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Everything posted by cmonster66

  1. Baron of Hell, Thanks for the quick reply! This is an error on my understanding of CBBE, then. I just remember (I think?) from FO4 you could configure it in NMM in a drop-down menu and run it that way...I could have sworn it had an executable, but it looks like I was mistaken (aaaaand I am. I just looked at the CBBE files on Nexus. No .exe for that. Thanks tons for that piece of information!) I do see executables in the Bodyslide and Outfit Studio, though. It is the same black torso silhouette as what I recall seeing from my FO4 NMM setup. Yeppers, I'll delete the files and do a clean reinstall of CBBE and Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. Oughta be fine. Thank You, Baron of Hell, and best regards! -Cmonster66
  2. ..ergh. Going through my download history, I think I had installed a few mods through NMM before starting to use MO2. I have deleted and reinstalled the mods via MO2, aside of one that is a manual install straight into the Data folder. No biggee. Just helps me jump higher. Unfortunately, One mod I will have to do some very time consuming move of a sheit-ton of goods (books, armors, weapons, crafting materials, et....) to my other player homes before digging deep into the files and individually deleting all files to be on the safe side. I can then re-download via MO2, I believe.) Also, the main .esm files (Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires, Dragonborn) appear in NMM, while they show up as "Managed by outside source" in the load order on MO2. I had installed the game before knowing about MO2. I'm wondering if I can drag/drop those files into MO2 without creating a black hole or two or accidentally dividing by 0. I may reinstall the game after I finish futzing around with this character and wanting to start a new playthrough. The game is (hope I don't jinx myself) actually running great...so far-ish. Thanks for the quick response, WastelandAssassin! I need to respond Baron of Hell since he did tell me something about CBBE I need to go look at and apply. Have a great day and Thank You! -Cmonster66
  3. Howdy, y'all! (Sorry for the long initial post. I feel I need to explain my current state of affairs with modding: semi-sorta-kinda-noobish? I also apologize for this being probably TLDR for most folks. I believe in giving as much evidence as possible for resolutions to problems...it stems from doing help desk work and dealing with people who have no damn business owning a computer! HRNK!) I seem to be having an issue getting CBBE and Caliente's other mod, BodySlide and Costume, set up to work properly. I didn't have issues in FO4 with Caliente's mods, however, I used NMM to take care of mods. I think I have something like 1500+ hours into FO4 and had to learn everything about modding from (well below) the ground up. I think for a 52 year old fart I have done fairly well with the learning curve I finally started playing SSE in March and have found out modding is somewhat more in depth with tools and digging into files. No big deal...I kinda enjoy futzing around like that. I decided to give MO2 a shot as my mod organizer and, Holy crappers!, I prefer it over NMM! (I'm curious how the next iteration of NMM is going to turn out and I'm waiting for Gopher to use it more before tentatively giving it a shot...I digress.) Now...my issue may be a misunderstanding of how, or, if, CBBE works well with MO2. I downloaded the CBBE mod manually and followed Caliente's instructions to the "T", I believe. I went to get the shortcut set up in the "Pick A Program To Run" box just left of the play button in MO2. I couldn't find an .exe file for CBBE anywhere. I went ahead and installed Caliente's BodySlide and Outfit mod properly and was able to find the .exe file for that and was able to put that shortcut into the above mentioned short cut box. I just couldn't seem to get CBBE to run for me. I also cleaned out the manual install and allowed MO2 to install the mod, but the files didn't wind up in the spots where Caliente said they should be, but resided under desktop>ModOrganizer2>Mods. Yes, I run MO2 off my desktop. It works for me. I think I have a decently powered gaming computer, as well. Am I going to have to run CBBE another way? There are a few mods I have that are handled by NMM, actually. I don't seem to be having conflicts and crashes (except around now Winterhold, for some reason. If I even get close to it, CTD. If I fast travel there, CTD. I'm getting a message at the beginning of SSE play that my SKSE is out of date and SkyUI won't work properly, but LOOT says SKSE is up to date...but that's another issue). I do use SSEEdit, FNIS (as of recently), I have Wrye Bash downloaded, but not installed