P.S. I don't like to play as high elves or bretons. I play mainly Nords.

    my secret for a succesfull mage

    1 balanced magic mod

    2 ^pocalypse spells mod

    3 some good followers


    balanced magic ùpd gives you just that little punch extra you need in order to bring down big boys

    the a^pocalyose spells mod gives you acces to a whole lot of new spell that can when used in combination with vanilla spell gove a a great boost , one spell that comes to my mind is the Blur spell

    followers , just make sure you do not kill them and avoid using AOE sêlls when they are near by

    otherwise it is not a good idea to come into a room sjooting off fireballs in all directions , be carefull and use the right spell for the right opponent

    small tip use bound sword to kill skeevers and wolves and to level up your conjuration skills

    second tip if you are a mage start the college spell as soon as possible

    that archmag robe makes a huge different ; true it might look awefull in vanilla but that is why we are using mods right

  8. well a few weeks ago i started playing skyrim again after a long break


    and guess what i still enjoying this game again like i did in the first year


    and behold i even found 2 places near winterhold i had never visitedd before


    If a game can still excite people 2 years after it launch it must be good


    the console version of the game pays for the next development but it is the modding community that makes these games such a succes


    lets hope people at bethesda know this aswell

  9. Anyone who says it isn't a real TES game is lying through their teeth. Even if it isn't made by Bethesda, it's made by the parent company Zenimax which owns Bethesda. Same company, different developer team is all. However, Zenimax is working with the Bethesda team to make sure lore is correct.



    I think the game will be good though, just probably not as good as the single player games.

    it is not a TES game it is dark age of camelot II with better graphics and different gamemechanics

    they market it as a TES game because the original DaoC failed and they know many of the TES fans will buy anything with TES name stamped on it

    It doesn't even feel lije you are in the Elderscrolls universe and it certainly is NOT a open ended sandbox full of exploration and discovery like the people of zenimax like to tell you it is just NOT contrary with all the restrictions placed on your character it is just not

    tou are so restricted in what you can do and go to that it pretty much going to end is a mindless grind just so you can hopefully join the big boys in doing .....what ? make some nerd metagammer who is living in hos motyher basement and divides his time between playing game and watching ( censored) emperor


    quest are repetitive and somehow feel wrong exploration well if you see a large group of people wandering around some cave entrance you know they waiting their turn to get in and do that quest

    and running into that invisible wall because you are entering another faction land , really great for immersion really it is

    and if you finaly come to the pvp part

    my youngest daughter hello litty online has more and better hardcore pvp than ESO

    even WoW s arena fights are more dynamic than whats in ESO



    the game will fail and probably go F2p within 6 months and that is me being genrous

    They had the chance to create something spectaculair new in the already overcrowded world of MMOs iinstead they made a carboncopy of something that has been done before many times before and hoping that the franchise alone will help them pay back the investors


    12 mil copies sold of skyrim alone you wouuld think that is a great audience for a true multiplayer elderscrolls but no we want WoW subscribers so just make ANOTHER WoW clone

  10. But that, kleinstaff, is you not liking MMOs. It got nothing to do with how ESO is a TES game in every sense of the word.


    ESO is a TES game. It is in Tamriel. It contains lore, it contains stories. You meet known characters. You fight known enemies. You see familiar landmarks. You see familiar races.

    Don't flap lies around that.


    ESO is NOT a open-sandbox-game.

    ESO is NOT a graphic-masterwork.

    ESO is NOT a singleplayer game.

    ESO is a MMO.


    You level up.

    You progress.

    You grind.

    You get gear.

    You raid.

    You PvP.

    You turn the graphic to minimum to perform better.


    TES single player games and ESO are two different worlds. HOWEVER, they are two worlds in the same book.

    If you expect an improved Skyrim, then you will be disappointed.

    If you expect a story-filled adventure with a community, then you will be surprised.


