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Posts posted by kaiserxkai

  1. For example the Campaign runs on a server and without a 'player', where AI lords will participates in battles over time and seek to conquer each other.

    Whenever the AI starts a battle, a 'server' appear on the multiplayer custom server for players to join, whether it's Player vs AI (Lords Vs Bandits), or Players vs Players (Lords vs Lords, or Sieges).

    The game flow will be kept slow enough so that while a battle goes on and on without being resolved, the campaign can still progress on it's own, the important thing is that players join into co-op or pvp matches and are given the synopsis of how the war is going on (and maybe even allow players to join a faction and fight as a member).


    You may get matches where match-ups are so skewed that you can be obliterated.

    You can say have caravan of merchants get attacked by a lord, and it can impact the economy which might play a role in how well armed the players are?

  2. Something is needed to overhaul the reticle mods because you can swing a weapon in another direction and the reticle is delayed so you won't see it.


    Would be best to have a dot active at all time in the center, and if a weapon is equipped a large circle appears around the dot (maybe 100 pixels radius) and a orb will be used to indicate the current 'direction' your camera is moving towards (rather than 4 directions it's 360 degrees, so you can tell at all times if it's updating the direction). The current reticle is so far away from the screen and updates too slowly when you swing.


    Alternatively have the 4 directional reticles be closer to the center, and have the dot and ring remain active at all times when a melee weapon is equipped. Sometimes especially with spears, I notice the first person aim is really off trying to stab someone.


  3. dir -Path [directory path] -Recurse | Unblock-File

    "This command will recurse through a directory and all sub-folders and unblock them. If you have a few files that you trust but were downloaded from the Internet, you can quickly get them all by sticking them in a folder and running that PowerShell command on them to have the stream property removed. It certainly beats the weird issues that can be caused by this setting and weird workarounds to zip the files up, unblock the zip and then extracting the files again."


    Found this online while searching. Very useful.


    Another useful trick:

    If you wanna organize the mod folders properly and not having to rename the mod folders all the time...

    - Rename the folders for the base game modules to have "00" in front of them.


    And looking up stuff, we could make use of environmental variables to jump to folders with ease, you can create a new variable for the module folder and when unblocking you wouldn't need to type in the directory every time a new mod is added.



    Or someone creates a bat file in the mod folder that 'unblocks' all folders in the current directory, so you run that every time you put mod folders in...

    Looking it up, you use %cd% to get current directory.

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