yet, and can generally figure out issues before bothering y'all. I'm newish to modding SSE, but not a noob with computers. RTFM works well most of the time, right? I will post my (laaaaaaarge) mod list if y'all want, but please forgive me if I misuse the way to hide the damn thing under the "spoiler" function...that still fummfers me for some reason. I do understand quite well that a big mod list creates issues different from one player to the next. I have overwritten files, but that hasn't posed issues as far as I can tell. (The Winterhold thing started after I began getting the "SKSE out of date" message in the game but not in LOOT. And, Yes, I know LOOT isn't perfect but more of a guideline for mod order. I frequently move mods around when needed after LOOT-ing.) Thanks for any advice, in advance! Please forgive me for typing in full sentences and hopefully coherent paragraphs, also. It's a generational-thing, I guess. Have fun and play well! -Cmonster66
  4. Hello All! I hope I'm posting this in the right place. If not, please advise. My character was soundly whacked and bitten by Frost Spiders. I noticed I couldn't tell how long the effect of Frost Spider poison was going to last and that has bugged me. I played for several hours yesterday, took Cure Poison and even Leveler's Cure Poison with no cure of the poison effect. I figured it might have to go away with time? If so, I would love to know how long effects like this are going to be going on. I know that in the far right column of the Magic category (access by "TAB" on PC) it shows the effects a player is under and generally shows how much time an effect is going to last, but for some reason Spider Bite Venom/Frost Spider Poison isn't showing the remaining time for the effect. Is there a mod out there that maybe SkyUI utilizes to show something other than the white cross icon in the HUD to do this for poisons or other effects that may be long-term? Would somebody please make a mod for this? Heh..I just want to be able to fast travel again! Thanks in advance! cmonster66
  5. Could you point me to some sort of guide on exactly what i need to get rid of to remove the old F4SE? It's been long enough that I've kinda forgotten what's what and don't want to start picking and choosing. Sorry about the late reply! What I did was just make note of what is in the new FO4SE folder after it unzipped. I had that window open and also a window for the destination folder. I basically compared the stuff in the new, unzipped folder and deleted the similar old files from the destination folder. I then copied the new files and pasted them in the destination folder. This might be a round-about method of doing it and I'm sure another player probably has a better. more efficient way of doing this....this is just what I wound up doing and it seems to be working so far. I had looked on YouTube to see how to install FO4SE and found several videos. Trophy Hunter's video worked best for me as far as clarity of instructions: I had figured it would be best to delete the old files before pasting the new ones in the destination folder. Again, I don't know if how I did this was the best way. I am still working out some power armor issues....I can't get out of power armor, the HUD usually displayed while in power armor isn't showing, and the power armor is glitching like crazy...parts aren't showing. I run a sh**-ton of mods, so I have my work cut out for me. All of my mods had been working and playing nicely together until I futzed around with these updates. I'm opting out of further betas. This has sucked. Hope you get things worked out! Just be careful, as always, with deleting files. Back up that game! Thank you much! But yeah, still feel like my best option is to wait a bit longer until more mods and stuff catch up as well. Maybe do a completely fresh mod installation and just match what I had in my save game. Oh well, still have New Vegas in the meantime! Could you point me to some sort of guide on exactly what i need to get rid of to remove the old F4SE? It's been long enough that I've kinda forgotten what's what and don't want to start picking and choosing. Sorry about the late reply! What I did was just make note of what is in the new FO4SE folder after it unzipped. I had that window open and also a window for the destination folder. I basically compared the stuff in the new, unzipped folder and deleted the similar old files from the destination folder. I then copied the new files and pasted them in the destination folder. This might be a round-about method of doing it and I'm sure another player probably has a better. more efficient way of doing this....this is just what I wound up doing and it seems to be working so far. I had looked on YouTube to see how to install FO4SE and found