    I say: Give it a chance. It wont hurt you to try. When you buy the game you most likely get a month free. Use that to test it. Problem solved.

    ooh i do like MMO s i just do not like the endless grinding most of them offer

    and lets be honest if you can choose between a 60 man raid



    or a 3000 player battle



    i take the second one

    but each their own choices

    and yes i was there so you probably understand my resent ment to themepark MMO s

  11. Thanks for making it more clear Kleinstaff, i shall wait for TES6 :D

    well i am not saying you shpuldn(t try it


    but a MMO is something you either like doing or not

    my experience with the beta ESO was pretty negative , to keep it short it has nothing of the epicness , openended game of my sigle player modded skyrim, it is even pretty dull


    back to MMO s i pretty much dislije the more populair mmos where you need to grind endless levels just so you can play with the bigboys like most MMOs today it is boring and they are full od teenagers running around screaming they owned your mom

    another style of MMO is the open ended sandbox games where the developers provide only the tools and it is the players who make the stories

    at first sign they seem harsh and open to griefing but actually there is more griefing in WoW than there is in EVE online by the way and if you get griefed in the latter it is mostly your own fault

  12. 01. Im looking at ESO and it looks Amazing, but i Hate Online Gaming and i Seriously Hope this kind of stuff and Animation is in TES6



    02. Do we have a Main Forum Section or Thread Section about ESO


    03. How does Online Gaming work, must you pay every month for some kind of fee even though you Bought the Game.


    04. How long do MMO Games last if a Company doesent support it no more.


    05. How do you start or stop playing if the Game goes on and People finish the MQ, yet your just a Noob at the Beginning of everything since its not like your average Single Player Game.


    06. Is MMO safe and how does the screen look like, or is there constant text with People typing.


    07. How Rude can People get if you can avoid it somehow.


    08. What is the general reason on Hating ESO in particular


    09. Can you Only play a MMO Game when someone is Online aswell, like i have to wait for just 1 Person to be Online so i can play. How does MMO Games work in terms of Multiplayer Games, because i know in Multiiplayer Games, there has to be a Person so you can play aswell in witch i Hate Multiplayer Games.

    i Hate to dissapoint you but that video is not what you will get when they release it eventually

    my advice stay away from ESO it has nothing to do with the ES series and not even made by bethesda it is made by zenimax they only bought thr license on the name everything else they claim to betrue ES is basicly a pire lie and a marketing gimmick like i said there is nothing ES on it except its name


    Basicly ESO is a remake of a older MMO that called dark age of camelot that while fun for a few hours eventually failed because it places yoo much limitations on the player actions ibecause of its game concepts almost impossible to expand


    game is marketed with the idea that all ES fans will buy anything with the TES name printed on it even when it is completely fake

  13. TES was not there in the list because of bethesdas skills ibn making games it is certainly not there in the list because of the console/ vanilla version of the games


    it is up there in the list because a group of creative people in their free time and for free are making mods that make these games the succes story they are


    it is sad that bethesda systematicly refuses ro acknowledge this nor do they ever acknowledge that while it is true the console brought in tthe money it is the pc version and the modding community that made these games the succes they are and because of these modding community their next fallout and TES game will be another succes


    it is about time bethesda acknpwledge this


    because without these modding community their games are medioric and to be hpnest not the kind of games people will buy

  14. lets be honest , skyrim and in lesser way oblivion are there in the list not because their vanilaa/ console version nor because bethesda can create well made games, the vanilla console version of skyrim is actually not a good game


    TES is there in the list because of all those people with a incredible creative mind , are making mods and improving the game , in their spare time for us for free, it are those people that made the series the succes it has become

    bethesda only gave us the frame work to work with and even then it was never according to bethesda to make these games so moddable

  15. Locked factions is nothing new, and has, in fact, worked out well for the biggest MMO's out there. As for classes... I was under the impression that they were still going with the class-free perks based system, allowing players to focus in either Stealth, Combat or Magic, or dabble in all three. At least, according to interviews, that's what their still aiming for. It may not be present in the Beta, but personally, i don't play Betas and have little time for people who base all their decisions on a Beta. By it's very nature, a Beta is unfinished, often suffering from unimplemented features, half done environments and horrible balance issues. It's the release version which is important, which we still don't have.


    And personally, i couldn't give a rats ass about PvP. Hate it. PvP was literally the reason i broke it off with my last GF (She wanted me to PvP with her, wouldn't take no for an answer). It's just more of the force fed competitive bulls*** i talked about earlier, and frankly, it can die in a fire.

    if you start with a mmo you engage in pv even if you soley concentrate on the pve side of the game , it is all about competition , getting the best stuff before your competition gets it
    they are well into the beta , overhauling a huge game mechanic now will only delay the launch date and they already delayed it once the have deathlines to make they will not change it now or never will
    it also means they have to develop a new character system and since none of those people at zenimax can actually developed anything i am pretty sure they keep it like it is now
    in the last 18 months i ve been followin the development they promised us so much
    the few beta events i ve seen were just very dissapointing and they seem more concerned about getting the game working without major bugs and glitches ready for sale than making a good g original game





    Anyway, back to the point... TES online is trying a different approach than other MMO's, being the lack of structured classes. That, in and of its self, is at least worth looking into as a player, because classes have become an antiquated model where the game designer gets to tell you, the Player, what you can and cannot be and do, rather than letting you find your own way.


