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About Jason210

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    Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, War Thunder
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  1. It's ok, it's sorted now. They were just activated in the in-game menu, for some reason. Every time I start F4, I have to activate them now.
  2. Hi I haven't played F4 for a few months, and now when I started it today none of my mods work. I understand that this is due to Bethesda's Creation Club update. I tried re-installing the mods through NMM, which is what I originally used, in the correct order, and locking the plugins.txt file, but it didn't work. I don't have a lot of mods, but I like the ones I have and I'd like to get them working again. I notice that on the file, the load order seems to be wrong. Any help appreciated. This is what I had: Fallout4.esm DLCCoast.esm ArmorKeywords.esm DarkerNights.esp DarkerNightsDetection.esp gloomyWeather.esp CBBE.esp el_AgentOutfit.esp BuildableBurningCampfires.esp /Jason
  3. Microsoft have long term plans to kill the desktop, and have all games sold through their wall garden store. That's when free modding will stop, unless Linux clients come into play.
  4. Hi Can anyone tell me which mod is best for making the nights very dark? Thanks Jason
  5. Hi For years I've been using RCRN Anniversary Edition for fixing the lighting and making it very dark in caves and at night. I like pitch black. However, I've noticed that hardly anyone uses it these days, so I was thinking of using something more popular. Would appreciate some advice. Jason
  6. The current tactical commands for companions are very limited. Are there any mods that give you additional options for your companions? When attacking, I often have to use "stay" to stop my companion running into the midst of the enemy and getting killed / stunned, but then the companion does not defend itself if attacked. Would be nice to have at least one more command like "hold position" where the player will not move but will shoot. I can envisage a few more tactical commands that would be handy in certain situations.
  7. I found at least three gameSetting variables that I can alter in order to change the detection sensitivity of enemies. So that part is solved. All I need to do now is make a script or two to change those variables when fog comes, and change them back when fog goes. Wondering which is best approach for this? Obviously, I need a way to trigger such scripts. Next, I was thinking at first to change these variables when the weather changes, but I'd still need to script to run to "listen" for that weather changing event. Another problem is that since weather transitions happen over a long period of time, a sudden change of detection values may not be the best approach. Perhaps a local variable could be used to detect fogginess? Any help appreciated. /Jason
  8. Hi I made a weather mod that includes thick fog and noticed that when there is thick fog, the NPCs seem to detect me as if the weather is still clear. Or at least, they detect me more easily than I can detect them. I noticed that fog actually works against me, rather than provides me with a stealth advantage. In the next update to my mod, I'd like to fix it so players have this stealth advantage. I was wondering if there is an easy way to change this? Any help appreciated. /Jason
  9. So, I've been trying to figure this out on my own, and it looks like we have to use sound descriptors, as these have conditions built into them. I think the sound marker needs to be linked to a descriptor with the conditions to activate. Custom weather objects then form part of the conditions expressions.
  10. Hi Actually I didn't mean interior cells so much as shelters that are part of an exterior, like shacks and so on. Anyway I'm not sure it matters. Basically I duplicated a couple of weather objects, changed a few parameters to create the weather effects I wanted, then I saved it all as a plug in. I forgot about the interior sounds. How is this achieved? I notice there is sound marker reference in the room called "AMBWeatherRainFakeInteriorMetalSmallmarker" and this is the sound I want, but I don't know how to get it to work with my weather. Any help appreciated. Thanks Jason
  11. Hi Since the first two digits of objects that have dynamically allocated form ids are variable and cannot be documented, how can such objects be accessed via the console? Also, is there an easy way to convert a decimal number into a hexadecimal string? Thanks in advance /Jason
  12. Hi Thanks. They are useful to know - especially the TM one. That ought to slow down the passage of night :-) /Jason
  13. Hi Is there a way to Day - Night Cycle Speed? I play a lot at night and like it to stay night while I'm playing. Cheers Jason
  14. Thanks guys. So there a few approaches to this which seemed impossible to me. @hollaajith: B wouldn't be dropped when PC is in an exterior cell - a simple check prevents that - that was the easy part :)
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