several videos. Trophy Hunter's video worked best for me as far as clarity of instructions: I had figured it would be best to delete the old files before pasting the new ones in the destination folder. Again, I don't know if how I did this was the best way. I am still working out some power armor issues....I can't get out of power armor, the HUD usually displayed while in power armor isn't showing, and the power armor is glitching like crazy...parts aren't showing. I run a sh**-ton of mods, so I have my work cut out for me. All of my mods had been working and playing nicely together until I futzed around with these updates. I'm opting out of further betas. This has sucked. Hope you get things worked out! Just be careful, as always, with deleting files. Back up that game! Thank you much! But yeah, still feel like my best option is to wait a bit longer until more mods and stuff catch up as well. Maybe do a completely fresh mod installation and just match what I had in my save game. Oh well, still have New Vegas in the meantime! I didn't have that mod, but I do remember seeing it here on Nexus. I haven't had any more issues with f4se, but I did double-check my install and I had it set up correctly. I posted below in another response, but the issue wound up being a PA animation mod that I wound up uninstalling. For whatever reason, that stopped the problems. Thanks for the input, Good Sir, and happy gaming!
  6. I wound up uninstalling a power armor animation mod and that fixed the issue with the PA bugginess. It was one of the mods that allowed the player to basically hop in and out of the armor rapidly instead of the slow vanilla animation. Kind of a bummer since I liked the mod. I left a (hopefully) detailed bug report for the modder.
  7. Could you point me to some sort of guide on exactly what i need to get rid of to remove the old F4SE? It's been long enough that I've kinda forgotten what's what and don't want to start picking and choosing. Sorry about the late reply! What I did was just make note of what is in the new FO4SE folder after it unzipped. I had that window open and also a window for the destination folder. I basically compared the stuff in the new, unzipped folder and deleted the similar old files from the destination folder. I then copied the new files and pasted them in the destination folder. This might be a round-about method of doing it and I'm sure another player probably has a better. more efficient way of doing this....this is just what I wound up doing and it seems to be working so far. I had looked on YouTube to see how to install FO4SE and found several videos. Trophy Hunter's video worked best for me as far as clarity of instructions: I had figured it would be best to delete the old files before pasting the new ones in the destination folder. Again, I don't know if how I did this was the best way. I am still working out some power armor issues....I can't get out of power armor, the HUD usually displayed while in power armor isn't showing, and the power armor is glitching like crazy...parts aren't showing. I run a sh**-ton of mods, so I have my work cut out for me. All of my mods had been working and playing nicely together until I futzed around with these updates. I'm opting out of further betas. This has sucked. Hope you get things worked out! Just be careful, as always, with deleting files. Back up that game!
  8. When I did the unzipping with a program besides 7zip (whatever crap program Windows 10 utilizes), the files y'all are talking about were missing for me also. Unzipping with 7zip solved the issue for me.
  9. FO4SE updated after a Beta came out for FO4 recently. If I am understanding your problem correctly, you may need to update FO4SE....that is IF you are getting automatic updates for Betas that come out. I decided to try out the Beta and changed my updates to include the Beta releases. Immediately afterwards when I tried to start the game through FO4SE, I received somewhat of the same message you did. I had to wait a day and the fellows and gals who make FO4SE released an update to the script extender sometime withing the last 24 hours or so. My game is somewhat working aside of not being able to get out of power armor at the moment. Looking for answers for that here now. I deleted the older version of the script extender completely and installed the newer version. It recognized the Beta and I had been able to play. My power armor entrapment may be unrelated since it is a power armor design by one of our modding community members. It's called The Network by the_rotten_core. Badass power armor, by the way. I don't know yet if SE is futzing up the armor and the HUD system. Still researching. Hope the SE update will cure your gaming ills!
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