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About Poacher886

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  1. So i have Tue storms installed, but i think its a original issue anyway, basically, the rain is really chunky and highly visable, during the day its possible to see ok, but during the night, the rain is still the same white colour and thus i cant really see jack!! I remember reading somewhere you could adjust the size of the rain drops (to be much smaller and less frequent, which worked a treat, but i cant find this info anymore...any help? Thanks
  2. Well the said animation has been in use since since the 70's and probably prior...think 'Sinbad the Sailor' and 'Clash of titans', and would be the ideal animation for Summoning of Skeletons. Failing that, at least the current re-animate animation, would bring the Skeletons slowly up from the ground in a far more convincing manor than the present 'Poof' with accompanying loud annoying noise, and instant appear! ...especially if the magical swirling was removed to just literally leave the Skeleton raising up. I dont have the skills to help unfortunately, but hey, even if you cant get the wanted animation, but could create the desired spell, i know many including me on the Nexus would be more than grateful !! A Necro spell that Summoned in a single cast ,a Skeleton for 'say' every 75pts of Magika you have would be sublime, as it would gain inuse as you level up through the game gaining more Magika....!
  3. See my Summon multiple Skeletons request mate....this is exactly what i've been after, a simple spell for necromancers that can summon (in a single cast) 1-6 Skeletons of 1-5 level both depending on the Spell level of course, which come up from the ground in a defensive circle (when there are enough of them) around you. That would be amazing, i cant believe its not in the game or ever been modded either!!!????? Even the 're-animate zombie' animation would be an ok alternative.
  4. I've always thought it crazy that, following slaying a few foes, there is not a single drop of blood on the player, only his / her weapon!! Seem nuts to have blood all over the NPC's and floor, yet you look like you have just had a dry clean! A mod to fix this would be most welcome, especially if it can be compatible with the otherwise excellent mod 'Enhanced blood textures' Thanks
  5. I'm waiting for 'Big Navi' which, according to Lisa Su, will be released this year. XT 5800/5900/5950 is rumored to blow a 2080ti clean out of the water. Not that I care much about rumors or NVidia. I might hold tight myself, alot of graphics tech coming through this year, big navi being one. Was just interested in if AMD had sorted the teething probs with their drivers on older games.
  6. So, there are Skeleton follower spells like Bone collector in Ordinator, and spells to summon a single Skeleton, but im after a spell that summon;s 1xSkeleton per 60 magicka, thus having 300 magicka would summon 5 of them at once. It would be even better if they could come up from the ground in a circle around the player, or even use the follower 'reanimate undead' animation to start from, simulating them rising. Also something more subtle than the 'Poof' that normal sounds and playes when animating a summon spell, like a silent black mist or similair. There are no good necromancy spells like this!
  7. Its the new RDNA architecture im interested in....you dont need to upgrade yet!
  8. Just wandered if anyone is playing SSE with either the AMD RX5700 or XT and are there any issues?? Im thinking of getting one, but i hear some people having various driver issues with some games including Skyrim.
  9. Edit, sussed it, had to delete the SKSE folder in the main files
  10. Despite having updated the SKSE64 version a thousand time before, the latest iteration refuses to be recognised. It just says, " game version expected , but i have" ???? I dont get it, tried reloading a few times...any idea'a as i was looking forward to playing over the hols! Thanks
  11. Hi, As the title suggests. I recently migrated from the old NMM to Vortex, largely without a hitch, now i have all my mods working and in place i wanted to go into CC and a adjust a few stats like weights of certain objects, i.e Purified water. Im familiar with this very basic level modding and have had no previous issues, except now, when i change the stats, save it as a 'My mod file' and go in game, the weights have not changed?? when i open said files in FO4Edit, it still shows the adjusted weights, thus they are sticking and being saved??...My 'mod file' is and has been activated in Vortex. Oddly, changes i made to some recepies have worked fine, its seems to be object weights that wont stick?? Any idea's as to why these no longer appear in-game Thanks
  12. Thanks, though im not quite following you.... I've run HUD Setup.exe in the Data/Interface/ folder. Then saved that modded ui, and placed saved file in the DEF.CONF folder at the top as prescribed, nothing changed though??
  13. So ive recently moved to Vortex and updated all my mods (165 of them) as i re-installed, once playing again i soon got a crippled limb for my head, which results in 25% of my f-ing screen taken up with a guy walking with a bandage round his head in the top right hand corner!!! Given im playing survival mode with "easy heal" disables i could be crippled for some time, Im having problems getting into the game with this damm poster of my injury spilt all over the screen, its pointless i have a pip-boy for status!!! So "immersive hud" does nothing and does not give me the option to remove, DEF_UI does not work period.... Please tell me there is a way to get rid of it altogether?? Thanks
  14. Ok thanks, ive now seen the perk....wish i could write a script, but wouldn't know how to start.
  15. So ive always found it odd that there was no hotkey toggle for the music....when i enter a pub, i like to hear the music, when im outside, i like it off mostly, but on again when im enjoying the scenery, and so on. Its so immersion breaking and frustrating to have to enter the system menu, then scroll down to the music tab, then slide it to off, then back again. Could we have a mod that enables us to set the music level in the system audio tab and simply toggle it on/off when in-game?? Thanks
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