Hello, I'm new here. Just thought I'd request if someone would make a mod for familiars. Yeah, i know there are already mods like that, but the kind I'm thinking of are those cute furrets/squirrels (or skeevers/baby dragons if its gonna be lore friendly Q.Q) that normally lie on the shoulders of their mage partner. Something like this? http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/draco_gallery/75614.jpg Or http://th04.deviantart.net/fs37/300W/f/2008/258/1/f/Asuna_and_Camo_by_nosegrindxxl.jpg (Sorry, not good at searching for the right images T.T) Kinda thought about this when I saw a pet dragon mod (the tiny thing was just adorable) and was wondering how it'd look on the shoulder of a Dovahkinn. Thinking of it as more of an accessory rather than a summon/spell. Reason I prefer it as more of an accessory was because I always felt followers/pets always got in the way especially when using larger spells or when I'm sneaking about. If someone would kindly make it, please and thank you ^ ^