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About valin77778

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  1. Actually it is still in production A few months has been passed, any updates yet? Actually yes it is still in production and it just taking longer because the author had to move and lost some people in the process but rest assured it is still on don't worry he's working very hard on it.
  2. I completely understand not having the time. I to am in collage tue-Thursday but the other days are taken up by studying and practice. Focus on collage it is more important.
  3. Do you have any sort of a time frame for release? May like December 2013 or January 2014 . I know this is a bad question but i am very exited for this mod. Perhaps a better question would be what percentage of the mod is completed.
  4. so i have been back to this form least 2 times a week since my last post and was wondering if it is still in production. because if not than i don't want to get my hopes up. if so then continue working and thanks for continuing work on such an amazing project. It would be nice if you could let me know seeing as you haven't responded to the previous persons post. thanks. - Valin
  5. We estimate sometime in the next 2-3 months if the team stays as small as it is, and we keep working. Pretty much everyone minus 2 or 3 people have dropped or left the project for life reasons or personal reasons. This is my full time job pretty much, and I have been a TES fan forever so It will release before the end of this year for sure. I appreciate your interest and I started this post the moment we started the mod, and I wanted the development to be open from the start, so no your not asking any bad questions. Thanks ~ Jo'Rhajak Thank you for the response. this is very exiting to hear i am not going to be playing skyrim until sometime next year so this is good. I am very exited for this keep up the good work. also i am sort of a role player and am planing out my next playthrough and was wondering how it starts if you get a letter or if there is a boat somewhere or something else? i don't want spoliers just wandering if the quest comes to you or you stumble upon the quest. anywayse like i said great work thus far cant wait to play.
  6. I am still extremely exited for this mod and follow it intently. I love what you are doing here keep up the good work. Look I know this is a bad question because you bro bobbly haven't the slightest idea but I still want to ask. Do you have any projection on how long it will take to complete. I'm guessing it could take up to 6 months or longer to complete because of how much you are doing but if you have a rough estimate that would be nice. I currently am not playing skyrim I am waiting for this mod and a number of other projects to be completed and am playing modded oblivion in the mean time. So any ideas? Thanks - valin
  7. I have been following this project and am extremely exited and waiting and was wondering how far along in development are you?
  8. So I am a big fan of house telvanni and I love morrowind. There is a couple comments I wanted to make on this project. First I love it and can't wait for it to be released keep up the good work(:. Now to what I am expecting and hoping for. First I would love to be able to join house telvanni and would love a big quest line relating to house telvanni because I love the house. (Mabel even become the head of port telvannis) I can't wait o revistit the great port telvannis and travel on morrowind once again. Question do you take any inspiration from tamreil rebuilt port or are you going to build a whole new one for the 4th era? Just some thoughts - valin
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