    I tend to

    excuse me ?

    a different approach ???

    it is just the opposite they are doing there is aboslutely nothing new in ESO , everything you see has been done before and is way too restricted in factions and classes

    all their talk about exploration comes down to that a npc will tell you to go and clear some cave near by instead of that npc telling tou to go and kill 100 goblins or what ever

    and you find that cave pretty easy it is the one with alot of other players waiting their turn to enter the cave

    the whole basic game concept with locked factions and a large pvp area is a exact copy of the old Dark age od camelot MMO a game while it was pretty well done , that eventually failed because it placed too many restrictions on game play and almost impossible to add new content that fits the world they created

    and sticking with predetermined clesses leads to very predictable character types the tank the mage the healer and the rogue all 4 with very predictable playstyles


    and the pvp well my youngest daughter hello kitty online has more and better hardcore pvp than ESO ever will have



    I also disagree that there's this pandemic of griefing in MMOs. Modern MMOs are so sterile that you can't really be griefed anymore


    pppffff lets hope he nevers play EvE o,line than or he probably rage quit after a hour and throws his pc out of the window


    but then again griefing occurs only if you let yourself open to griefing and that is for every online game out there


    i tend to agree that ESO will go F2P after a certain time most likely in 6 months esêciammy now that they are working on a console version aswell

  18. never fast travel

    never do a daedric quest unless i m playing a evil character

    always try to kill serana atleast once

    always start a character with a death is death playstyle , but usually gets so attached to him or her i continue playing

  19. Just curios, I have seen some really awesome faces, I know some are mods that make it look good. But I was wondering if anyone knew any good places I could get slider info from to copy some of those cool faces? Or maybe presets? thanks.

    a combination of face mods , alot of patience in getting the right face proportions during character creation and the right lightning when taking the screenshot



    Problem is, they are much too late to the MMO bandwagon. People are sick and tired of MMOs, and of not being listened to when they ask for the ability to "play with their friends online". Playing with friends online does not necessarily mean MMO. With a role playing game like TES3/4/5, it should be several friends joining up together to form a party without having to connect to a central server, without having to deal with other people (not in the party) griefing, attacking, or just getting in the way, and so on. The MMO model is probably the worst possible thing that could have happened to the TES franchise.


    I disagree. I don't think the market for simply cooperative games is there anymore. People want to compare themselves to other people and beat them in some way or another. There needs to be some sort of leaderboard or PvP to capture most of the "online multiplayer" crowd's attention. I personally don't believe "LAN Elder Scrolls" would be very popular. It would be novel at first, but it would soon grow old if the entire point is to just wander around with a friend. There needs to be a goal.


    What I personally want is a highly modular game. Something that would allow me to:


    1. Play a single player campaign when I feel like it
    2. Team up with friends with the character I've built in my single player campaign for challenging group content
    3. Enter in PvP matches with my single player/co-op character that I've made stronger via #1 and #2


    he has a good point

    the MMO market has gotten too big with too many medioric games and people want to create their own story not somebody else s story

    and with a few exceptions most MMO s will be gone in a year or 5

    just look at the top 5 MMOs of today games like WoW and EVE online , both very different games with each their own public, in WoW so old and well established and still they find neew ways to enrich the game with fascinating content

    whule EVE online gruelling and backstabbing as it is it is the players that create 90% of all content themselves

    those are 2 successtories that only a few others can rival and in my opinion how MMO s should be unique and challeging


    if zenimax had instead upgraded the skyrim engine modemed tamriel and make it so that only you and a few selcted friends can form a party on their own everybody wpuld have been happy and even if they sold it for 200 euro per copy they would still sell more copies than they will ever have ssubscriptions for ESO

  21. bottom line is that while skyrim was made with console first with all its limitations


    it is the pc version and the modding community that made the game one of the best selling games of the last 3 years


    lets be honest the console version and vanilla version are horrible looking and buggy and glitchy at best


    while it was probably never bethesda intentions skyrim became a quality game after they launched their creationkit

    i know several people who eventually bought the pc version because the game was so improved after the CK

    my own daughter is one of them


    the majority of sales might be because of the console version but its fame and mark it made on todays gaming industry is because people can mod the hell out of the pc version and really do what bethesda so likes to promote



    and people at bethesda realize this all too well even if they rarely will admit this

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