Hi, As the title suggests. I recently migrated from the old NMM to Vortex, largely without a hitch, now i have all my mods working and in place i wanted to go into CC and a adjust a few stats like weights of certain objects, i.e Purified water. Im familiar with this very basic level modding and have had no previous issues, except now, when i change the stats, save it as a 'My mod file' and go in game, the weights have not changed?? when i open said files in FO4Edit, it still shows the adjusted weights, thus they are sticking and being saved??...My 'mod file' is and has been activated in Vortex. Oddly, changes i made to some recepies have worked fine, its seems to be object weights that wont stick?? Any idea's as to why these no longer appear in-game Thanks