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  1. Hello, I'd like to ask if there is such a mod which makes NPCs treat my custom race like a Khajiit? Originally I would've just used custom textures on a Khajiit race, but then I wouldn't be able to use PCEA for custom animations.
  2. Hello, not sure If I should be posting this here but I'll try anyways. Is there a good ENB that makes it darker in caves and at night? I want a use for my Magelight spell / Torches. I'm aware there are tons of ENBs that do that, problem is I use a laptop that is pretty much a low performance computer... So my question is, are there any ENBs that makes it darker without lowering the performance of my laptop (and sending it overheating thus killing it)?
  3. I've recently seen some very nice images of characters wearing this armor mod, but when i finally found the name, i had trouble locating a download link until i finally stumbled across one in another mod website. Is there a reason why this mod isn't on skyrim nexus or any retexs at all? Image: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=35714
  4. There is no right or wrong, it depends on your point of view. Personally I sided with the Imperials, but thats only because Ulfric discriminated against the other races. Where I live (Singapore), we live in racial harmony. Otherwise, I would have sided with Ulfric since I REALLY dislike the thalmor. Plus I'd rather serve under Elisif ^////^
  5. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8714 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10748 (Heard it might cause bugs)
  6. Hmm, how about this? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9755 It modifies breezehome to feel more like a real home, unfortunately the mod is best used before u enter breezehome for the first time (something about saving the placement of objects or something) so it has to be used on a fresh save. CBBE body: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2666 For faces, I guess this? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7897 For hair, theres plenty of choices. I think... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10168 or http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6173 (I use this but its not exactly lore friendly) Of course u don't hav to use the above... I myself am still new here so there might be better choices ^ ^
  7. Hello, I'm new here. Just thought I'd request if someone would make a mod for familiars. Yeah, i know there are already mods like that, but the kind I'm thinking of are those cute furrets/squirrels (or skeevers/baby dragons if its gonna be lore friendly Q.Q) that normally lie on the shoulders of their mage partner. Something like this? http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/draco_gallery/75614.jpg Or http://th04.deviantart.net/fs37/300W/f/2008/258/1/f/Asuna_and_Camo_by_nosegrindxxl.jpg (Sorry, not good at searching for the right images T.T) Kinda thought about this when I saw a pet dragon mod (the tiny thing was just adorable) and was wondering how it'd look on the shoulder of a Dovahkinn. Thinking of it as more of an accessory rather than a summon/spell. Reason I prefer it as more of an accessory was because I always felt followers/pets always got in the way especially when using larger spells or when I'm sneaking about. If someone would kindly make it, please and thank you ^ ^
  8. Um, i tried as you said, but when i entered the game (not sure if it matters but it there was a box saying something about item loss) When i got the ebony armor again (through ` command), the armor was still heavy. I'm not sure if i did anything wrong (i tried to followed your instructions to a T)
  9. Thank you very much ^ ^ I'll try it in awhile
  10. Hello, I'm a new skyrim player ^ ^ I recently downloaded a Tera Elin mod that replaces the texture of the Ebony Armor (Heavy) into a Elin appearance. While i do like the look, i'm more of a stealth player and heavy armors aren't my thing. Is there a way to convert this Ebony Armor into a Light armor?
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